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Correction/ bartering

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Correction/ bartering
Message de esmantium posté le 04-01-2016 à 20:15:39 (S | E | F)
Dans le cadre de la Spé anglais, j'ai dû rédiger un discours sur le renouveau du bartering, à savoir le troc. Ayant des difficultés en grammaire et en construction linguistique, je poste ici une partie de mon texte pour les personnes qui voudraient bien m'aider à corriger quelques fautes.
Merci d'avance et bonne soirée à vous !

"Cheap", "bad quality", "old as the hills"... so many terms indicate bartering, a practice assuredly linked to our grands-parents. But even if this trade of goods and services without exchange of money seems not so cool that it is, well... Our grands-parents are fashion. Yeah, bartering is in the trends and it serves our economy. Our economy which rests upon "four keys", such as Rachel Bostmans says : "environmental awareness, a renewed sense of community, a recession that fundamentally shook consumers and a torrent of social media that facilitates collaborating". Cool, now everybody is aware of that. So, you understand it : at the hour of credits close and budget deficit, leaving consumerism constitue maybe a priority, and why not bartering can help our society to manage itself.
So, the question is : how bartering can be an agent of a healthy society, and how can we do it ?
First, it will be interesting to concentrate us on the fact that bartering is a mean to go out consumerism. Secondly, we'll have to explore practical aspect : how barter, with and by who.

So, to begin, it's important to know what is exactly consumerism. For some, it is considering like the American way of life : buy, buy, buy, no matter what you need. Besides, shops or organisations are on the same wavelength with Black Friday in the US or Boxing Day in the UK. Everything is good to do money, even during public holidays. Others found that consumerism has a bad impact and people are less happy. It's for example the case of Charlie Winston in his song "Where Can I Buy Happiness". Indeed, it's always the same old tune, he asks over and over again "Does anybody know / Where can I buy happiness ?". Moreover, he hasn't got any answer... Somewhere is an evidence of selfishness into humans. Consumerism can therefore be dangereous for a lot of people, especially to those "moneyholic" who buy while they don't having enough money.
Instead of exchanging money, exchanging goods or services can be a compromise. For some, bartering is the solution. You want treat your shopping desire, stop to depart of a shop after spending hundreds of thousands to clothes that you don't need ? It's not so complex that it seems at first sight. Listen carefully. Oh, you daugther wanna do a cake but you haven't eggs ? Drrrrrring. Knock to our neighbour's house, maybe him have it. Why not give him a sachet of sugar in exchange ? Or maybe a next time, when he'll need your help. See, the solution is easy, fast and not very complicated. Wait, I already heard you say : "Yes, but if I am on bad therms with him, or if I haven't got a neighbour, how could I do ?". Well, you had to know that before ! Socialization and sharing are essential, in the new age of bartering ! No darling, I joked : you have a lot and a lot of alternatives !
For instance, you can participate in "collaborative consumption". In his book "Sharing, borrowing and bartering go high-tech", Haley Shapley evokes this good idea of websites, which help people to connect amongst themselves to do that : borrowing, sharing and bartering. And you do a good deed, because it increases economy. And more, no need to do sales anymore, you can keep on to be peaceful in your couch. To go further, this market contains "so much possibilities", according to Lauren Anderson, an Australian economist. People must learn to reflecting before buying : they don't use the full potential of an object.

You still don't believe me ? Hum... I think it's time to show you a concrete example. Do you like brownies ? Yeah, you like brownies, I know it. Well, look at Michael Garzouzi, a poor brownies factory's owner. He thought that the brownie is used to die for the price, but with bartering, they survive ! Now, when he buys something, it's for the cost of his goods. It's for this reason that today yet, it's a "great deal".
"International Monetery System", known as IMS, a barter exchange company, can help him. Online, members can barter : it's a veritable market place with 110 millions dollars a year of working capital turnover. The sales are directly for one business to another, it's a work. Indeed, according to a barter exchange's diagram, buyer uses virtual dollars when he paid another trader, so any member products a service. IMS like ITEX take 6% of commission from the buyer and the saler. It's like going at restaurant, said a florist : you take this, this, and this and dish arrives then.
Additionally, according to The Wall Street Journal, bartering takes up a "growing role". Indeed, we are assisting of the bartering renewed, after his heyday on the 17th century. Today, it constitues an important part of economy and it boostes the capital shop. According to International Reciprocal Trade Association, a "nonprofit group that promotes barter as a form of commerce", we are facing to an expension of barter's annual value. Indeed, it increases from $7.78 billion in 2001 to $12 billion in 2008. Hum... Unfashionable yet, bartering ? Thanks grandma !
But, why a so huge success ? Well.. the popularity of cashless deals depends of economic situation, it "fading when times are good and growing when things are bad". So, because of the recent recession, consumers use more bartering.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-01-2016 21:11

Réponse: Correction/ bartering de lemagemasque, postée le 09-01-2016 à 14:32:49 (S | E)
Bartering n'existe pas tel que en anglais. En français, oui, mais en anglais, c'est tout simplement "barter".
"A so huge success" n'existe pas. On dit "such a + adj". So called existe par contre.
Bonne journée ! Il y a d'autres structures bancales.

Réponse: Correction/ bartering de gerondif, postée le 09-01-2016 à 14:43:01 (S | E)
bizarre, je trouve pourtant cela sous google: (investopedia)
DEFINITION of 'Barter'

The act of trading goods and services between two or more parties without the use of money. Bartering benefits individuals, companies and countries that see a mutual benefit in exchanging goods and services rather than cash, and it enables those who are lacking hard currency to obtain goods and services.

An example of a barter arrangement would be if someone built a fence for a cattle farmer in exchange for food. Rather than the farmer paying the builder, say, $1,000 for the fence, he would give the builder a similar value in beef. Virtually any good or service can be bartered.

For individuals, bartering not only has an obvious financial benefit - it lets you keep more money in your pocket - it may also have a psychological benefit in that it can create a deeper personal relationship than a purchase and sale transaction.

One limitation of bartering is that you can only exchange goods and services with people you know. So if you don't know anyone who is offering what you want, you won't be able to get it through bartering. To overcome this limitation, bartering groups and bartering websites have been created to help barterers find more people to trade with.

Read more: Barter Definition | Investopedia Lien internet

Bon, ça existe au moins comme gérondif. Mais le nom barter pourrait en effet suffire.

erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert

"Cheap", "bad quality", "old as the hills"... so many terms indicate that barter(ing)is a practice assuredly linked to our grands-parents. But even if this trade of goods and services without exchange of money seems not so cool that(mettez seem au présent négatif en doesn't at la construction est en as as) it is, well... Our grands-parents are fashion(je préférerai unb adjectif, là, ça fait français frime). Yeah, bartering (ok comme gérondif) is in the trends(ça se dit? j'aurais dit trendy, fashionable, in fashion) and it serves our economy. Our economy which rests upon "four keys", such(à enlever) as Rachel Bostmans says : "environmental awareness, a renewed sense of community, a recession that fundamentally shook consumers and a torrent of social media that facilitates collaborating". Cool, now everybody is aware of that. So, you understand it : at the hour of credits close and budget deficit, leaving consumerism constitutes maybe a priority, and why not bartering can(mal construit, utilsez couldn't dans le bon ordre, auxiliaire sujet verbe) help our society (to) manage itself.
So, the question is : how bartering can (inverser)be an agent of a healthy society, and how can we do it ?

First, it will (conditionnel plus poli) be interesting to concentrate us on the fact that bartering is a means to go out(mal utilisé) consumerism. Secondly, we'll have to explore practical aspects : how to barter, who with and by who (sens??).

So, to begin with, it's important to know what is exactly consumerism.(pas d'inversion en style indirect) For some, it is considering(participe passé) like(mauvais choix de "comme") the American way of life : buy, buy, buy, no matter what you need. Besides, shops or organisations are on the same wavelength with (comparatif d'égalité, donc as)Black Friday in the US or Boxing Day in the UK. Everything is good to do(make) money, even during public holidays. Others found that consumerism has (j'aurais mis un prétérit) a bad impact and people are less happy. It's for example the case of Charlie Winston in his song "Where Can I Buy Happiness". Indeed, it's always the same old tune, he asks over and over again "Does anybody know / Where can I(il fait vraiment une inversion en style indirect ?? Il faut vite l'inscrire à anglais facile!! ) buy happiness ?". Moreover, he hasn't got any answer... Somewhere it is an evidence of selfishness into humans. Consumerism can therefore be dangerous for a lot of people, especially to(c'était for il y a trois mots) those "moneyholic" who buy while they don't having(aïe!) enough money.

Instead of exchanging money, exchanging goods or services can be a compromise. For some, bartering is the solution. (If) You want to treat your shopping desire, stop to depart of(1) mauvais verbe 2) stop + ing!) a shop after spending hundreds of thousands to on clothes that you don't need . It's not so complex that (AS comparatif d'égalité!!) it seems at first sight. Listen carefully. Oh, your daugther wanna(cette structure familière, c'est pour faire décontracté??) do (make) a cake but you haven't ( haven't est un auxiliaire comme dans I haven't finished, pour le verbe lexical, utilisez don't, I don't have a car / ou alors I haven't got a car)eggs ? Drrrrrring (en anglais c'eet RRiiiiing). Knock to our neighbour's house, maybe him have it.(aïe!! c'est quoi ce him comme sujet ?? et puis en troisième personne, have devient has) Why not give him a sachet(ça existe en anglais?) of sugar in exchange ? Or maybe a next time, when he'll need( pas de futur derrière when quand c'est une subordonnée de temps) your help. See, the solution is easy, fast and not very complicated. Wait, I already heard (il faut un présent et l'auxiliaire can serait le bienvenu aussi) you say : "Yes, but if I am on bad therms with him, or if I haven't got a neighbour, how(plutôt what) could I do ?". Well, you had to know(mauvais temps, you auriez dû le savoir = you should + infinitif passé) that before ! Socialization and sharing are essential, in the new age of bartering ! No darling, I was joking joked : you have lots and lots of alternatives !

For instance, you can participate in "collaborative consumption". In his book "Sharing, borrowing and bartering go high-tech", Haley Shapley evokes this good idea of websites, which help people to connect amongst themselves to do that : borrowing, sharing and bartering. And you do a good deed, because it increases economy. And more, no need to do sales anymore, you can keep on to be peaceful(français traduit, n'a pas de sens) in your couch. To go further, this market contains "so much(à changer possibilities est pluriel, c'est le même problème que la différence entre how many et how much) possibilities", according to Lauren Anderson, an Australian economist. People must learn to reflecting(aïe!!! to + base verbale = infinitif, pas d'ing!!) before buying : they don't use the full potential of an object.

You still don't believe me ? Hum... I think it's time to show you a concrete example. Do you like brownies ? Yeah, you like brownies, I know it. Well, look at Michael Garzouzi, a poor brownie factory owner. He thought that the brownie is used to die(est utilisé pour mourir ????) for the price, but with bartering, they survive ! Now, when he buys something, it's for the cost of his goods. (sens??) It's for this reason that today yet, it's a "great deal".

"International Monetery System", known as IMS, a barter exchange company, can help him. Online, members can barter : it's a veritable real market place with 110 millions dollars a year of working capital turnover. The sales are directly for(from) one business to another, it's a work(sens??). Indeed, according to a barter exchange's diagram, buyer (soit a buyer, soit buyers au pluriel) uses virtual dollars when he paid(pourquoi ce prétérit, un présent irait bien) another trader, so any member products (est un nom, pas un verbe)a service. IMS Lien internet
ITEX take 6% of commission (a 10% commission) from the buyer and the saler. It's like going at(at: on y est . to : on y va) the restaurant, said a florist(pas d'inversion à la française) : you take this, this, and this and dish(manque un article et dish fait plus penser au récipient vide) arrives then.

Additionally, according to The Wall Street Journal, bartering takes up a "growing role". Indeed, we are assisting of the bartering renewed, after his heyday on the 17th century. Today, it constitutes an important part of economy and it boostes the capital shop. According to International Reciprocal Trade Association, a "nonprofit group that promotes barter as a form of commerce", we are facing to an expension of barter's(barter n'est pas un être humain 's fait bizarre) annual value. Indeed, it increases from $7.78 billion in 2001 to $12 billion in 2008. Hum... Unfashionable yet, bartering ? Thanks grandma !
But, why a so (such a huge success) huge success ? Well.. the popularity of cashless deals depends of economic situation, it "fading(présent simple) when times are good and growing when things are bad". So, because of the recent recession, consumers use more bartering./consumers barter more.


Réponse: Correction/ bartering de lemagemasque, postée le 09-01-2016 à 14:53:20 (S | E)
Oui, le gérondif existe mais reflète bien l'activité (le fait de faire du troc).
Je veux dire que "bartering" est trop utilisé dans ce texte hors du sens que la personne qui a posté veut lui donner, c'est-à-dire "troc".
En français, on parle de "bartering" pour les deux, d'où la confusion sans doute.
Corrigez-moi si je me trompe !

See you!

Réponse: Correction/ bartering de lucile83, postée le 09-01-2016 à 17:32:09 (S | E)
Hello lemage...
Lien internet

Bartering is a kind of a job in a few countries.
L'emploi du gérondif ne me pose aucun problème

Réponse: Correction/ bartering de lemagemasque, postée le 09-01-2016 à 18:14:12 (S | E)
Barter = le troc
Bartering = faire du troc
D'ailleurs "bartering" n'apparaît pas dans wordreference même quand on le cherche en anglais.
Je me suis peut-être mal exprimé mais j'ai l'impression qu'esmantium pense que troc = bartering, mot que nous avons "adopté" en français mais qui en anglais, n'est pas l'équivalent de "barter".
See you!

Réponse: Correction/ bartering de lucile83, postée le 10-01-2016 à 08:47:13 (S | E)
Hello lemage,
C'est interchangeable
Lien internet

Réponse: Correction/ bartering de lemagemasque, postée le 10-01-2016 à 11:35:04 (S | E)
Hello lucile!
En français, mais pas en anglais !
(D'ailleurs, je viens de m'apercevoir que "barter(ing)" en français était plutôt synonyme de "troc entre entreprises" que "troc"). Encore l'"adoption" d'un terme étranger qui change de sens !! )
Il y a donc bien trop de "bartering" dans ce texte, surtout quand c'est pour parler du système.
Je récapitule :
barter = troc
bartering = (le fait de) faire du troc
barter = bartering = "troc" entre entreprises
See you!

Réponse: Correction/ bartering de gerondif, postée le 10-01-2016 à 11:52:24 (S | E)
finalement, le seul qui ne réapparaisse pas , c'est esmantium. Il n'a peut-être plus besoin de cette correction.

J'ai corrigé son texte parce que j'ai pensé que cette personne nouvelle sur le site lisant au bout de cinq jours d'attente un message où on lui dit: "je vous corrige une erreur mais il en reste plein d'autres" va se dire: " Ca me fait une belle jambe! Qu'est-ce que j'en ai à faire! C'est quoi, ce site ??" Et donc lemagemasque m'a incité à m'y coller, ce que je n'avais pas envie de faire au départ . Finalement , ce qui me ferait plaisir, c'est de lui avoir été utile. Pour moi, barter et bartering, c'est un peu comme fight et fighting...

Réponse: Correction/ bartering de lucile83, postée le 10-01-2016 à 14:56:11 (S | E)
Entièrement d'accord gerondif !


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