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Voyage / Angleterre

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Voyage / Angleterre
Message de louulou8825 posté le 28-10-2015 à 10:26:38 (S | E | F)
je dois raconter mon voyage en Angleterre et j'aimerais qu'on me corrige les fautes de temps, d'orthographe,de grammaire s'il vous plait...
Voici mon texte :

We were gone at 5,30 a.m in bus at La place des déportés. The travel was relatively long until Dunkerque where we took the boat. Fortunately, the sea was slight. When we arrived in England, we were enthusiastic at the idea of discover our family. The family came to find us in the point of produce you to Watford. We came to know with Lydia in the car then she makes us discover her house as well as her daughter, Daisy. The house is very nice but she isn’t very clean. In our house there was a lot carpet on the ground, the windows opened outside, and to switch on the light of the bathroom it is necessary to pull a string. It is really different with regard to house French
At the time of sitting down to eat, we were very disappointed because Daisy and Lydia didn’t eat with us. Furthermore, in the room of the top there were only three beds so a girl had to sleep below, only, in the cold. Commodity, nobody wanted to sleep below we decided to sleep in two in a bed in order to sleep the four together. We were so much exhausted by the day of travel that we fell asleep very quickly.

Anecdote: Right from the start, adventures began. Indeed, when Lydia started the car door badly closed opened starkly resulted a big slowdown of Lydia and a lot of laughter. Oh god! The shame!

Tuesday , we were gone in Cambridge where we visited the city and its many college which King's college.
During our guided tour, we learnt that Cambridge is the university city with thirty one college which most of them are coeducational except three.
It's romantic town with well-matched colours due to in autumn. Many people who live in Cambridge respect the environnement by moving on a bike or walking.

King's College is a prestigous school founded by Henri VI in 1441. King's College possess a chapel wich is a very beautiful exemple of British gothic architecture. King's College Chapel, a hall church 290ft/88m long, 45ft/13.6m wide and 80ft/24.4m high, is renowned for its 12-bay interior in the Perpendicular style with first and second testament. It's the only chapel of the world which has breathtaking fan vaulting by John Wastell. King's college has his sports club. A lot of students practise rowing on the river Cam. This school has a great,luxury bedrooms for teachers however student's bedroom are little but still pleasant.

Thursday :
At 8 am, we have to start to go to London so as to visit Imperial war Museum. The Imperial War Museum is a very big museum is in which we speak about the World War I but also about the second war. It is a very interesting museum where we have to discover more in detail these two wars. Nevertheless, we don’t have a lot of time to look at everything: it is frustrating. In this museum we discovered the war under a British point of view so we learnt that there was a company of recruitment in which 750 000 soldiers joined the army by 1915, we learnt that the battle of the Somme was very violent and caused many death and we also learned that at Christmas, German and British soldier emerged to meet in the frozen strip of mud between the trench. We were able to see propaganda posters, equipment of the soldiers, the weapons, shells… In this museum, we passed in wrong trench. I think that a great experience who allows us to understand better than is a trench.
After the visit we ate in the park of the museum. This is a nice park. Then, we went to walk in the district of Westminster. By walking, we saw Westminster abbey, the London eye, Westminster palace, the Big Ben and Buckingham palace. It was an incredible walk where we discovered many of the big English monuments. London is very beautiful capital with many red light, traffic and ambulance especially in autumn when the color of trees becomes identical to that of the bricks of houses. On Thursday, we were in western London which is richer than is East of London. Western of London is essentially established of former “(old) rich”
We passed in a park of London before going to see Billy Elliot where we have to meet of numerous such as swans, gooses, squirrels.
At about 2:30 am we went to Victoria Palace to see Billy Elliot's musical. This comedy was really exceptional with dancers and quality singers. The moment when Billy dance with another one dancer bigger on Swan Lake was exceptional and magnificent.
The only problem it is because one not understanding necessarily plays on words or English jokes
After beautiful feelings, we are to return to the bus to go into families to Watford

Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-10-2015 10:56

Réponse: Voyage / Angleterre de louulou8825, postée le 30-10-2015 à 14:58:43 (S | E)
Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît ? Merci d'avance pour votre aide et vos réponses.

Réponse: Voyage / Angleterre de lucile83, postée le 30-10-2015 à 17:40:56 (S | E)
Erreurs en bleu (les plus importantes). C'est trop mot à mot. Essayez de corriger ce passage.
We were gone at 5,30 a.m in bus at La place des déportés. The travel was relatively long until Dunkerque where we took the boat. Fortunately, the sea was slight. When we arrived in England, we were enthusiastic at the idea of discover our family. The family came to find us in the point of produce you to Watford. We came to know with Lydia in the car then she makes us discover her house as well as her daughter, Daisy. The house is very nice but she isn’t very clean. In our house there was a lot carpet on the ground, the windows opened outside, and to switch on the light of the bathroom it is necessary to pull a string. It is really different with regard to house French.

Réponse: Voyage / Angleterre de louulou8825, postée le 30-10-2015 à 21:50:25 (S | E)
We went at 5,30 a.m in bus at La place des déportés. The travel was relatively long until Dunkerque where we took the boat. Fortunately, the sea wasn’t rough. When we arrived in England, we were enthusiastic to discover our family. The family came to get us in the rendezvous point you to Watford. We got acquainted with Lydia in the car then she made us discover her house as well as her daughter, Daisy. The house was very nice but she wasn’t very clean. In our house there was a lot of carpet on the floor

voila les corrections que j'ai apportées =) merci pour cette correction

Réponse: Voyage / Angleterre de louulou8825, postée le 30-10-2015 à 21:52:36 (S | E)
the windows opened outside, and to switch on the light of the bathroom it is necessary to pull a string. It is really different from French houses.

Réponse: Voyage / Angleterre de louulou8825, postée le 01-11-2015 à 12:44:33 (S | E)
S'il vous plait pouvez-vous m'aider ?
Merci pour vos réponses.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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