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The missing vowels/141

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The missing vowels/141
Message de marit64 posté le 30-09-2015 à 23:07:03 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, I'm giving you the number of vowels in 3 out of 10 answers.

1- To accuse of a crime, especially to accuse a person who works for the government of a crime against the State. ..... (hmcp) 3
2- The side of the face below the eye. ..... (hkc)
3- A kind of metal or plastic capital to protect the finger and push the needle when sewing. ..... (bhltm) 2
4- To think desperately hard. ..... (crk)
5- A cone-bearing evergreen tree. ..... (rcd)
6- A period of a hundred years. ..... (tcrn)
7- Object having no point or sharp edge. ..... (nbtl)
8- The inner surface of the hand between wrist and the fingers. ..... (lpm)
9- To place a dead body in a grave. ..... (rb)
10- Slightly red. ..... (dhrsd) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/141 de flowermusic, postée le 01-10-2015 à 00:23:08 (S | E)
Hello Marit

That's my try

1- To accuse of a crime, especially to accuse a person who works for the government of a crime against the State. ..... (hmcp) 3 impeach
2- The side of the face below the eye. ..... (hkc) cheek
3- A kind of metal or plastic capital to protect the finger and push the needle when sewing. ..... (bhltm) 2 thimble
4- To think desperately hard. ..... (crk) rack
I racked my brains to find your word.

5- A cone-bearing evergreen tree. ..... (rcd) cedar
6- A period of a hundred years. ..... (tcrn) century
7- Object having no point or sharp edge. ..... (nbtl) blunt
8- The inner surface of the hand between wrist and the fingers. ..... (lpm) palm
9- To place a dead body in a grave. ..... (rb) bury
10- Slightly red. ..... (dhrsd) 2 reddish

Have a sweet sweet week

Réponse : The missing vowels/141 de , postée le 01-10-2015 à 18:53:58 (S | E)

Hi my dear Marit

This time around a few of the words I confess, made me sweat and they gave me a hard time. I however hope they 're all of them right though I'm not sure of one out of the ten. Have a nice day Marit.

1- To accuse of a crime, especially to accuse a person who works for the government of a crime against the State(hmcp) Impeach.- Destituer.
2- The side of the face below the eye. ..... (hkc) . - Cheek. - Joue.
3- A kind of metal or plastic capital to protect the finger and push the needle when sewing. ..... (bhltm) 2 . - Thimble. - Dé à coudre.
4- To think desperately hard. ..... (crk). Cark. - (se) Contrarier
5- A cone-bearing evergreen tree. ..... (rcd) . - Cedar. - Cèdre.
6- A period of a hundred years. ..... (tcrn) . - Century. - Siècle.
7- Object having no point or sharp edge. ..... (nbtl) . - Blunt.- Obtus.
8- The inner surface of the hand between wrist and the fingers. ..... (?lpm). - Palm. - Paume
9- To place a dead body in a grave. ..... (rb) Bury. - Enterrer.
10- Slightly red. ..... (dhrsd) 2. - Reddish. - Rougeâtre

Réponse : The missing vowels/141 de swan85, postée le 05-10-2015 à 13:23:29 (S | E)

Hello Marit
Thank you for this new exercise

1- To accuse of a crime, especially to accuse a person who works for the government of a crime against the State. Impeach (hmcp) 3
2- The side of the face below the eye. Cheek (hkc)
3- A kind of metal or plastic capital to protect the finger and push the needle when sewing. Thimble (bhltm) 2
4- To think desperately hard. Rack (crk)
5- A cone-bearing evergreen tree. Cedar (rcd)
6- A period of a hundred years. Century (tcrn)
7- Object having no point or sharp edge. Blunt (nbtl)
8- The inner surface of the hand between wrist and the fingers. Palm (lpm)
9- To place a dead body in a grave. Bury (rb)
10- Slightly red. Reddish (dhrsd) 2

See you soon

Réponse : The missing vowels/141 de joe39, postée le 08-10-2015 à 12:41:37 (S | E)
Good morning, dear Marit64.
Here is my try.
1- To accuse of a crime, especially to accuse a person who works for the government of a crime against the State. Impeach..... (hmcp) 3
2- The side of the face below the eye. .Cheek.... (hkc)
3- A kind of metal or plastic capital to protect the finger and push the needle when sewing. Thimble..... (bhltm) 2
4- To think desperately hard. .Rack.... (crk)
5- A cone-bearing evergreen tree. Cedar ..... (rcd)
6- A period of a hundred years. Century ..... (tcrn)
7- Object having no point or sharp edge. .Blunt.... (nbtl)
8- The inner surface of the hand between wrist and the fingers. . Palm... (lpm)
9- To place a dead body in a grave. .Bury.... (rb)
10- Slightly red. Reddish..... (dhrsd) 2

I have really had fun in doing this exercise and I hope I have been able to cut the mustard, too.

So, I thank you very much for your fine work and remain,

Yours friendly



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