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Correction/Charlie Chaplin

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/Charlie Chaplin
Message de mariontommo posté le 27-11-2015 à 22:00:13 (S | E | F)
j'ai un écrit à rendre pour demain à mon prof. Il est noté type Bac puisque je suis en Terminale. Pourriez-vous me corriger si possible les fautes et les tournures syntaxiques, et me dire ce qui serait à améliorer xxx. Merci pour vos réponses.

Interview of Charlie Chaplin in 1972
Today in a airport, I met the actor of The Tramp, Charlie Chaplin. He was born in 1889 in London. He moved in the US in 1912, and in 1952 he is expelled. I interviewed him.
-Hello mister Chaplin! You are back in America! How are you?
-Hello! Yes, it's a happiness and I'm fine.
-Great! Did you leave the US because in 1952 you was accused to be a communist?
-Yes it's right. I was blacklisted.
-How did you feel?
-I was shocked because I didn't understand why. And I was depressed for a long time. I didn't want to leave.
-Where did you go?
-In Europe and particularly in England. It was nice.
-So why are you back? Especially after 20 years.
-I think it's because I have a “relationship” with the US. I missed this country. The US are more unbelievable than Europe.
-But why now?
-Since 1970, the American state has giving me the right to be back.
-All right. So thank you mister Chaplin. Goodbye.

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-11-2015 22:07

Réponse: Correction/Charlie Chaplin de gerondif, postée le 27-11-2015 à 22:54:55 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert

Interview of Charlie Chaplin in 1972
Today in a(an apple , an idiot, an egg, an old woman, an ultimate decision) airport, I met the actor of The Tramp, Charlie Chaplin. He was born in 1889 in London. He moved in(il faut une préposition de déplacement) the US in 1912, and in 1952 he is'prétérit) expelled. I interviewed him.
-Hello mister Chaplin! You are back in America! How are you?
-Hello! Yes, it's a happiness(bof! Ne veut pas dire grand chose) and I'm fine.
-Great! Did you leave the US because in 1952 you was(gloup!! I was, you were....) accused to be(of + ing) a communist?
-Yes (that irait mieux)it's right. I was blacklisted.
-How did you feel?
-I was shocked because I didn't understand why. And I was depressed for a long time. I didn't want to leave.
-Where did you go? (stay in, go to)
-In Europe and particularly in England. It was nice.
-So why are you back? Especially after 20 years.
-I think it's because I have a “relationship” with the US. I missed this country. The US are more unbelievable than Europe.
-But why now?
-Since 1970, the American state has giving(participe passé) me the right to be back.
-All right. So thank you mister Chaplin. Goodbye.

Réponse: Correction/Charlie Chaplin de mariontommo, postée le 28-11-2015 à 19:33:23 (S | E)
Bonsoir. Merci de votre réponse. J'ai corrigé mais j'aimerais savoir si c'est désormais bon. Merci d'avance.

Interview of Charlie Chaplin in 1972
Today in an airport, I met the actor of The Tramp, Charlie Chaplin. He was born in 1889 in London. He moved to the US in 1912, and in 1952 he was expelled. I interviewed him.
-Hello mister Chaplin! You are back in America! How are you?
-Hello! Yes, it's a joy and I'm fine.
-Great! Did you leave the US because in 1952 you were accused of being a communist?
-Yes that's right. I was blacklisted.
-How did you feel?
-I was shocked because I didn't understand why. And I was depressed for a long time. I didn't want to leave.
-Where did you go? (stay in, go to)
-In Europe and particularly in England. (je ne comprend pas pourquoi ce n'est pas in) It was nice.
-So why are you back? Especially after 20 years.
-I think it's because I have a “relationship” with the US. I missed this country. The US is more unbelievable than Europe.
-But why now?
-Since 1970, the American state has given me the right to be back.
-All right. So thank you mister Chaplin. Goodbye.

Réponse: Correction/Charlie Chaplin de gerondif, postée le 29-11-2015 à 10:12:46 (S | E)
Interview of Charlie Chaplin in 1972
Today in(at) an airport, I met the actor of The Tramp, Charlie Chaplin. He was born in 1889 in London. He moved to the US in 1912, and in 1952 he was expelled. I interviewed him.
-Hello mister Chaplin! You are back in America! How are you?
-Hello! Yes, it's a joy(ne se dit guère vous vouliez dire quoi? ravi de vous rencontrer ?) and I'm fine.
-Great! Did you leave the US because in 1952 you were accused of being a communist?
-Yes that's right. I was blacklisted.
-How did you feel?
-I was shocked because I didn't understand why. And I was depressed for a long time. I didn't want to leave.
-Where did you go? (stay in,demeurer à, verbe de position go to aller à, vers, dans, verbe de mouvement)
-In Europe and particularly in England. (je ne comprend pas pourquoi ce n'est pas in: parce que" go est un verbe de mouvement et in une préposirion qui indique qu'on y est, pas qu'on y va. En français, le à fait les deux) It was nice.
-So why are you back? Especially after 20 years.
-I think it's because I have a “relationship” with the US. I missed this country. The US is more unbelievable than Europe.
-But why now?
-Since 1970, the American state has given me the right to be back.
-All right. So thank you mister Chaplin. Goodbye.


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