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Gap Year 2/ help

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Gap Year 2/ help
Message de sarah971 posté le 31-10-2015 à 13:24:57 (S | E | F)
Bonjour/Bonsoir !!
J'ai recréé un "sujet" car on m'a dit que j'avais fait une sorte de hors sujet Merci de ne pas le supprimer
J'aurais besoin de votre aide pour corriger mon texte qui doit répondre à cette question "Would you like to live and study abroad for a while?"

In the 21 st century, more and more students decide to study in a foreign country.
In fact, I think that it's an opportunity to be seized for my future. This experience will permit me to leave my family and therefore, win in maturity and confidence. Moreover, I will meet diferent peoples, discover a new culture and custom. Also, I could getting better my english or my spanish thanks to help of the local peoples. And, when I won't have money, I will make roadtrip easily in bordering countries.
On the other hand, I don't know if I take care of a house or a flat. Indeed, I will have to make my own bed, wash my own dirty laundry, iron my own clothes, cook my own meal and especially, make the thing which I hate the most... Take out the dustbins...
Not only that ! Who will take care of me if I get sick ?
Furthermore, I won't have my family and my friends to celebrate Christmas.
Live and study abroad have its advantages and its drawbacks. According to me, take a Gap Year is above all a human experience which gives the opportunity to grow rich culturally. So,It will be a pleasure to study in a foreign country even if (j'ai la peur au ventre).

Voilà, j'espère que c'est un peu mieux... Je ne suis pas très littéraire mais j'essaie de faire de mon mieux quand même

P.S: Je n'ai pas trouvé ou peut-être pas assez cherché l'expression idiomatique "avoir la peur au ventre" en anglais. Mais je suppose que vous devez la connaître étant donné votre bilinguisme donc c'est pour cela que je me suis permis de la mettre entre parenthèses .
pour votre aide.

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-10-2015 13:38

Réponse: Gap Year 2/ help de sarah971, postée le 01-11-2015 à 14:40:40 (S | E)
Please, can you help me ?

Réponse: Gap Year 2/ help de lucile83, postée le 01-11-2015 à 16:06:32 (S | E)

In the 21 st century, more and more students decide to study in a foreign country.
In fact, I think that it's an opportunity to be seized for my future. This experience will permit me to leave my family and therefore, win in maturity and confidence. Moreover, I will meet diferent peoples, discover a new culture and custom. Also, I could getting better my english or my spanish thanks to ... help of the local peoples. And, when I won't have money, I will make roadtrip easily in bordering countries.
On the other hand, I don't know if I take care of a house or a flat. Indeed, I will have to make my own bed, wash my own dirty laundry, iron my own clothes, cook my own meal and especially, make the thing which I hate the most... Take out the dustbins...
Not only that ! Who will take care of me if I get sick ?
Furthermore, I won't have my family and my friends to celebrate Christmas.
Live and study abroad have its advantages and its drawbacks. According to me, take a Gap Year is above all a human experience which gives the opportunity to grow rich culturally. So,It will be a pleasure to study in a foreign country even if (j'ai la peur au ventre). see Peur or Ventre in a dictionary.
Lien internet

Réponse: Gap Year 2/ help de sarah971, postée le 01-11-2015 à 18:13:36 (S | E)
In the 21 st century, more and more students decide to study in a foreign country.
In fact, I think that it's an opportunity to be seized for my future. This experience will allow me to leave my family and therefore, win in maturity and confidence. Moreover, I will meet different peoples, discover a new culture and new customs. Also, I could improved my English or my Spanish thanks to ... help of the local peoples. And, when I won't have money, I will make roadtrip easily in bordering countries.
On the other hand, I don't know if I shall manage to take care of a house or a flat. Indeed, I will have to make my own bed, wash my own dirty laundry, iron my own clothes, cook my own meal and especially, make the thing which I hate most... Take out the dustbins...
Not only that ! Who will take care of me if I get sick ?
Furthermore, I won't have my family and my friends to celebrate Christmas.
Live and study abroad have its advantages and its drawbacks. According to me, take a Gap Year is above all a human experience which gives the opportunity to grow enrich culturally. So,It will be a pleasure to study in a foreign country even if I have butterflies in my stomach.

Merci infiniment de m'avoir aidé

Réponse: Gap Year 2/ help de sarah971, postée le 01-11-2015 à 19:38:09 (S | E)
In the 21 st century, more students decide to study in foreign countries.
In fact, I think it's an opportunity to seize for my future. This experience will allow me to leave my family and therefore, gain maturity and confidence. Moreover, I will meet different people, discover new cultures and new customs. Also, I could improve my English or my Spanish thanks to the help of local people. And, when I won't have money, I will make roadtrip easily in bordering countries.
On the other hand, I don't know if I will be able to take care of a house or a flat. Indeed, I will have to make my bed, wash my dirty laundry, iron my clothes, cook my meals, all of which I'll have to do on my own and especially, do the thing which I hate most... Take the dustbin out...
Not only that ! Who will take care of me if I ever get sick ?
Furthermore, I won't have my family and my friends to celebrate Christmas with.
To live and study abroad has its advantages and its drawbacks. As I see it, taking a Gap Year is first and foremost a human experience which gives the opportunity to grow richer culturally. So,It will be a pleasure to study in a foreign country even if I have fear in the pit of my stomach whenever I think about it.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-11-2015 08:37

Modifié par sarah971 le 02-11-2015 13:13


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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