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Message de lopezmyriam23 posté le 03-03-2016 à 17:31:15 (S | E | F)
je passe bientôt le Bac d'anglais oral et j'ai commencé par faire cette notion. J'aimerais que quelqu'un m'aide à corriger les fautes (je ne suis pas très forte en orthographe).
Je vous remercie d'avance

I'm going to introduce the notin of myths
First, I'm going to explain wath is a myth. Then, I will talk about several dcuments that we study in class. Finally, I will conclu and said why this them is important.
A myth is a traditional story concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving super-natural beings or events.
The first document I would like to talk about is "beliefs and representation" because it is about a lot of things of the myths. The aboriginal flag was designed in 1971 by an aboriginal artist. It was originally meant to symbole the long night movement and now it is a symbol of unity and identity of Aboriginal people.
The color is also important : the red symbolise the floor which is all red ; the yellow is for the sun because the sun is a great symbol for all people; and the black represents the pride of being black people in Australia. Uluru is a name of a rock. It is 348m high and is a sacred place. The aboriginals think it was build by Dreamtime spirit people. The dreamtime or dreaming is a term used to discribe "the time before time" the time when anciens spirits ancestores creat the land. In these story people and animals are conected. The dreaming is also an art, a culture which exist only is this contry.
An other document I would like to talk about is a document that it was give us for an exam. It explain the important of the area for aboriginal : When eurpeen people stole an height-ton rock an aboriginal elder dead.
The last document is the poem "no more boomrang" wrote by an aboriginal woman. there is a constant oposition between "no more" and "now" so the narrator is opposite to europeen culture.She looks backs to the golden age when she used world to discrube ,her society, like : uspear, hunter, gunya, naked, diner, sharing, corrobow, gay.
This people have their language.
We seen that the aboriginal people have their culture, tradition, and beliefs.
However, now days this people are more influence by european culture and give back their traditions.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-03-2016 19:07

Réponse: Notion/mythes de laure95, postée le 03-03-2016 à 17:57:58 (S | E)
- wath (orthographe)is a myth: ordre des mots (question indirecte)
-several dcuments that we study in class: temps.
- Finally, I will conclu and said why this them is important: une partie ne peut pas être une conclusion.

- A myth is a traditional story concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving super-natural beings or events: la définition doit figurer avant la problématique et le plan.

- it is about a lot of things of the myths: c'est vague.
- It was originally meant: forme verbale.
- to symbole: ce mot n'existe pas.
- the red symbolise: conjugaison
- it was build: revoir construction voix passive.
- discribe: orthographe.
- anciens: mot français.
- ancestores (orthographe) creat (temps) the land.
- In these story (THESE + PLURIEL) people and animals are conected (orthographe).
- a culture which exist (orthogrtaphe)only is this contry.

- a document that it was give: cette forme verbale n'existe pas.
- It explain (conjugaison) the important (ce n'est pas le nom)of the area for aboriginal (people)
- eurpeen: ?
- stole an height-ton rock an aboriginal elder dead: ?

- the poem "no more boomrang" wrote (mettre le participe passé) by an aboriginal woman.
- oposition: orthographe.
- europeen
- when she used (article)world to discrube
- This (THIS + SINGULIER)people have their language.

- now days: ?
- this (THIS + SINGULIER) people are more influence (participe passé) by european (majuscule)culture and give back their traditions .

Réponse: Notion/mythes de lopezmyriam23, postée le 04-03-2016 à 07:58:57 (S | E)
Bonjour, merci beaucoup Laure95 pour ta correction je vais retravailler ça

Réponse: Notion/mythes de lopezmyriam23, postée le 04-03-2016 à 17:32:28 (S | E)
Bonjour, voilà j'ai essayé d'arranger mon texte j'espère que c'est mieux...

I'm going to introduce the notin of myths
First, I'm going to explain wath is a myth. Then, I will talk about several documents that we studied in class. Finally, I will say why I thing this notion is very important.
A myth is a traditional story concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving super-natural beings or events.
The first document I would like to talk about is "beliefs and representation" because it is about the Australian myths, like the flag. The aboriginal flag was designed in 1971 by an aboriginal artist. It was originally meant to symbole the long night movement and now it is a symbol of unity and identity of Aboriginal people.
The color is also important : the red symbolizes the floor which is all red ; the yellow is for the sun because the sun is a great symbol for all people; and the black represents the pride of being black people in Australia. Uluru is a name of a rock. It is 348m high and is a sacred place. The aboriginals think it was built by Dreamtime spirit people. The dreamtime or dreaming is a term used to describe "the time before time" the time when old spirits created the land. In these stories people and animals are conected. The dreaming is also an art, a culture which exist only is this contry.
An other document I would like to talk about is a document of the places sacred of this country. It explains important of the area for aboriginal : a man dead because of the european stole rock sacred.
The last document is the poem "no more boomrang" writen by an aboriginal woman. there is a constant opposition between "no more" and "now" so the narrator is opposite to european culture. She looks backs to the golden age when she used worlds to discribe ,her society, like : uspear, hunter, gunya, naked, diner, sharing, corrobow, gay.
We seen that the aboriginal people have his culture, tradition, beliefs and their language.
However, today this people is more and more influence by European culture and give back their traditions. More over it is not alone/the only, many tribes disappear.
So, what can we do to protect this culture?

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-03-2016 18:07

Réponse: Notion/mythes de laure95, postée le 05-03-2016 à 17:46:11 (S | E)
-the notin: faute de frappe?
- wath (orthographe)is a myth: ordre des mots.
- I thing: THING = chose.

- to symbole : ce mot n'existe pas.
- the long night movement: ?
- conected: orthographe.
- a culture which exist (conjugaisone)only is (is?)this contry.

- a document of (pas la bonne préposition) the places sacred (pas à la bonne place)of this country.
- It explains important (mettre le nom)of the area for aboriginal (people)
-a man dead (ordre des mots)because of the european (majuscule)stole (pas la bonne forme du verbe)rock sacred (pas à la bonne place).

- writen: orthographe.
- She looks backs (pas de 's)
- to discribe: orthographe.
- We seen: ce n'est pas un temps.
- that the aboriginal people have his (pas le bon possessif)culture, tradition, beliefs and their language.
- However, today this people (THIS + SINGULIER°is more and more influence (participe passé)by European culture
- and give back: ?
- More over (en un seul mot)
-it is not alone/the only: ?

Réponse: Notion/mythes de lopezmyriam23, postée le 06-03-2016 à 08:34:14 (S | E)
Bonjour tous le monde,
voici à nouveau mon texte sur la notion de mythes et héros. Je vous remercie de me dire s'il y a encore des choses qui ne vont pas.

I'm going to introduce the notion of myths.
First, I'm going to explain what is a myth. Then, I will talk about several/many documents that we studied in class. Finally, I will say why I think this notion is very important.
A myth is a traditional story concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving super-natural beings or events.
The first document I would like to talk about is "beliefs and representation" because it is about the Australian myths, like the flag. The aboriginal flag was designed in 1971 by an aboriginal artist. It was originally meant to symbolize the long night movement and now it is a symbol of unity and identity of Aboriginal people.
The color is also important : the red symbolizes the floor which is all red ; the yellow is for the sun because the sun is a great symbol for all people; and the black represents the pride of being black people in Australia.
Uluru is a name of a rock. It is 348m high and is a sacred place. The aboriginals think it was built by Dreamtime spirit people. The dreamtime or dreaming is a term used to describe "the time before time" the time when old spirits created the land. In these stories people, landscape, stories and animals are conected. The dreaming is also an art, a culture which exist only is this contry. The rainbow serpent for example, is belived to have created riverbeds, creeks and lagoons as it move across the country. It protect the land and its people, but it could also wreak revenge, thus simbolizing both the creative power and destructive abilities of nature. These people have never used a written language.
An other document I would like to talk about is a document of the places sacred of this country. It explains important of the area for aboriginal : a man dead because of the european stole rock sacred.
The last document is the poem "no more boomrang" writen by an aboriginal woman. there is a constant opposition between "no more" and "now" so the narrator is opposite to european culture. She looks back to the golden age when she used worlds to describe ,her society, like : uspear, hunter, gunya, naked, diner, sharing, corrobow, gay.
We seen that the aboriginal people have his culture, tradition, beliefs and their language.
However, today this people is more and more influenced by European culture and give back their traditions. Moreover there are many tribes disappear years after years.
So, what can we do to protect this culture?

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-03-2016 09:07

Réponse: Notion/mythes de laure95, postée le 06-03-2016 à 10:30:18 (S | E)
- what is a myth: inverser l'ordre des mots car c'est une question indirecte.
- Then, I will talk about several/many (several) documents

- conected: orthographe.
- The dreaming is also an art, a culture which exist: conjugaison (3è personnne du singulier)
- only is (IN) this contry.
- belived: orthographe.
- it move: conjugaison.
- It protect
- simbolizing: orthographe.

- the places sacred: ordre des mots.
- important (mettre le nom, sinon ça ne veut rien dire)of the area for aboriginal (pluriel)
-a man dead: ordre des mots.
- the european (majuscule)stole rock sacred: ordre des mots.

- european: majuscule)
- We seen: SEEN n'est pas un temps, mais, un participe passé, chercher sa forme preterit.
- that the aboriginal people have his (à qui réfère HIS?)culture,

- and give: conjuaison (3è personne du singulier) back their traditions.
- Moreover there are many tribes (mettre un pronom relatif)disappear years after years.

ATTENTTION A TES CONJUGAISONS! A la 3è personne du singulier du présent, tu dois mettre un "s à la fin du verbe!

Réponse: Notion/mythes de lopezmyriam23, postée le 06-03-2016 à 11:40:38 (S | E)
une fois de plus je publie mon texte pour me soumettre à vos critiques afin de pouvoir progresser. J'espère que c'est mieux. J'ai noté les fautes que j'ai faites afin de les éviter à l'avenir,
I'm going to introduce the notion of myths.
First, I'm going to explain what a myth is (comme ceci?). Then, I will talk about several documents that we studied in class. Finally, I will say why I think this notion is very important.
A myth is a traditional story concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving super-natural beings or events.
The first document I would like to talk about is "beliefs and representation" because it is about the Australian myths, like the flag.
The aboriginal flag was designed in 1971 by an aboriginal artist. It was originally meant to symbolize the long night movement and now it is a symbol of unity and identity of Aboriginal people.
The color is also important : the red symbolizes the floor which is all red ; the yellow is for the sun because the sun is a great symbol for all people; and the black represents the pride of being black people in Australia.
Uluru is a name of a rock. It is 348m high and is a sacred place. The aboriginals think/believed it was built by Dreamtime spirit people. The dreamtime or dreaming is a term used to describe "the time before time" the time when old spirits created the land. In these stories people, landscape, stories and animals are conected. The dreaming is also an art, a culture which exist only is this contry. The rainbow serpent for example, is belived to have created riverbeds, creeks and lagoons as it move across the country. It protects the land and its people, but it could also wreak revenge, thus simbolizing both the creative power and destructive abilities of nature. These people have never used a written language.
An other document I would like to talk about is a document of the sacred places of this country. It explains the importance of the area for Aboriginal, consequently a man is dead because of the European stole a sacred rock.
The last document is the poem "no more boomrang" writen by an aboriginal woman. there is a constant opposition between "no more" and "now" so the narrator is opposite to european culture. She looks back to the golden age when she used worlds to describe ,her society, like : uspear, hunter, gunya, naked, diner, sharing, corrobow, gay.
We saw that the aboriginal people have their cultures, traditions, beliefs and language.
However, today this people is more and more influenced by European's culture and they abandon their traditions. Moreover there are many tribes which disappear years after years.
So, what can we do to protect this culture?
With the globalisation all the area of weak people will be destroy. These people become sedentary

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-03-2016 11:54

Réponse: Notion/mythes de laure95, postée le 07-03-2016 à 15:32:11 (S | E)
- First, I'm going to explain what a myth is (comme ceci?): OUI.

- The aboriginals think/believed: THINK ou BELIEVE
- conected: orthographe.
- The dreaming is also an art, a culture which exist only (conjugaison: sujet au singulier is (faute de frappe?)this contry.
- is belived: orthographe.
- it move: conjugaison.
- simbolizing: orthographe.

- the sacred places of (pas la bonne préposition)this country.
- Aboriginal: mettre au pluriel.
- consequently a man is dead because of (enlever OF) the European stole a sacred rock.

- european: majuscule.
- worlds: WORLD = monde.
- European's (pas de "'s) culture
- With the globalisation all the area (pluriel) of weak people will be destroy (au participe passé).

Réponse: Notion/mythes de lopezmyriam23, postée le 08-03-2016 à 17:07:33 (S | E)
Bonjour, merci beaucoup Laure
Je revois le texte corrigé. J’espère que je vais réussir à l'avoir correct. Dites-moi si je dois corriger des fautes s'il vous plait. Merci d'avance.

I'm going to introduce the notion of myths.
First, I'm going to explain what a myth is. Then, I will talk about several documents that we studied in class. Finally, I will say why I think this notion is very important.
A myth is a traditional story concerning the early history of a people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving super-natural beings or events.
The first document I would like to talk about is "beliefs and representation" because it is about the Australian myths, like the flag.
The aboriginal flag was designed in 1971 by an aboriginal artist. It was originally meant to symbolize the long night movement and now it is a symbol of unity and identity of Aboriginal people.
The color is also important : the red symbolizes the floor which is all red ; the yellow is for the sun because the sun is a great symbol for all people; and the black represents the pride of being black people in Australia.
Uluru is a name of a rock. It is 348m high and is a sacred place. The aboriginals believed it was built by Dreamtime spirit people. The dreamtime or dreaming is a term used to describe "the time before time" the time when old spirits created the land. In these stories people, landscape, stories and animals are connected. The dreaming is also an art, a culture which exists only is this contry. The rainbow serpent for example, is believed to have created riverbeds, creeks and lagoons as it move across the country. It protects the land and its people, but it could also wreak revenge, thus symbolizing both the creative power and destructive abilities of nature. These people have never used a written language.
An other document I would like to talk about is a document of the sacred places in this country. It explains the importance of the/these area for Aboriginal, consequently a man is dead because the European stole a sacred rock.
The second document is the poem "no more boomrang" writen by an aboriginal woman. There is a constant opposition between "no more" and "now" so the narrator is opposite to European culture. She looks back to the golden age when she used worlds to describe ,her society, like : uspear, hunter, gunya, naked, diner, sharing, corrobow, gay.
We saw that the Aboriginals people have their cultures, traditions, beliefs and language.
However, today this people is more and more influenced by Europeans culture and they abandon their traditions. Moreover there are many tribes in the world which disappear years after years.
The last document is an audio document : "people and power". Is a TV program presented by Juliana. We learnt that "Julia Gillard has finally emerged out of Australia's first general election as the country's firs woman prim minister and eader of a new labour led minority administration. The place of the woman begin to be reconize in the politic.
With the globalisation all the areas of weak people will be destroy.
These people become sedentary because they must adopt the practices of the European/the Westerners.
We destroy their houses, their threes. We kild the wild animals but these ones (cela existe ones ??) are there food, these three are their medicaments. Indirectly , therefore , we destroy them slowly ! It's a scandal !
So, what can we do to protect this culture and all the others ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-03-2016 17:45

Réponse: Notion/mythes de laure95, postée le 09-03-2016 à 11:43:46 (S | E)
- it move across the country: conjugaison.
- a document of (pas la bonne préposition, chercher celle qui signifie: "au sujet de")the sacred places
- It explains the importance of the/these area: THE ou THIS.
- for Aboriginal: mettre au pluriel.
- worlds: WORLD = monde (pas "mot")
- the Aboriginals (pas au pluriel car "people" derrière)people have their cultures, traditions, beliefs and language.
- Europeans (pas de "s" aux adjectifs)culture
- The last document is an audio document : "people and power". Is (enlever IS) a TV program presented by Juliana.
- the country's firs (faute de frappe?)woman prim (orthographe)minister and eader (leader?)of a new labour led (led?) minority administration.
- The place of the woman begin (conjugaison) to be reconize (participe passé)in the(pas d'article politic (mettre un "s").
- With the globalisation all the areas of weak people will be destroy (participe passé).
- the European (pluriel)/the Westerners: choisir un des 2 (bons tous les 2)
- We kild: faute de frappe?
- the wild animals but these ones (cela existe ones ??)OUI). are there food, these three are their médicaments (ça ne veut rien dire).

Réponse: Notion/mythes de gerondif, postée le 09-03-2016 à 11:53:38 (S | E)
vous confondez three et trees, there et their.
We destroy their houses, their threes. We kild the wild animals but these ones are there food, these three are their medicaments. (un double click sur le mot vous donnerait le mot anglais)


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