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Concept/ Frontier

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Concept/ Frontier
Message de leslie37 posté le 17-01-2016 à 14:45:48 (S | E | F)
j'aurais besoin de votre aide pour corriger mon exposé s'il vous plait. Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

I choose to tackle the concept of Frontier, which is very significative in the American collective imagination. It’s not a concrete boarder but rather an imaginary dividing line between civilization and what is unknown for men.
Let’s wonder how, thanks to Frontier, have the Americans used spaces to build and strengthen their identity?

Firstly I will talk about the Pioneer Front towards the West, and secondly I will talk about the evolution of the American Frontiers nowadays.

The Frontier is an historic myth in the USA, firstly embodied by the conquest of the west.
We’ve studied a painting made in 1972 by John Gast, entitled “American Progress”, which shows a woman carrying a light from the eastern part of the country already enlightened, towards the west which still dark.
Indeed, the American civilization is supposed to be chosen by God to spread its greatness and share its knowledge. That’s what is called the Manifest Destiny, which designates a duty for Americans to settle over the continent. They were all the more encouraged to move as the eastern cities were overcrowded and the lands pretty cheap.

But the totally opposed Indian’s lifestyle couldn’t fit to the Americans’ plans to settle beyond the Frontier. The oppositions in terms of religion, property, housing and beliefs led to conflict. When the first Indian Removal Act was passed in 1830, Indians were forced away with all the ill-treatments it means.

The Gold Rush was also a moment of frenzy in the Frontier myth: people were willing to leave everything behind them to start a better life but most of them were quickly disillusioned by the absence of gold. However, the Gold Rush has developed entrepreneurship and made new areas such as California become rich.

That’s how the Pioneer spirit was born and it has come back to life a century later in the Kennedy’s speech, in 1942 during the Cold War. Indeed, space has become an attractive Frontier and it’s a duty for Americans to be first on the Moon, before the Russians.

In 2010, President Barack Obama gave a speech in which he explains that the targets of the mission have changed: it’s no longer about reaching a particular place but about exploring space and push back the Frontiers. Besides, it’s no longer a competition but a global collaboration.

We conclude that the Frontier has justified the Americans’ craving for exploration and conquest of unknown areas. By going beyond the Frontier and towards what they didn’t know, they have firstly fulfilled their Manifest Destiny and spread their civilization. After having shaped their continent and made it affluent, they committed into a space race, in which being a space-faring nation is a duty.
By crossing the Frontier, they benefited from new lands, new knowledge and they have strengthened their leadership. Finally, I think that Frontier is an essential part of the American identity and character, because it means reaching new goals and stretching beyond what previously didn’t seem possible.

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-01-2016 21:36

Réponse: Concept/ Frontier de laure95, postée le 17-01-2016 à 17:52:55 (S | E)
- dividing (pas la bonne forme du verbe)line between civilization (mettre au pluriel)
-and what is unknown for men.
-Let’s wonder how, thanks to Frontier, have the Americans used spaces to build and strengthen their identity? :comm tu mets "let's Wonder", tourne ta phrase pour en faire une interrogative indirecte.

- towards the west which still dark: où est le verbe?
- That’s (à enlever) what is called
- Americans: mettre un article.
- it means: utiliser un autre verbe plus approprié.
- and made new areas such as California (mettre un relatif)become (temps)rich.

- it has come back to life a century later: pas le present perfect avec un indice de temps passé.
- Americans
- to be first on the Moon: utiliser un verbe plus précis.
- about exploring space and push back (pas la bonne forme du verbe)

- By crossing the Frontier, they benefited: mettre au présent perfect.
- what previously (à déplacer)didn’t seem possible.

Réponse: Concept/ Frontier de gerondif, postée le 17-01-2016 à 21:12:05 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert.
I choose to tackle the concept of Frontier, which is very significative in the American collective imagination. It’s not a concrete boarder(a board = une planche...) but rather an imaginary dividing line between civilization and what is unknown for (to) men.
Let’s wonder how, thanks to the Frontier, have the Americans(pas d'inversion en style indirect) used spaces to build and strengthen their identity?

Firstly I will talk about the Pioneer Front towards the West, and secondly I will talk about the evolution of the American Frontiers nowadays.

The Frontier is an historic (historical) myth in the USA, firstly embodied by the conquest of the west.
We’ve studied a painting made in 1972 by John Gast, entitled “American Progress”, which shows a woman carrying a light (a torch??) from the eastern part of the country already enlightened (signifie éclairé pour un esprit, une intelligence, to light, I lit, lit, est le verbe à utiliser.) towards the west which is still dark.
Indeed, the American civilization is supposed to be chosen by God to spread its greatness and share its knowledge. That’s what is called the Manifest Destiny, which designates a duty for Americans to settle over the continent. They were all the more encouraged to move as the eastern cities were overcrowded and the lands pretty cheap.

But the totally opposed (different serait plus clair) Indian’s lifestyle couldn’t fit to (with) the Americans’ plans to settle beyond the Frontier. The oppositions in terms of religion, property, housing and beliefs led to conflict. When the first Indian Removal Act was passed in 1830, Indians were forced away with all the ill-treatments it means.

The Gold Rush was also a moment of frenzy in the Frontier myth: people were willing to leave everything behind them to start a better life but most of them were quickly disillusioned by the absence of gold. However, the Gold Rush has developed entrepreneurship and made new areas such as California become rich.(correct au sens de faire faire)

That’s how the Pioneer spirit was born and it has come(prétérit) back to life a century later in the Kennedy’s speech, in 1942 (plutôt 1962) during the Cold War. Indeed, space has become an attractive Frontier and it’s a duty for Americans to be first on the Moon, before the Russians.

In 2010, President Barack Obama gave a speech in which he explains that the targets of the mission have changed: it’s no longer about reaching a particular place but about exploring space and pushing back the Frontiers. Besides, it’s no longer a competition but a global collaboration.

We conclude that the Frontier has justified the Americans’ craving for exploration and conquest of unknown areas. By going beyond the Frontier and towards what they didn’t know, they have firstly fulfilled their Manifest Destiny and spread their civilization. After having shaped (shaping pourrait suffire) their continent and made(ing) it affluent, they committed into a space race, in which being a space-faring nation is(prétérit) a duty.
By crossing the Frontier, they benefited from new lands, new knowledge and they have strengthened their leadership. Finally, I think that Frontier is an essential part of the American identity and character, because it means reaching new goals and stretching beyond what previously didn’t seem possible.


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