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Mythes et héros/Terminale

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Mythes et héros/Terminale
Message de youlman posté le 14-02-2016 à 14:56:54 (S | E | F)
Salut Bonjour à tous,
je voudrais qui vous me disiez s'il vous plait ce que vous pensez de mon texte préparé pour l'oral du Bac d'anglais.
Merci pour vos réponses.

I'm going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. To define a hero, we can say that it is a person who is admired for his courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. It can be the main character in a book or a film or a person with superhuman qualities. It can also be a modern-day hero, a person who has performed a heroic act or simply our own personal hero, our role model, who we look up to.
To illustrate this notion, i would like to talk about the impact of the heroes in today's society.
Do we need a hero to believe in ?

To be able to answer to this these statement, i chosed to talk about 3 person who can be considered as heroes.
First of all, Malala Yousafzai. To present her quickly, she is an activist from pakistan. She defends the rights of women and she is fighting agains't taliban. She did a speech at United Nation which had a big influence on people. Indeed, the fact that she is young made a big impression on people who heard her. Indeed, everybody follow her ideas. Her speech permited to see the reality about what she fights agaisn't.
Nobody can say that she is wrong, that's why we can consider her as a hero.

In parallel, let's talk about Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela became an influent person due to his election as president in South Africa, but mainly because he fought against Apartheid. Thanks to him, separation of whites and blacks was abolished, black population can finally fit into the white population. That's why we can consider him as a hero. Even after his death in 2013, he remains in the memory of the world for his actions that led to changing attitudes.

Malala and Nelson Mandela received Nobel Prize of Peace. Their speechs permited the the advanced of society. People unite with them to fight against wrongdoing (in this case, terrorism and the rights of human beings).However, they represent universals heroes, their acts have an influence for everybody.
Consequently, is there any person that are heroes for a little part of people ?

We studied the trailer of the movie "We were soldiers". It presents americans soldiers who are going to fight in Vietnam. They embody american values and they are fighting to defend their country. They represent heroes only for american people. We can call them national or patriotic heroes.
Ofcourse their ennemies don't consider them as heroes.

We can say that there are two kinds of heroes; patriotic and universal heroes.
Universale heroes are considered by everybody. To me, people like Malala or Nelson Mandela permited to society to keep a balance and leave in a peacefull world.
Finally, there are differents society which have their own heroes who bring good acts but there are also common heroes to permit the goodwill between these.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-02-2016 15:10

Réponse: Mythes et héros/Terminale de laure95, postée le 17-02-2016 à 12:01:24 (S | E)
- our role model, who (à enlever ou mettre WHOM) we look up to.
Tu ne définis pas le mot MYTH.
Pas de plan.

- this these (choisis) statement,
- i chosed: majuscule + verbe irrégulier!
- to talk about 3 person: pluriel.

- agains't (faute de frappe?) taliban (ajouter people).
-She did (pas le bon verbe ici)a speech at (article)United Nation
- who heard her: pas le bon verbe: TO HEAR = entendre pas écouter.

- Thanks to him,(article) separation of whites and blacks was abolished,
- (article) black population can finally fit into the white population.

- Nobel Prize of Peace: The Nobel Peace Prize.
- Their speechs: orthographe.
- permited the the Advanced: Advanced n'est pas un nom.
- Consequently, is there any person that are: conjugaison.

- It presents americans (pas de "s" + majuscule)soldiers
- They embody american (majsucule) values
- american

- Universale: orthographe.
- heroes are considered (considered as? by everybody.
- To me, people like Malala or Nelson Mandela permited (répétion, chercher un synonyme)
- peacefull: orthographe.

- Finally, there are différents (adjectif invariable + orthographe) society (pluriel) which have their own heroes who bring good acts (mal dit).

Où est la conclusion?


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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