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Bac/ Notion Espaces

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Bac/ Notion Espaces
Message de picaxe posté le 28-02-2016 à 19:20:08 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous !
J'ai une notion à préparer pour la rentrée pour le baccalauréat portant sur la notion Espaces et échanges. J'aurais souhaité que vous m'aidiez à corriger mon devoir.
Merci par avance et bonnes vacances !

Good morning, today, I am going to talk about the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. First of all, spaces can take different forms such as regions, cities or countries but we will focus especially on the USA and Mexico. Exchanges is a movement or circulation of people between two spaces. This year in class we studied several documents about immigration from Mexico to the USA. That’s why, we can wonder if the USA close the US-Mexico border? First of all, to answer this question we will focus on majority and minority in the USA. Then we will analyse what are their living conditions in their new country before finally focusing on the important role of Hispanic population in the American society. To illustrate this theme, we will work on three documents.

The first document I have chosen is a cartoon drawn by Greenberg. In this cartoon there are two characters, one man and one woman. They belong to the white population. The man on the left has read the newspaper and he discovered that the Hispanics population become a majority which means that he was going to become a minority. He looks confused and anxious because he fears be rejected and he dreads his children might not go to good schools. So he suddenly decided to focus on the case of minority. He wants a better healthcare and better living conditions. He wants more incentives for employers to hire minorities. The author shows that the Hispanic population continues to grow in the USA. Nowadays, the Hispanic population is about 55 million of people in the USA which represent 17% of the total US population but in 2060 they will represent 128 million of people.

Secondly, the next document is an article entitled “Living in the Shadow” from the New York Times written by Jose Antonio Vargas. It deals with his own experience as an undocumented immigrant in the USA. He explains that when he was 16, he rode his bike to an office to get his driver permit. But he learnt that he had fake papers. Indeed, his grandfather told him that he had crossed the border illegally with his parents. Jose Antonio Vargas is not an American citizen but an undocumented immigrant. The topical issue is that a lot of immigrant come to the USA to experience the American dream but they come illegally without papers. Then they are in the obligation to live in the shadow because they fear they might be deporting in their natal country even if they know nothing about it. They don’t have real job, real papers. A lot of them think it is not fair because they worked hard, they graduated, but they are not Americans citizens. Nowadays the author is still an undocumented immigrant. In this point of view, the US should close the border, to prevent people from living in the shadow.

To conclude I would say that the Hispanic population is always growing in the USA and the Americans should be aware of the most recent data. As Barack Obama said, said “We are a nation of laws and we are a nation of immigrants, and we can reconcile those two things.” I think, we can’t close the border between the USA and Mexico because the USA needs Hispanics and especially because their economy is at stake. The USA have to pass new laws to bridge the gap between communities.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-02-2016 20:40

Réponse: Bac/ Notion Espaces de laure95, postée le 29-02-2016 à 18:57:08 (S | E)
D'abord, merci et bonnes vacances à toi aussi.

- This year in class we studied several documents about (article) immigration from Mexico to the USA.
- That’s why, we can wonder if the USA (il manque un mot pour donner du sens à ta question) close the US-Mexico border?
- First of all, to answer this question we will focus on (article)majority and minority in the USA.
- what are their living conditions: inverser les mots car question indirecte.
- before finally focusing on the important role of (article) Hispanic population in the American society.

- In (pas la bonne préposition)this cartoon.
- The man on the left has(just) read the newspaper and he discovered that the Hispanics (pas de pluriel) population become (temps) a majority
- he fears (il manque une préposition)be rejected
- the Hispanic population is about 55 million of people in the USA which represent: le sujet est : the Hispanic population) (conjugaison)

- his driver permit: vocabulaire.
- a lot of immigrant (pluriel)come to the USA to experience (vocabulaire) the American dream.
- they might be deporting: construction verbale.
- in their natal (vocabulaire) country
- They don’t have real job (pluriel), real papers.
- they are not Americans (pas de pluriel aux adjectifs) citizens.
- Nowadays the author is still an undocumented immigrant: répétition.

- Bonne conclusion. Ce que tu fais dans ta conclusion, tu dois aussi le faire dans ton développement.
Mais, dans tes parties, après avoir présenté tes documents, tu dois expliquer leur lien avec ta notion et ta problématique.

Réponse: Bac/ Notion Espaces de picaxe, postée le 06-03-2016 à 12:24:30 (S | E)
Bonjour et merci de ta réponse !

Je suis désolé de vous répondre si tard mais je ne pouvais pas corriger cette semaine. Voici ce que j'ai réussi à corriger :

Good morning, today, I am going to talk about the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. First of all, spaces can take different forms such as regions, cities or countries but we will focus especially on the USA and Mexico. Exchanges is a movement or circulation of people between two spaces. This year in class we studied several documents about the immigration from Mexico to the USA. That’s why, we can wonder if the USA should close the US-Mexico border? First of all, to answer this question we will focus on the majority and the minority in the USA. Then we will analyse what their living conditions are in their new country before finally focusing on the important role of the Hispanic population in the American society. To illustrate this theme, we will work on three documents.

The first document I have chosen is a cartoon drawn by Greenberg. In this cartoon there are two characters, one man and one woman. They belong to the white population. The man on the left has just read the newspaper and he discovered that the Hispanic population became a majority which means that he was going to become a minority. He looks confused and anxious because he fears he might be rejected and he dreads his children might not go to good schools. So he suddenly decided to focus on the case of minority. He wants a better healthcare and better living conditions. He wants more incentives for employers to hire minorities. The author shows that the Hispanic population continues to grow in the USA. Nowadays, the Hispanic population is about 55 million of people in the USA which represent 17% of the total US population but in 2060 they will represent 128 million of people.

Secondly, the next document is an article entitled “Living in the Shadow” from the New York Times written by Jose Antonio Vargas. It deals with his own experience as an undocumented immigrant in the USA. He explains that when he was 16, he rode his bike to an office to get his driver licence. But he learnt that he had fake papers. Indeed, his grandfather told him that he had crossed the border illegally with his parents. Jose Antonio Vargas is not an American citizen but an undocumented immigrant. The topical issue is that a lot of immigrants come to the USA to experience the American dream but they come illegally without papers. Then they are in the obligation to live in the shadow because they fear they might be deport in their natal country even if they know nothing about it. They don’t have real jobs, real papers. A lot of them think it is not fair because they worked hard, they graduated, but they are not American citizens. In this point of view, the US should close the border, to prevent people from living in the shadow.

Finally, the last document I have chosen is a cartoon drawn by Dranteld. It is a pro-immigrant response to opponents of immigration. Indeed, we can see Hispanics in 8 frames, who are hard-working: one of them is washing the ground, another is doing the dishes of a restaurant. Their jobs in the USA are difficult and exhausted. They have to start from scratch because they are not qualified. The cartoonist is pointing out that the jobs that immigrants take are jobs that Americans don’t want to do. To my mind, I think the author wants to show that illegal immigrants can benefit the USA economy but also, the American citizens are look down on Hispanic populations.

To conclude I would say that the Hispanic population is always growing in the USA and the Americans should be aware of the most recent data. As Barack Obama said, said “We are a nation of laws and we are a nation of immigrants, and we can reconcile those two things.” I think, we can’t close the border between the USA and Mexico because the USA needs Hispanics and especially because their economy is at stake. The USA have to pass new laws to bridge the gap between communities.

Réponse: Bac/ Notion Espaces de laure95, postée le 07-03-2016 à 15:40:07 (S | E)
- That’s why, we can wonder if the USA should close the US-Mexico border? (enlever le point d'interrogation).

- the Hispanic population became a majority: mettre au présent perfect.
- So he suddenly decided to focus on the case of minority: mettre au présent.
- which represent: mettre le verbe au singulier.

- they might be deport: participe passé.
- in their natal (pas le bon mot)country

- illegal immigrants can benefit the USA economy : ordre des mots + il manque une préposition après le verbe.
- but also, the American citizens are look down: participe passé.

Réponse: Bac/ Notion Espaces de picaxe, postée le 07-03-2016 à 21:16:26 (S | E)
Bonjour !

Voici ce que j'ai réussi à corriger. Mise à part les deux dernières remarques que je n'ai pas réussi à corriger.

Spaces and exchanges

Good morning, today, I am going to talk about the notion of Spaces and Exchanges. First of all, spaces can take different forms such as regions, cities or countries but we will focus especially on the USA and Mexico. Exchanges is a movement or circulation of people between two spaces. This year in class we studied several documents about the immigration from Mexico to the USA. That’s why, we can wonder if the USA should close the US-Mexico border? First of all, to answer this question we will focus on the majority and the minority in the USA. Then we will analyse what their living conditions are in their new country before finally focusing on the important role of the Hispanic population in the American society. To illustrate this theme, we will work on three documents.

The first document I have chosen is a cartoon drawn by Greenberg. In this cartoon there are two characters, one man and one woman. They belong to the white population. The man on the left has just read the newspaper and he discovered that the Hispanic population has become a majority which means that he was going to become a minority. He looks confused and anxious because he fears he might be rejected and he dreads his children might not go to good schools. So he suddenly decides to focus on the case of minority. He wants a better healthcare and better living conditions. He wants more incentives for employers to hire minorities. The author shows that the Hispanic population continues to grow in the USA. Nowadays, the Hispanic population is about 55 million of people in the USA which represent 17% of the total US population but in 2060 they will represent 128 million of people.

Secondly, the next document is an article entitled “Living in the Shadow” from the New York Times written by Jose Antonio Vargas. It deals with his own experience as an undocumented immigrant in the USA. He explains that when he was 16, he rode his bike to an office to get his driver licence. But he learnt that he had fake papers. Indeed, his grandfather told him that he had crossed the border illegally with his parents. Jose Antonio Vargas is not an American citizen but an undocumented immigrant. The topical issue is that a lot of immigrants come to the USA to experience the American dream but they come illegally without papers. Then they are in the obligation to live in the shadow because they fear they might be deported in their native country even if they know nothing about it. They don’t have real jobs, real papers. A lot of them think it is not fair because they worked hard, they graduated, but they are not American citizens. In this point of view, the US should close the border, to prevent people from living in the shadow.

Finally, the last document I have chosen is a cartoon drawn by Dranteld. It is a pro-immigrant response to opponents of immigration. Indeed, we can see Hispanics in 8 frames, who are hard-working: one of them is washing the ground, another is doing the dishes of a restaurant. Their jobs in the USA are difficult and exhausted. They have to start from scratch because they are not qualified. The cartoonist is pointing out that the jobs that immigrants take are jobs that Americans don’t want to do. To my mind, I think the author wants to show that illegal immigrants can benefit the USA economy but also, the American citizens are look down on Hispanic populations.

To conclude I would say that the Hispanic population is always growing in the USA and the Americans should be aware of the most recent data. As Barack Obama said, said “We are a nation of laws and we are a nation of immigrants, and we can reconcile those two things.” I think, we can’t close the border between the USA and Mexico because the USA needs Hispanics and especially because their economy is at stake. The USA have to pass new laws to bridge the gap between communities.

Réponse: Bac/ Notion Espaces de laure95, postée le 08-03-2016 à 14:58:36 (S | E)
- That’s why, we can wonder if the USA should close the US-Mexico border? : enlever la maujuscule car c'est une question indirecte.

- Nowadays, the Hispanic population is about 55 million of people in the USA which represent 17% of the total US population: le sujet de "represent" est "the hispanic population", donc singulier, donc tu dois mettre à la fin du verbe un ...

- illegal immigrants can benefit the USA economy: le verbe TO BENEFIT se construit avec une préposition.
- but also, the American citizens are look down: la forme verbale "are look down" n'existe pas.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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