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Message de isarosa posté le 28-02-2016 à 23:48:06 (S | E | F)
Hel ,
Please tell me if it's more or less correct, or if I made mistakes.
Thanks for your answers.

Some people argue that animals are the best company for humans. In recent years, I didn’t think so, maybe because I didn’t have any pet in my house. I’ve always thought that pets weren’t well locked in a house, and I’ve always thought that it was an obligation to have them as you have to take them for a walk and to take care.
In fact, I think the second point is true although the effort is worthwhile. Pets are always near you and they’ve never disappointed you. They are loving friend. I’ve never had one, but since 2015 I have one and I’m really happy with my dog “Chispi”. It’s like a member of my family and of course I won’t leave anybody hurt my little pet.
Another important factor to consider is people who abandon their pets for any reason. They don’t want to take care, maybe because they go on holiday or they have children. In any case, it’s absolutely a bad behaviour. If they aren’t responsible to have pets, they shouldn’t have them. That show they are irresponsible people because they consider a pet like a game which you can strip when you get tired of it.
Fortunately, there are a lot of organizations who help animals but it wouldn’t be necessary if people were most responsible.
Concerning to keep exotic or wild animals as pets in flats, I don’t think it’s a good idea.
On the one hand, wild animals have to be in the jungle as is their habitat.
On the other hand, it can be dangerous to have them at home.
Using animals for the cosmetic industry is really an horrible and disastrous human behaviour. Killing animals to make coats, it ‘s the worth thing I’ve ever heard, and I feel sheepish about this kind of persons. In my opinion, it should be banned.
A controversial subject for discussion would be keeping animals in captivity for our entertainment like zoos or circuses.
In my opinion, it’s not the best for them but at least they have food and people who take care them.
On the whole it’s complicated, people maybe think that we use animals like a game or something to exhibit, but I think they are better than they are in a hunting area where they can captivate or kill them.
Given the choice, I prefer to see animals in a zoo to people wearing fur coats. In fact, everyone has their own ideas.
Recent studies show that animals can help people who suffer some illnesses. For example, if a person is blind, a dog can be his guide and somehow his eyes. There are also dogs that are trained and know how to detect some illnesses of their owners such as rising or falling of sugar.
On the other hand, there are also dogs trained to detect drugs and they can help policeman to find or resolve issues of drug trafficking.
Given the choice we have about animals, we have to take care them because they can be your pets or in other situations they can be a big help for some persons.
To sum up, I have to say “no to animal abuse”, they are alive and for people who don’t want animals, at least respect them.

Edited by lucile83 on 29-02-2016 06:05

Réponse: Animals/correction de gerondif, postée le 29-02-2016 à 12:39:15 (S | E)
mistakes in blue, corrections in green

Some people argue that animals are the best company for humans. In recent years, (until recently) I didn’t think so, maybe because I didn’t have any pet in my house. I’ve always thought that pets weren’t well (happy) (when/if) locked in a house, and I’ve always thought that it was an obligation (a chore / a pain in the neck / a pain in the ass ) to have them as you have to take them for a walk and to take care of them everyday.

In fact, I think the second point is true although the effort is worthwhile. Pets are always near you and they’ve never disappointed( a simple present would be better) you. They are loving friends. I’ve never had one, but since 2015 I have had one and I’m really happy with my dog “Chispi”. It’s like a member of my family and of course I won’t (wouldn't) leave anybody hurt my little pet.
Another important factor to consider is people who abandon their pets for any reason. They no longer want to take care of them , maybe because they go on holiday or they have children. In any case, it’s absolutely a bad behaviour. If they aren’t responsible enough to have pets, they shouldn’t have them. That show (the S!!) they are irresponsible people because they consider a pet like a game(toy) which you can strip (throw away) when you get tired of it.
Fortunately, there are a lot of organizations who help animals but it wouldn’t be necessary if people were most responsible.
Concerning to (as regards + ing) keep exotic or wild animals as pets in flats, I don’t think it’s a good idea.
On the one hand, wild animals have to be in the jungle as IT(your usual mistake) is their habitat.
On the other hand, it can be dangerous to have them at home.
Using animals for the cosmetic industry is really an horrible and disastrous human behaviour. Killing animals to make coats, it ‘s the worth thing I’ve ever heard, and I feel sheepish (??) about this kind of persons (people). In my opinion, it should be banned.
A controversial subject for discussion would be: Is keeping animals in captivity for our entertainment in zoos or circuses a good thing ?
In my opinion, it’s not the best for them but at least they have food and people who take care of them.
On the whole it’s complicated, people maybe(invert) think that we use animals like a game( a game is an activity, a toy is an object) or something to exhibit, but I think they are better than they are (what do you mean ? It would be better if they were....) in a hunting area where they can captivate(to captivate or to capture?) or kill them.
Given the choice, I prefer to see animals in a zoo to people wearing fur coats. In fact, everyone has their own ideas.
Recent studies show that animals can help people who suffer from some illnesses. For example, if a person is blind, a dog can be his guide and somehow his eyes. There are also dogs that are trained and know how to detect some illnesses of their owners' (some of their owners'illnesses) such as rising or falling of sugar.
On the other hand, there are also dogs trained to detect drugs and they can help policeman (plural) to find or resolve issues of drug trafficking.
Given the choice we have about animals, we have to take care of them because they can be your pets or in other situations they can be a big help for some persons (people).
To sum it up, I have to say “no to animal abuse”, they are alive and for people who don’t want animals, at least respect them.

"They are alive" mean they are still alive, they are not dead yet, whereas you mean: They are human beings, they are living creatures...

Réponse: Animals/correction de isarosa, postée le 29-02-2016 à 14:06:22 (S | E)
Hello. Thank you very much. I have to pay more attention when I write, because I have a lot of basic mistakes, like (s).
About a sentence you don't understand. I would say that in my opinion, animals are better in a circus than they are in a place where people cant kill them. In a circus, at least they have food and somebody who take care them.

Réponse: Animals/correction de gerondif, postée le 29-02-2016 à 14:45:22 (S | E)
ok, I get it:
"in my opinion, animals are better in a circus than they are in a place where people cant can kill them. In a circus, at least they have food and somebody who takes care of them."
" in my opinion, animals are better in a circus than when they are in a place where people can kill them. In a circus, at least they have food and somebody who takes care of them.
You mean then: Although animals are in captivity in a circus or in a zoo, it is better for them than if they were out in the wilderness where people could hunt them, capture them and kill them.

I don't know, every species has their natural enemies but they sometimes manage to protect themselves. If what you say is true, then prisoners in prison are happy, they are accomodated and fed and run no risk of being sacked or unemployed..... I know I am stretching it a bit but my mother keeps her three cats at home, they aren't allowed to go out for fear that they might get run over and she thinks that, by feeding them three or four times a day, they are happy.. But for me a cat has to run after mice, not wait for its plate of cat-food and run after a plastic mouse in the living-room....

Réponse: Animals/correction de isarosa, postée le 07-03-2016 à 23:08:59 (S | E)
Hi , Thanks for your correction. Yes I would say this, Animals are better in captivity sometimes as they can have food. But it's just a redaction, it doesn't mean that it's my real opinion. I think the same as you.
Thanks and good night


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