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Notion/Espace et échanges

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Notion/Espace et échanges
Message de mariedampri posté le 20-02-2016 à 20:23:43 (S | E | F)
j'ai fini ma notion d'espaces et échanges mais je pense et c'est même sûr qu'il y a des erreurs... Ce serait donc très gentil à vous, si vous pouviez m'aider pour indiquer mes fautes, mauvaises formulations, phrases qui ne veulent rien dire...
Merci d'avance.

Le texte:
INTRO The notion I’m going to deal with is Space and Exchange.
To begin with, I would like to gibe a definition of the key words. The meant the geographical and symbolic areas that societies occupy and the interaction between the different societies. The different cultural, sociological, economic and language interactions have shaped and characterized our modern-day world.
I will present this notion after that by the example of America. Indeed we will see the case of immigration in America.
First I will explain the immigrations received the America.
In a second part I will speak about the motivations of the immigrations and the image to America look at the world.

1) The Unites States is a land of immigrants. Indeed nowadays, 35 % of the population has an African-American, Hi-panic, Asian or Arab heritage. This variety of nationalities and cultures come from different waves of immigrants since
One of them, in the 1850s concerns the Irish, who left their country because there was the Great Poptato Famine. In class we have read a text about Ellis Island. It’s a small island in the New York harbor in which the immigrants arrived. It’s there that the selection was done. Indeed to be authorized to enter American territory they had to pass a small medical test. However the conditions during their travel and in Elis Island were very hard. Often the immigrants were exaushed and they look sick. The text speaks about a women who help another women to be confidant, and have a good appearance to obtain the medical test.
Nowadays, America is always a land of immigration, but the origins of immigrants have changed. For example we have listened a report about the augmentation of the number of the Mexican children immigrants. Often the children’s parents are already in the US and the children want to meet them again. It’s dangerous for them: the trip is frightened and trying. When they arrive in the border they are arrested by policeman because there are some investigations to verify the identity of their parents.
Consequently America is composed of different nations, with different languages and different territories. For example there are some areas depending to the nationalities. But there are also the suburb in which live poor people and in the contrary the Business district.
To conclude this part America as a “land of immigrants” is a land of diversity with the exchanges and the espace.

2) Secondly we will speak about the motivations of the immigrants and the image of America around the world.
Immigrants leave their country because their life are wretched. They go in America to have a job and a better life. It’s the notion of “American Dream”. America represents for them a land of opportunities.
Then, America has some symbols like the flag, the Statue of Liberty... We have studied a picture which is a stereotyped and idealized vision of America. Among the stereotypes there are Coca Cola, the Cinema with Marilyn Monroe or Mickey Mouse.
Moreover the “America ways of life” is diffused thanks to TV series like Despeareates Housewives. The series stereotypes the ideal wife and the perfect life but it’s not the reality, it’s an exaggeration in order to give the best image of America in the world.
Finally America since the beginning of Industrial Revolution America is the leader in many domains and technology.
This power is a element which attire people.

CONCLUSION To sum things up can say that America represents on one hand the diversity because of the migration and consequently the multicultural society. It’s a big country composed of different territories.
In the other hand America shows its unity with the American values and all things which represent the country in all the world.
Nowadays, thinks the easiness and the rapidity of means of transports, exchanges through the world have increased. For example many students go in America for some years.

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-02-2016 20:44

Réponse: Notion/Espace et échanges de laure95, postée le 21-02-2016 à 10:20:34 (S | E)
-INTRO The notion I’m going to deal with is Space and Exchange.
- I would like to gibe (faute de frappe) a definition of the key words. The meant the geographical and symbolic areas
- First I will explain the immigrations received the America: mal dit.
- the image to America look at the world: ?

- 1) The Unites (faute de frappe?)States
- Hi-panic.
- This variety of nationalities and cultures come from different waves of immigrants since:temps + après SINCE?
- It’s (temps)a small island in the New York harbor in -pas la bonne préposition)which the immigrants arrived.
- It’s there that the selection was done: mal dit.
- exaushed.
- and they look sick: temps.
- The text speaks (un texte ne parle pas)about a women (A + SINGULIER)who help (temps) another women (singulier) to be confidant, (orthographe)
- For example we have listened (préposition) a report about the augmentation (mot français)
- the trip is frightened (pas la bonne forme)and trying.
- When they arrive in (pas la bonne préposition)the border they are arrested by (article) policeman because there are some investigations to verify (mot français)the identity of their parents.
- For example there are some areas depending to (pas la bonne préposition)the nationalities. But there are also the suburb (there are + pluriel) in which live poor people (ordre des mots)and in the contrary the Business district.
- the espace: mot français.

- 2)their life are wretched: conjugaison.
- They go in (pas la bonne préposition)America
- Moreover the “America ways of life” is diffused (pas le bon mot ici)thanks to TV series like Despeareates Housewives.
- The series stereotypes: conjugaison.
- Finally America since the beginning of Industrial Revolution America is the leader in many domains and technology: SINCE + PRESENT PERFECT.
- This power is a element (A + MOT commençant par une consonne) which attire (pas le bon mot)people.

- CONCLUSION To sum things up can say that America represents on (article) one hand the diversity
- many students go in (pas la bonne préposition)America for some years.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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