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Exposé/ Oral

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Exposé/ Oral
Message de melyssa posté le 17-03-2016 à 07:12:25 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
j'ai un exposé oral en anglais à faire sur le Triangle des Bermudes, et ayant un niveau d'anglais assez moyen, voir même carrément nul, j'aimerais bien que quelqu'un puisse relire mon exposé et me dire s'il y a des erreurs.
Merci beaucoup d'avance pour vos réponses.
voilà mon écrit : Merci beaucoup beaucoup à la personne qui lira tout

The geographical area is the Bermuda Triangle is located within a triangle formed by the islands of Bermuda, Miami and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
However, this geographical area is not recognized by the United States Board on Geographic Names
The Bermuda Triangle is an imaginary geographical area of the Atlantic Ocean as the myth would have been subject to a large number of disappearances of ships and aircraft. That said, no real evidence was shown, salthough some disappearances are suspicious and apparently inexplicable. So, myth or reality? First we will interest us for the story of this legend

I) myth of Bermuda Triangle
1) geographical area
The geographical area is the Bermuda Triangle is located within a triangle formed by the islands of Bermuda, Miami and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
However, this geographical area is not recognized by the United States Board on Geographic Names

2) story of this myth
The first time was mentioned the term "Bermuda triangle" was by an American journalist Vincent Gaddis in Argosy magazine article dated February 1964. He was inspired by previous articles dating from 1950 describing the first disappearance. In 1974, the journalist Howard Rosenberg, published an article estimating that over 190 ships and 80 planes have disappeared in that area during the previous hundred years, and the US Coast Guard have received more than 8,000 distress calls. After these many disappearances, the rumor of Bermuda triangles is intensifies and gives way to many assumptions. To explain the mysterious disappearances, Olivier Bernier and some authors mention the aliens, the influence of Atlantis, supernatural magnetic fields.While others opt to climatic disturbances, natural physical or chemical reactions related to the environment the sector.

II) theory of this myth
1) scientific hypothesis
Among the scientific assumptions discussed magnetic disturbances or oceanic flatulence or underwater emission of a flammable gas, methane. The presence of methane explain stopping piston or jet engines. The decomposition of organic material (oil and coal) will be compressed by the great depth and very low temperature, and freed when creating vulnerabilities by tectonic activity, we find significant deposits in the North Sea where some ships and aircraft have been swallowed or sprayed by this phenomenon.

2) contestation of the mystery
In 1975, the American librarian Lawrence David Küche demonstrates in his book The Bermuda Triangle Mystery resolved, much of the disappearances have not occurred in the Bermuda Triangle, and the many articles and books on this subject would be based on the lie for maintain the mystery. The aircraft had experienced out of fuel. And they could not communicate because of the great distance that separated them from their base. As for the missing ships, they were caught in storms or victims manufacturing defects that led them to sink without trace. According to Kusche, all disappearances, far from mysteries as claimed by some authors, can easily be explained in terms of weather, technical problems or natural accidents (gas, corals, etc.). The number of reported disappearances is not particularly high if we take into account the following factors: the area (nearly 4 million km2); the importance of maritime traffic in the area; the importance of methane hydrate deposits and tectonic activity in the region; unpredictable weather in this area.

III) the myth in popular works
at the time and nowadays many works such as songs, books, movies or series refers to the Bermuda Triangle. Many works refer to this area for various reasons and the myth of the Bermuda Triangle has an important place in a many works :
In the video game Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, the Dread Captain evokes the "forbidden triangle.
The guitarist and musician Buckethead has an album called Bermuda triangle.
In the comic's Island Thousand Mysteries , Alban Guillemois imagine a crazier Triangle of Bermuda
many films are subject to this myth as :
Triangle by Christopher Smith, released in 2009.
The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, horror film shot in 1978 by the Mexican director René Cardona Jr.
Castaway 747 an American film directed by Jerry Jameson,
All these works are in different media but they all at least once, a reference to the Bermuda Triangle, some works are principalements based on this legend and others make reference only.

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-03-2016 09:38

Réponse: Exposé/ Oral de lucile83, postée le 18-03-2016 à 20:26:27 (S | E)

Réponse: Exposé/ Oral de here4u, postée le 18-03-2016 à 21:29:36 (S | E)
I'll try tomorrow if nobody else has done it, but tonight, I'm sorry, I have to let off steam...
Tomorrow will be another day!

Réponse: Exposé/ Oral de bernard93, postée le 19-03-2016 à 10:01:46 (S | E)
j ai donné pris le temp de lire votre exposé de A a Z même si je ne suis pas fort dans votre domaine.
Le contenu de ce dernier est vraiment riche en vocabulaire, toutefois ya il y a un truc quelque chose à signaler sur la dernière partie:
il y a désynchronisation entre le temps et les auxiliaires.

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-03-2016 10:31

Réponse: Exposé/ Oral de here4u, postée le 19-03-2016 à 16:44:12 (S | E)
hello !

You're right! Reading the whole exposé is already a performance...

Attention ! Un exposé, au Lycée, n'est pas une thèse ... et au-delà d'une certaine longueur, vous perdez l'attention de tous. Un des moyens de la préserver, est de parler cet exposé, et surtout, de ne pas le lire ou le réciter ... (ce qui est insupportable, car ennuyeux). il est donc fort maladroit de le rédiger entièrement, mais beaucoup plus habile de le faire sous forme de plan détaillé et de se laisser la possibilité d'hésiter, de bafouiller etc.

c'est parti ... Je ne sais pas jusqu'où j'irai maintenant !

The geographical area is(of?known as ?) the Bermuda Triangle is located within a triangle formed by the islands of Bermuda, Miami and San Juan, Puerto Rico.
However, this geographical area is not recognized by the United States Board on Geographic Names
The Bermuda Triangle is an imaginary geographical area of the Atlantic Ocean as the myth would have been subject to(very clumsy!) a large number of disappearances of ships and aircraft. That said, no real evidence was shown, salthough some disappearances are suspicious and apparently inexplicable. So, myth or reality?(il faudrait "rédiger" ceci qui n'est pas une phrase ...! ) First we will interest us for the story of this legend

I) myth of Bermuda Triangle
1) geographical area
The geographical area is the Bermuda Triangle is located within a triangle formed by the islands of Bermuda, Miami and San Juan, Puerto Rico. Pourquoi cette répétition?
However, this geographical area is not recognized by the United States Board on Geographic Names (un auditeur normal a compris au bout d'une fois !!! )

2) story of this myth
The first time was mentioned the term = wrong word order ! "Bermuda triangle" was by an American journalist Vincent Gaddis in XX Argosy magazine article dated February 1964. He was inspired by previous articles dating from 1950 describing the first disappearance. In 1974, the journalist Howard Rosenberg, published an article estimating that over 190 ships and 80 planes have disappeared in that area during the previous hundred years, and the US Coast Guard have received more than 8,000 distress calls. After these many disappearances, the rumor of Bermuda triangles is intensifies= past participle! and gives way to many assumptions. To explain the mysterious disappearances, Olivier Bernier and some authors mention the aliens, the influence of Atlantis, supernatural magnetic fields. While others opt to climatic disturbances, natural physical or chemical reactions related to the environment XX the sector.

II) theory of this myth
1) X scientific hypothesis
Among the scientific assumptions discussed : (were? comme telle, laphrase est incorecte. ) magnetic disturbances or oceanic flatulence or underwater emission of a flammable gas, methane. The presence of methane explain stopping piston or jet engines. The decomposition of organic material (oil and coal) will be compressed by the great depth and very low temperature (of what?), and freed when creating vulnerabilities by tectonic activity, we find significant deposits in the North Sea where some ships and aircraft have been swallowed or sprayed by this phenomenon.

2) contestation of the mystery
In 1975, the American librarian Lawrence David Küche demonstrates in his book The Bermuda Triangle Mystery resolved, much of the disappearances have not occurred in the Bermuda Triangle, and the many articles and books on this subject would be based on the lie for maintain the mystery. The aircraft had experienced out of fuel.=had run out of ...) And they could not communicate because of the great distance that separated them from their base. As for the missing ships, they were caught in storms or victims manufacturing defects that led them to sink without trace. According to Kusche, all disappearances, far from mysteries as claimed by some authors, can easily be explained in terms of weather, technical problems or natural accidents (gas, corals, etc.). The number of reported disappearances is not particularly high if we take into account the following factors: the area (nearly 4 million km2); the importance of XXX maritime traffic in the area; the importance of methane hydrate deposits and tectonic activity in the region; unpredictable weather in this area.

III) the myth in popular works
at the time and nowadays many works such as songs, books, movies or series refers (pas de singulier, mais un passé!)to the Bermuda Triangle. Many works refer to this area for various reasons and the myth of the Bermuda Triangle has an important place in a many works :
In the video game Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, the Dread Captain evokes the "forbidden triangle.
The guitarist and musician Buckethead has an album called Bermuda triangle.
In the comic's Island Thousand Mysteries , Alban Guillemois imagine a crazier Triangle of Bermuda
many films are subject to this myth as :
Triangle by Christopher Smith, released in 2009.
The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, horror film shot in 1978 by the Mexican director René Cardona Jr.
Castaway 747 an American film directed by Jerry Jameson,
All these works are in different media but they all at least once, a reference verb? to the Bermuda Triangle, some works are principalements based on this legend and others make reference only. word order !

I did it! hurrah! La fin est moins rédigée, moins répétitive aussi, mais pas toujours facile à comprendre ... Bon courage !


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