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Oral/ idea of progress

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Oral/ idea of progress
Message de cora12 posté le 22-01-2016 à 22:00:03 (S | E | F)
je voudrais savoir si quelqu'un pourrait me corriger mon oral s'il vous plait?
Merci pour vos réponses.

I'm going to talk to you about « The idea of Progress » . Progress is a positive evolution by example new technology ; technical progress, socialism, changes in points of view. I'm going to expose the theme of the right of women. In my presentation, I will answer this question «  How have the right of women evolved ? » At first , I will talk about the inequality between men and women in the past, then about the fight for women right , and finaly I will deal about the situation today .
Firstly, we studied a first document «  Thy husband is thy lord ». This is an extract from the book ' The Taming of the Shrew ' by Shakespeare dating back to 1593. This text esposes a mysozymicht vision of society , in which there is no equailty between men and women. And women are totally submitted to their husband. What is surprising here is that this monologue is uttered by a women who lectures other women. But her speech sound very unnatural because she exaggerates the details of women's submission . she is actually saying what her husband want to hear, but , between the lines , we can feel that she does not agree with it . this speech is highly ironic.
We understand that women did not have rights at that time.
Secondly, we saw the movie 'Suffragette' by Sarah Gavon dating back to 2015. the story is about the right for women.In England, women fighted for the women right..The Suffragettes believed it was time they had the same rights as men . Their leader, Emmeline Pankhurst, encouraged women to speak up against male domination. They marched to the Parliament to protest against inequalities and unfair laws.And The activists who got involved in civil disobedience were sent to prison.Aber few women dared to commit to the cause for fear of their husbands’ and neighbours reactions.
Finaly , they have won their fight today. Women gained the right to vote in 1948. And today almost every country in the world has granted women the right to vote. Now women have the same rights and the same wages as men. However that is true that for some country because in other country the right for women is non -existent . Furthermore in all country there has still discrimination between women and men.As in the cartoon 'I wish for ..'.
A woman who is making a wish in front of a well in which she's about to throw a coin. She is wishing for the end of her doing all the house chores. Funnily enough, when the throw the coin , she became a man .And it shows that man never take care of house chores.
To conclure , we understand that the right of Women evolved. This is a huge progress and I think it well . Today our world is progressing everyday But I think that The things for the women must still progress.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-01-2016 22:44

Réponse: Oral/ idea of progress de laure95, postée le 23-01-2016 à 17:00:19 (S | E)
- by example: pas la bonne préposition.
- the theme of the right of women: pour éviter les 2 "of", faire un génitif avec "right" et "women".
- women right: il manque la marque de l'appartenance.
- I will deal about: pas la bonne préposition.

-esposes: faute de frappe?
- And (à éviter en début de phrase) women are totally submitted to their husband.
- a women: WOMEN est un mot au pluriel.
- But her speech sound: conjugaison.
- her husband want: même remarque.

- the right (mettre au pluriel) for women.
- women fighted: TO FIGHT est un verbe irrégulier!
-for the women right: marque de la possession.
-And The activists
- their husbands’ and neighbours (il manque l'apostrophe)reactions.
-And today almost every country
- the same wages as men: c'est loin d'être le cas!
- some country: mettre au pluriel.
- because in other country: même remarque.
- in all country.
- when the throw: conjugaison.
- man never take care of house chores: conjugaison.

-To conclure: faute de frappe.
-the right of Women Evolved: mettre au présent perfect.
- I think it well: mal dit.
- The things (précise) for the women must still progress (ce n'est pas un verbe).


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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