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Correction/série TV

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/série TV
Message de arno79 posté le 20-11-2015 à 20:26:21 (S | E | F)
Je dois faire un oral mercredi prochain sur une série de mon choix, pour cela je dois avoir rendu l'écrit quelques jours plus tôt. J'ai décidé de parler de la série "Malcolm" tout en restant assez synthétique. Pouvez-vous repérer mes éventuelles fautes ?

I’m going to present the American sitcom “Malcolm in the Middle”. I think most of you know it as “Malcolm” in France. This series was created by Linwood Boomer and was broadcast from 2000 to 2006. It ran for seven seasons on Fox in which 151 episodes were created.

This series is about a boy named Malcolm and his “a little bit crazy” family. One of his feature is he has an IQ of 165. He lives in an average American family with his 3 brothers (Francis, Reese and Dewey), his mother (Lois) and his father (Hal). Malcolm uses his intelligence to annoy his family, Francis, the eldest child, is a troublemaker and sent away to military school because his parents can’t handle him anymore. Reese is a brute and probably the silliest member of the family. He lacks common sense. The youngest child, Dewey, is a punchbag even though he is smart and musically gifted. Their parents try to channel their energies without managing to it. Yet, their mother, Lois, is hysterical, stubborn and wants to control everything hence her cries each episode. Bye-the-bye, each member of the family is afraid of her but Francis who has a mutual love-hate relationship. On the contrary, her husband, Hal, lacks of self-confidence. He doesn’t manage to make any decisions and is completely dependent on his wife. His parenting strategy is to ignore everyone around him to avoid conflicts.

Each episode represents their life within the family. The episodes are independent, they don’t follow each other and each episode has its own story. That’s why I decided not to sum up each season, it would have been complicated and too long. The situations are often burlesque. There is a lot of second-degree as well. All along the series, we can see them grow up from elementary school to university. We can watch this series to have fun no more, no less.

Merci d'avance,

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-11-2015 21:53

Réponse: Correction/série TV de naomi26, postée le 21-11-2015 à 12:48:48 (S | E)

I’m going to present the American sitcom “Malcolm in the Middle”. I think most of you know it as “Malcolm” in France. This series was created by Linwood Boomer and was broadcasted from 2000 to 2006. It ran for seven seasons on Fox in which 151 episodes were created.

This series is about a boy named Malcolm and his “a little bit crazy” family. One of his features is he has an IQ of 165. He lives in an average American family with his 3 brothers (Francis, Reese and Dewey), his mother (Lois) and his father (Hal). Malcolm uses his intelligence to annoy his family. Francis, the eldest child, is a troublemaker and was sent away to military school because his parents couldn't handle him anymore. Reese is a brute and probably the silliest member of the family. He lacks common sense. The youngest child, Dewey, is a punchbag even though he is smart and musically gifted. Their parents try to control their children, but don't manage to. Their mother, Lois, is hysterical, stubborn and wants to control everything hence her cries each episode. Every member of the family is afraid of her except Francis who has a mutual love-hate relationship. On the contrary, her husband, Hal, lacks self-confidence. He doesn’t manage to make any decisions and is completely dependent on his wife. His parenting strategy is to ignore everyone around him to avoid conflicts.

Each episode represents their life within the family. The episodes are independent, they don’t follow each other and each episode has its own story. That’s why I decided not to sum up each season, it would have been complicated and too long. The situations are often burlesque (burlesque est pas utilisé beaucoup.) There is a lot of second-degree as well.
(? je ne compends pas - second-degree?) All along the series, we see them grow up from elementary school to university. We can watch this series to have fun no more, no less.

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-11-2015 21:57

Réponse: Correction/série TV de arno79, postée le 21-11-2015 à 16:12:51 (S | E)
Thank you !
I replaced "burlesque" by "grotesque and zany".
As regards "second-degree", I thought it made sense in english as well. In french we say "a second degree humour". Instead of "second-degree", I replaced it with "tongue-in-cheek humour".


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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