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Message de isarosa posté le 28-02-2016 à 23:46:09 (S | E | F)
Please can you tell me if it's correct, or if I made any mistakes.
Thanks for any reply.

Nobody can deny that nowadays manners are absolutely different from years ago.
I absolutely disagree with the sentence “smoking should be banned in all public places”. In my opinion, it would be a slightly exaggerated law.
On the one hand, I agree with the ban on smoking in shops, restaurants, schools and most other places. It’s a way to respect people who don’t smoke. In addition everybody knows that smoking is bad, but it’s like a drug and it’s very difficult to cut out on smoking. For example, I’ve tried to cut out twice and I’ve never achieved it.
On the other hand, there are not good or bad manners if people who smoke respect who doesn’t, for instance if I don’t smoke when I’m with them, I think they also have to respect people who want smoke.
In my humble opinion, it’s worth people who throw litter in the street, that’s a reason which I think they should be fined. Maybe people should be more responsible and wouldn’t do it.
It would be a great advance and we would keep clean our towns. In fact, in other countries, streets are absolutely spotless, so nobody throw things in the street. I hope someday we can get there. It would be really great.
We must emphasize on the fact, that there should be more pedestrian areas in towns and gardens. It would be a good way to bring up young people to keep clean gardens and teach them how to respect public places, and to have good manners. Like everything in life if you want young people have good manners you have to do the good example for them. Kids always learn from their parents, so if parents have bad manners probably sons will have bad manners. Like father, like son, although it’s not always true but it can help. We should point out that there were always kids with lack of manners.
Another important factor to take into account is the problem about drinking alcohol in the street. As you know, most young people buy alcohol beverages on supermarkets to drink it then, with friends until late at night. It’s true that, when they finish their parties in the street, they leave rubbish, bottles, glasses and they leave the streets really made a mess.
In my opinion, it would be a good solution if prices were more affordable in cafés and nightclubs. Probably they would prefer to go there, but i think they couldn’t afford. Really is a controversial subject for discussion.
Another significant aspect to consider is pollution in towns and cities. For example smoke from cars or factories are a way to pollute our towns. Maybe excessive noise is also a kind of pollution.
In fact, is a delicate topic (or issue) that we would have to care more.

Edited by lucile83 on 29-02-2016 06:08

Réponse: Manners/correction de gerondif, postée le 29-02-2016 à 11:49:05 (S | E)
mistakes in blue, corrections in green
Nobody can deny that nowadays manners are absolutely different from years ago.
I absolutely disagree with the sentence “smoking should be banned in all public places”. In my opinion, it would be a slightly exaggerated law.
On the one hand, I agree with the ban on smoking in shops, restaurants, schools and most other places. It’s a way to respect(of respecting) people who don’t smoke. In addition everybody knows that smoking is bad, but it’s like a drug and it’s very difficult to cut out on smoking. For example, I’ve tried to cut out twice and I’ve never achieved it.
On the other hand, there are not good or bad manners if people who smoke respect (those who don't) who doesn’t, for instance if I don’t smoke when I’m with them, I think they also have to respect people who want to smoke.
In my humble opinion, it’s worth (it's the same with people who // it's just as bad as people who) people who throw litter in the streets, that’s a reason which (the reason why) I think they should be fined. Maybe people should be more responsible and then, they wouldn’t do it.
It would be a great advance and we would keep clean our towns.(Put cleanat the end) In fact, in other countries, streets are absolutely spotless, so nobody throw(don't forget the S) things in the streets. I hope someday we can get there. It would be really great.
We must emphasize on the fact, that there should be more pedestrian areas in towns and gardens. It would be a good way to bring up young people to keep clean gardens(invert) and teach them how to respect public places, and to have good manners. Like everything in life if you want young people to have good manners you have to do the good exampleshow them the right example) for them. Kids always learn from their parents, so if parents have bad manners probably sons will have bad manners. Like father, like son, although it’s not always true but it can help. We should point out that there were always kids with lack of manners.
Another important factor to take into account is the problem about drinking alcohol in the street. As you know, most young people buy alcohol beverages on supermarkets to drink it(it is singular and beverages plural) then, with friends until late at night. It’s true that, when they finish their parties in the street, they leave rubbish, bottles, glasses and they leave the streets really made in a real mess.
In my opinion, it would be a good solution if prices were more affordable in cafés and nightclubs. Probably they would prefer to go there, but i think they couldn’t afford (afford it /afford to). It really is a controversial subject for discussion.
Another significant aspect to consider is pollution in towns and cities. For example smoke from cars or factories are (smoke is singular) a way to pollute our towns. Maybe excessive noise is also a kind of pollution.
In fact, It is a delicate topic (or issue) that we would have to care more.' that we should pay more attention to / that we should be more careful about

Réponse: Manners/correction de isarosa, postée le 29-02-2016 à 13:43:19 (S | E)
Thanks for your help. I 'm looking at my mistakes.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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