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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide Partiels/sports
Message de maximeb posté le 19-09-2015 à 16:07:47 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !
Je suis Maxime en Fac et pour des partiels je dois décrire un exercice de sport, avec minimum 150 mots; au lycée j'étais plutôt bon en anglais ( 16 au Bac), mais avec 9h de cours par semestre en Fac j'ai beaucoup perdu.. J'ai donc écrit ce texte et j'aimerais si vous le voulez votre aide pour me dire si c'est correct.. J'ai cherché quelques mots dont je ne connaissais pas la traduction sur internet mais du coup j'ai peur qu'ils ne soient pas adaptés au contexte de la situation, voici le texte :

Rules : You need an half handball field, 5 or more players in the left middle corner with balls, 5 in the right middle corner and a goal. One player run in direction of the goal with his ball and one player of the right corner run in the same direction, when player without ball is around 11 meters of the cage his friend with ball make an handoff. When he received the ball, he uses his 3 steps, goal say at the last moment with his hand where player must shoot.
The points of this exercice are to choose the best moment to do a great handoff , to improve game vision ( see the goal and shoot speedly). It's a good drill to strengthen handoff, to strengthen call ball and to precision shoot. Young players often have difficulty to shooting in the good place after received ball. It allows them to understand the importance of handoff in the good moment, if you are to late the player can't shoot with precision, and if you handoff to early and there are defenders, you loose the surprise effect of changement. They have to must repeat this exercice frequently because it's like a fondamental. I make sure that they have the right posture, the difficulty is to have a good posture, a good technique with speed, don't confound speed and precipitation.

Merci à vous

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-09-2015 18:32

Réponse: Aide Partiels/sports de here4u, postée le 19-09-2015 à 22:11:45 (S | E)
Hello !

I'm sorry I don't know anything about handball (and cannot guarantee any technicality ) but I can correct your English !

Rules : You need an half handball field, 5 or more players 1 in the left middle corner with balls 1, 5 in the right middle corner and a goal XXXXXX . One player run in direction(towards) of the goal with his ball and one player of the right corner run in the same direction, when XXX player without X ball is around 11 meters of the cage his friend with XXX ball make an handoff. When he received the ball, he uses his 3 steps, goal say at the last moment with his hand where player must shoot. (there are several mistakes - vocabulary and grammar- but I can't understand what you mean...)

The point(s)(the interest?) of this exercice are to choose the best moment to do a great handoff , to improve game vision ( see the goal XXXXXX and shoot speedly). It's a good drill to strengthen handoffS, to strengthen call ball?? and to precision shoot??. Young players often have difficulty to shooting in the good place after received X ball. It allows them to understand the importance of handoffS in the good moment, if you are to late the player can't shoot with precision, and if you handoff to early and there are defenders, you loose the Lien internet
surprise effect of changement. They have to must repeatARGHHHHH! Oh, you're hurting me ... this exercice frequently because it's like a fondamental. I make sure that they who's 'they'?)have the right posture, the difficulty is to have a good posture, a good technique with speed, don't confound speed and precipitation.
Seems to be funny ... Hope it'll help!

Réponse: Aide Partiels/sports de maximeb, postée le 19-09-2015 à 22:38:55 (S | E)
Thank you, I'm sorry if I have hurt you with my grammar and my vocabulary
I want speak english like you.. but it's difficult ! I hope you a good night.

Réponse: Aide Partiels/sports de maximeb, postée le 19-09-2015 à 22:52:09 (S | E)
Rules : You need a half field, 5 players or more in the left middle corner with balls and 5 players or more in the right middle corner and a goal keeper . One player run towards of the goal with his ball and one player of the right corner run in the same direction, when the player without a ball is around the goal aera, his friend with the ball do a handoff. When he receives the ball, he uses his 3 steps, the goalkeeper show where the attacker need to shoot

The interest of this exercice is to choose the best moment to do a great handoff , to improve game vision ( see the goalkeeper and shoot speed). It's a good drill to strengthen handoffs, to strengthen communication and improve precision in the shoot. Young players often have difficulty to shooting in the good place after received a ball. It allows them to understand the importance of handoffs at the good moment, if you are to late the player can't shoot with precision, and if you handoff early and there are defenders, you lose the surprise effect.
They have to do this exercice frequently because it's like a fundamental. I make sure that the players ( attackers) have the right posture, the difficulty is to have a good posture, a good technique with speed no precipitation.

I hope this version is better than the previous one

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-09-2015 08:53


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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