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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de greg28 posté le 10-12-2015 à 21:22:25 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
Je vais passer mes oraux de langue la semaine prochaine, et j'aimerais savoir si quelqu'un aurait du temps pour m'aider à corriger mon oral?
D'avance,merci beaucoup!

From years and centuries, people move in the world. From cities to others, department to others, or countries to others. We call this last situation immigration. People move for different reasons: from the “north” countries, it’s an economic reason, it’s because they found a job. From the “south” to the north, it’s for more bad reasons: the famine, the war, the persecution. They come in because they haven’t choice, they are fleeing their home countries because they want to save their lives and the lives of their families.
First I’m going to talk about legal immigration, then, I’m going to concentrate on the illegal situation, to finish with this question: Let them in?
We can’t talk about legal immigration in U.S.A without talking about Ellis Island! Ellis Island is a small chunk of land in the bay of New York.
The station opened in 1892, and every immigrants to the USA passed by it from 1892 to 1924. The island became a detention center during the WW2, and a museum after it. On this island, the immigrant were inspected. Before it, the immigrants were really anxious. They misted be afraid of being rejected. Because without this check, they couldn’t enter in the USA.
The majority of immigrants came from Europe. Now let’s talk about the oath of Allegiance. The naturalized American citizens pledging allegiance to the USA. They raising their right hand and promise they will support and defend the constitution and laws of the United States of America. For resume, they promise they will be good citizens. At the end they ask god to help them. When the Nazism became grow, a lot of Jews decided to immigrate in USA. The most famous was of course Albert Einstein, the German scientist! His immigration during the year 1933, to escape the project of Hitler.
Legal immigration gave way at another type of immigration, but illegal now!
USA represent an “El dorado” for every one, and particular for people who live on “poor” countries on the American continent. A major part of the illegal immigrants in USA come from Mexico, who have a wide border with them. Illegal Hispanic immigrants wants to immigrate to the USA in order to found steady job or wages. They wish a better life in the USSA. This is the American dream. It’s a long and difficult way for them, and they have to overcome a lot of difficulties, like climatic conditions (because they cross a desert), tiredness, exhaustion. They pay a human smugglers but the cross is very hard!

To address that, United States has put a system in place call “the minutemen”. The minutemen are volunteers who are watching and control that the frontier is not crossing by illegal immigrants.

But if these people succeed, can they integrate well in the American society?

In USA, immigrants are welcomed in large numbers. When they come from Europe, the statue of liberty, in the bay of New York, was and is the first who welcome them. She represent freedom so it’s a good message! And it used to be the first glimpse of the USA for millions of immigrants.
Sometimes, the interpretation is very hard for strangers in USA. The movie The Freedom Writers illustrate very well this difficulties for them to blend in. In the quad there are sections, one for Hispanic, another for the blacks, the Asians or the whites, and nobody mix.
In the class, there are many tensions, and the English class is full of rowdy and noise. Throughout the movie, we see the evolution of the student. The story have a happy end, because all the students are friends and united.
After have seen this movie, my vision changed. Yes, the immigrants can integrate the society, but only under certain conditions: they have to want really integrate and they need help from Americans citizens to help them.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-12-2015 22:09

Réponse: Immigration/correction de greg28, postée le 12-12-2015 à 15:28:25 (S | E)
y aurait il quelqu'un qui puisse me venir en aide..?

Réponse: Immigration/correction de here4u, postée le 13-12-2015 à 00:04:29 (S | E)
hello !

Il est tard ... je commence ce soir ... la suite demain, j'espère ...

From (For ? dans ce cas, revoir le temps ..)years and centuries, people move (sorry, I don't understand what you mean ...)in the world. From cities to others, department to others, or countries to others. We call this last situation immigration. People move for different reasons: from the “northern” countries, it’s an economic reason, it’s because they found a job. From the “southern ” to the north, it’s for more bad reasons: the famine, the war, the persecutionS. They come(temps?) in because they haven’t choice, they are fleeing their home countries because they want to save their lives and the lives of their families.
First I’m going to talk about legal immigration, then, I’m going to concentrate on the illegal situationS, to finish with this question: Let them in?
We can’t talk about legal immigration in XXX U.S.A without talking about Ellis Island! Ellis Island is a small chunk of land in the bay of New York.
The station opened in 1892, and every immigrants to the USA passed by it from 1892 to 1924. The island became a detention center during the WW2, and a museum after it. On this island, the immigrant were inspected. Before it, the immigrants were really anxious. They misted be afraid of being rejected. Because without this check, they couldn’t enter in the USA.
Attention ... il y a un "monde" entre l'immigration et la naturalisation !!!
The majority of immigrants came from Europe. Now let’s talk about the oath of Allegiance. The naturalized American citizens pledging allegiance to the USA. (phrase incomplète ...) They raising their right hand and promise they will support and defend the constitution and laws of the United States of America. For resume, they promise they will be good citizens. At the end they ask god to help them. When the Nazism became grow, a lot of Jews decided to immigrate in USA. The most famous was of course Albert Einstein, the German scientist! His immigration during the year 1933, to escape the project of Hitler.(ce ne sont pas des phrases complètes !)
Legal immigration gave way at another type of immigration, but illegal now!
USA represent an “El dorado” for every one, and particular for people who live on “poor” countries on the American continent. A major part of the illegal immigrants in USA come from Mexico, who have a wide border with them. Illegal Hispanic immigrants wants to immigrate to the USA in order to found steady job or wages. They wish XXX a better life in the USSA. This is the American dream. It’s a long and difficult way for them, and they have to overcome a lot of difficulties, like climatic conditions (because they cross a desert), tiredness, exhaustion. They pay a human smugglers but the cross is very hard!

Réponse: Immigration/correction de here4u, postée le 13-12-2015 à 10:43:42 (S | E)
hello !

To address that (I'm not sure I understand what you mean...), XXX United States has put a system in place call “the minutemen”(rappeler l'allusion à ce qui se passait à Boston des siècles plus tôt). The minutemen are volunteers who are watching and control that the frontier is not crossing by illegal immigrants.

But if these people(??? ici = these = "minutemen" ! Soyez plus clair!) succeed, can they integrate well in the American society?

In XXX USA, immigrants are welcomed in large numbers. When they come from Europe, the statue of liberty, in the bay of New York, was and is the first who welcome them. She represent freedom so it’s a good message! And it used to be the first glimpse of the USA for millions of immigrants.
Sometimes, the interpretation is very hard for strangers in XXX USA. The movie The Freedom Writers illustrate (very well: word order) this difficulties for them to blend in. In the quad there are sections, one for HispanicS, another XXX for the blacks, the Asians or the whites, and nobody mix.
In the class, there are many tensions, and the English class is full of rowdy and noise. Throughout the movie, we see the evolution of the student. The story have a happy end, because all the students are friends and united.
After have seen: after + V + ing this movie, my vision XXX changed(temps!). Yes, the immigrants can integrate the society, but only under certain conditions: they have to want really integrate and they need help from Americans citizens to help them.

Réponse: Immigration/correction de greg28, postée le 13-12-2015 à 12:43:22 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide! je vais corriger mon oral!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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