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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de agathe146 posté le 19-02-2016 à 00:12:51 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous,
j'ai un résumé d'anglais sur quelques textes à faire. J'aimerais savoir s'il vous plait si je n'ai pas fait trop de fautes.
Voici mon résumé :

During the twentieth century, the digital and technology had an unprecedented evolution: The use of these new technologies has become daily. We will study an extract of a blog, a guardian article which is a British newspaper and a New York Times article which is an American one. Should we be afraid of technical progress?

The information and technology is an integral part of our daily life for several years now. Frank Gehry, a Canadian-American architect designed a university complex, the Maria Stata Center. This complex challenge the laws of nature. The Variety of materials and forms has posed a number of problems. Nikos Salingaros, theorist and mathematician criticize this structure which upset traditional structural algorithm. However for Robert Campbell, the Stata is a symbol of freedom, boldness and creativity. According to Lanier, each participant who contributes to the sharing of information should be paid, based on the information he transmits. All this information is called Big Data. This information can be intellectual, artistic or pragmatic. For example, if the statistical data supplied by the compatibility of a couple who found love on the internet allow to another couple to find love, then the first couple must receive a royalty for the use of these information.

In a world where digital occupies a leading position, robots find their basis. They replace countless machinists and garment workers. This has a decisive influence on the economy. Indeed, computers are able to steal half of all jobs of American economy: cars will soon have the necessary properties to ride alone, and journalists are also affected by automatization. For instance, information about an earthquake in Los Angeles came from to USGS notification service and posts can be created by algorithms. After all, some companies such as MTurk still need human intelligence: these computers can't yet reply alone. However Brynjolfsson says that artificial intelligence reach a peak.

Right now, It is impossible to do without the technological and digital advances. Throughout its existence, Human invent without stopping machines in order to make life easier. These machines limit human intervention. Abuse of use of these machines can cause significant increase of jobless. However, human must adapt to progress as it has always be done in the past. Actually, progress allows gaining time to devote to Higher-value tasks to shelve software, algorithms and robots do the simplest tasks.

The main idea of this subject is that even if progress increased considerably, it is necessary to take advantage of it, because it is inconceivable to live without progressing.

je vous remercie d'avance.
Bonne soirée.

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-02-2016 06:54

Réponse: Résumé/textes de laure95, postée le 19-02-2016 à 18:17:51 (S | E)
- The information and technology is: conjugaison + temps..
- a Canadian-American architect designed (designer?)
- the Maria Stata Center: pas d'article.
-This complex challenge the laws of nature: ?,
- The Variety of materials and forms has posed (pas le bon verbe).
- Nikos Salingaros,(article) theorist and mathematician criticize: conjugaison.
- this structure which upset: conjugaison.
-(article) traditional structural algorithm.
- these information: THESE + PLURIEL.

- robots find their basis (pas le bon mot ici).
- these computers can't yet (pas à la bonne place) reply alone.
- artificial intelligence reach a peak: conjugaison + pas le bon temps.

- Human (pluriel) invent
- These machines limit (article) human intervention. (article)Abuse of use of these machines can cause significant increase of jobless
- However, human (pluriel) must adapt to progress
- Actually, progress allows gaining (TO + INFINITIF)time.
- The main idea of this subject is that even if progress increased (present perfect)considerably.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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