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Correction/ Uncle Sam

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ Uncle Sam
Message de leslie37 posté le 27-01-2016 à 15:18:18 (S | E | F)
j'aurais besoin de votre aide pour corriger mes fautes s'il vous plait. Merci d'avance!

This cartoon has been drawn by Kevin Kallaugher who is the editorial cartoonist for The Economist . This picture is dated from 2008 and was published in The Economist.
Let’s wonder how this picture epitomizes the American icon Uncle Sam?

To begin with, I will talk about the Uncle Sam and his part in American history and finally I will deal with the other characters.
First, we can see a big character in the middle; this is Uncle Sam, a national American symbol. He is wearing a white beard, a blue jacket and striped trousers. He seems to be pretty old due to his baldness and his long white hair. Moreover, the star on the edge of his handle is certainly for insisting on the American icon. He is leaning forward, almost squatting because he is looking taken aback to discover a little girl in his top hat on which is drawn a white star and stripes.
On the one hand, using the image of Uncle Sam is very important because in its most basic usage, he is both the symbol of strength , pride and power of the USA and a common personification of the American government . On the other hand he is the culmination of a tradition of representative male icons in America which can be traced well back into colonial times. Actually, the United States presidential election was held in 2008. Perhaps Kallaugher aimed at drawing people’s attention to the choice that they were going to make, but also to push them to vote.

Secondly, I would like to talk about the 6 little girls and the 6 little boys who are taking care his appearance. The girl in his hat is combing his beard. A girl in the bottle left-corner is waiting for clothes to iron while next to her is standing a boy holding a scale in order to allow another little girl to iron Uncle Sam’s trousers. Some are cleaning (faire briller/polir) his shoes. We can also see a boy up in a scale painting a star in the edge of his handle whereas another one is doing the same for the stripes of his trousers. Three little characters are on his back, one is sewing his jacket, another one is sweeping and the other one is raking his white hair. The last character is sitting on his forehead and washing his little tuft of hair.
Kallaugher is consequently epitomizing American population who is taking care of his country by working hard.

To conclude, the author’s aim is to attract people's attention by showing an American icon in order to warn people on the elections, but also to make them conscious that what their choices could change America’s image on the rest of the world. From a broader point of view, it can shows that this is population who

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-01-2016 23:36


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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