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Correction/Imprimante 3D

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Correction/Imprimante 3D
Message de owrel posté le 04-10-2015 à 16:11:54 (S | E | F)
j'ai un texte à rendre, j'aimerais savoir si vous pouviez me dire si vous voyez des fautes de grammaire ou d'orthographe, je vous en serais très reconnaissant!

How operate a 3D printer?
As its name suggests, a 3D printer allows printing something in 3D. For this to happen, it only takes to create an object thanks to software and to send the file to the printer. This one can begin to print the object, layer by layer, using a laser. The material used is often of plastic but can to be also resin, nylon or metal.

What can be printed with a 3D printer?
The answer is simple: everything. The only two limits are the printer's size and the imagination of its user. The 3D impressions can be some microns in several meters. That’s why, the fields of application are endless. Its technology allows today to build all kinds of objects and even houses or bridges.

A technological revolution
What makes this technology potentially revolutionary, it is the absence of industrial constraints to create an object and thus a very wide field of application such as the medicine, the jewelry and the civil engineering. Its price, increasingly affordable even allows for private individuals its use. The printer’s evolution, more and more big and precis, will become an inescapable machine.

The 3D printer allows from a 3D representation to make a real object without industrials constraints with various materials .

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-10-2015 16:25

Réponse: Correction/Imprimante 3D de gerondif, postée le 04-10-2015 à 23:07:59 (S | E)
oui, je peux vous dire que je vois des fautes, surtout de grammaire, de traduction mot-à-mot de structures françaises, comme quand "du plastique" devient "of plastic".
Erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert.
How operate a 3D printer?
en général, on utilise l'infinitif complet: "How to cook a cat in three lessons"
As its name suggests, a 3D printer allows printing something in 3D. For this to happen, it only takes to (ne se dit pas, lea structure est "all it takes is" + l'infinitif complet) create an object thanks to software and to send the file to the printer.
This one (maladroit, mettez plutôt un pronom relatif) can begin to print the object, layer by layer, using a laser. The material used is often of(à supprimer) plastic but can to (horreur, pas d'infinitif en to derrière can, et also vient avant le verbe être) be also resin, nylon or metal.
What can be printed with a 3D printer?
The answer is simple: everything. The only two limits are the printer's size and the imagination of its user. The 3D impressions can be( il faudrait le verbe aller, puis une fourchette aved "de"...jusqu'à", comme dans "I will work from 3 to 5") some microns in several meters. That’s why, the fields of application are endless. Its technology allows today to build all kinds of objects and even houses or bridges.

A technological revolution
What makes this technology potentially revolutionary, it(à supprimer) is the absence of industrial constraints (je ne sais pas si c'est le bon mot)) to create an object and thus a very wide field of application(pluriel) such as the medicine, the jewelry and the(à supprimer, pas de the devant les généralités) civil engineering. Its price, increasingly affordable (ne peut pas s'appliquer au mot prix, un objet est abordable, pas un prix) even allows for private individuals its use(construction tordue). The printer’s evolution, more and more big and precis(revoyez les comparatifs he is slimmer (adj court) and more elegant (adj long) than me. Vérifier l'orthographe de "précis") , will become an inescapable (ne veut rien dire) machine.

The 3D printer allows (manque un verbe avant ce from)from a 3D representation to make a real object without industrials (adjectifs invariables en anglais) constraints with various materials .

Réponse: Correction/Imprimante 3D de owrel, postée le 05-10-2015 à 12:08:02 (S | E)
Je t'en suis très reconnaissant d'avoir pris le temps de lire mon texte. très bonne démarche de m'expliquer mes erreurs, j'ai appris quelques règles grâce à toi, encore merci


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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