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English Oral/ correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


English Oral/ correction
Message de akhosto posté le 26-12-2015 à 17:31:16 (S | E | F)
J'ai un oral à préparer pour la rentrée sur un invention du 21e siècle. J'ai fait mon texte même si j'improvise quelques phrases, mais j'aimerais tout de même bien me faire corriger au niveau de la formation des phrases si elles sont grammaticalement correctes.

" 3D printer is a new technology based on the product of 3D objects. It's a breakthrought for industrialists because this printer can make actually a small object very quickly. It's interesting to reduce manufacturing costs. In 3 dimensions printing, sucessive layers of materials are formed under computer control to creat an object. This invention was imagined by Artur C. clark in a science-fiction book edited in 1964. But in 2000 this printer was designed and make by a German start-up : Genesys. It's a goundbreaking invention because in 2014 at the university of California of the South they made the biggest 3D printer who can make a house in 24H. This new technology is promising, it can make a home in 24h so if they are tsunami or others environnemental issues, 3D printer could replace houses destroyed fastly.
It's a progress for underdevelopt countries moroever the used materials aren't expensive. It's just made by sand and a ecological glue but it's very resistant! For proof the constructed houses shelter at present people.
In 2012, the world market of the 3D printing reached 2.2 billions of dollars with an annual growth of 30%. Since 2013 an american firm, reconstructs work of art as statues even building which don't exist anymore. He is still too early for marked it for global population, because ot's too expensive but it use like a printer : We have just to design a model on his computer and the machine does the rest. "

Pouvez-vous me signaler les phrases incorrectes ? J'aimerais aussi savoir si il existe un équivalent de make car je le répète souvent?

Thanks and Happy New Year

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-12-2015 21:44

Réponse: English Oral/ correction de akhosto, postée le 27-12-2015 à 10:48:09 (S | E)
UP please !

Réponse: English Oral/ correction de akhosto, postée le 28-12-2015 à 11:23:17 (S | E)

Réponse: English Oral/ correction de bluestar, postée le 28-12-2015 à 12:30:43 (S | E)

erreurs en bleu, suggestions en vert

"The 3D printer is a new technology based on the product of 3D objects. It's a breakthrought(orth.a verifier) for industrialists because this printer can make actually a small object very quickly. It's interesting(pas le mot juste) to reduce manufacturing costs. In 3 dimensions printing, sucessive(orth.) layers of materials are formed under computer control to create an object. This invention was imagined by Arthur C. Clark in a science-fiction book edited in 1964. But in 2000 this printer was designed and make by a German start-up : Genesys. It's a groundbreaking invention because in 2014 at the university of California of the South they made the biggest 3D printer who can make a house in 24H 24 hours. This new technology is promising, it can make a home in 24h 24 hours so if they are tsunami or others (pas s au pluriel des adjectifs) environnemental(orth a verifier) issues,a 3D printer could replace houses destroyed fastly.It's a progress for underdeveloped countries moroever the used materials(ordre des mots) aren't expensive. It's just made by sand and an ecological glue but it's very resistant! For proof the constructed houses shelter at present people.(ordre)
In 2012, the world market of the 3D printing reached 2.2 billions of dollars with an annual growth of 30%. Since 2013 an american(majuscule) firm, reconstructs (mauvais temps) work(pluriel) of art as statues even building (pluriel) which don't exist anymore. He is still too early for marked it (utiliser l'infinitif)for global population, because ot's too expensive but it use like a printer : We have just to design a model on his computer and the machine does the rest. "


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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