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Myths and Heroes/Bac EO

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Myths and Heroes/Bac EO
Message de psychori posté le 19-03-2016 à 12:21:56 (S | E | F)
J'ai préparé une de mes fiches pour le Bac. Pouvez-vous la corriger s'il vous plait ?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Today I am going to speak about the notion Myths and heroes.
First of all, a hero is a person who is admired because he has done something outstanding, saves people and it’s somebody who has extraordinary skills like strength and bravery. Furthermore, a hero has done something special and risked his own life to change our world. He can be a source of inspiration for others. Two types of heroes are possible. On one hand, there are the fictional ones who can be mythological heroes like Ulysses, superheroes or heroes of a story. On the other hand, there are the real heroes who can be historical heroes, modern heroes like the veterans of the Second World War or D Day heroes. How can be shown the hero during war?
To answer the question, we will focus on the war heroes in films and letter of American soldiers.
To begin with the war heroes, we can say that acts of heroism are different from acts of bravery. People who are heroes go beyond what is expected of them, risking life and limb to benefit others. There is an altruistic aspect to heroism. All acts of heroism require bravery, but many acts of bravery are not acts of heroism. In fact, in the film we studied about war heroes, we had seen that the soldiers had the feelings that they had to save their brothers when they are wounded or dead like in « Saving private Ryan ». On the boat, the soldiers are very brotherhood and scary. Only one of them seems so anguished that he vomited. The commander boosts the troop’s moral during the crossing. But when they reach the coast, the ramp is getting down and a lot of them, particularly those in front, were died by ballets of enemy. Instead of turning back, the soldiers remaining continued to attack the enemy for , I think, to honor those dead before. This scene was at the D-Day. When the soldiers were underwater, there is no music. So during this passage, we can feel the feeling of the soldiers. They acted entirely with perseverance and valor for their country. This film shows a realistic vision of the war. But other films show a glamorize vision. Particularly in « we were soldiers » during the Vietnam War. We saw in class that the producer no wanted to show only scenes of war, but also of love about his family. Thereby, during the trailer we discovered a dad who kiss his son, love his wife. His son said to his dad that he his proud of him and love him, his wife is bravery. During this scene, the producer put a soft music called « first last together ». And later, we saw him in soldier. He is the most decorated and he acted with selflessness but he finally died. Hollywood making the trailer sad to glamorize it.
Secondly, the letters from American’s soldiers show different feelings according to writing dates. Again, the letter of a soldier named Paul after D-Day and the truce, in France show a soldier confused. For instance, he wrote « Honey, I just don’t know what to say », he is shocked by the situation but very hopeful because he used the present in his letter. He is wrong for this family particularly his wife, Loa, with « So don’t worry about how to treat me ». All the same, other letters aren’t with so much hope. Effectively, Carl Schluter’s letter is wrote after D-Day in Belgium. He lived in dangerous conditions because of the artillery; he is scary, appalling and dreadful. He is scared to death for instance « I never was too scared of the stuff until then ». And he is focused on the past, because he is too shocking to think of the present or the future.
To conclude, in films, there are two main visions of the war hero. The realistic vision, which show the horror of war with with fire guns, especially heavy artillery, death and fighting. The soldiers are brave, but sometimes fear for their fate. They act for their countries, for the liberty. The war dehumanizes soldiers. In contrast, the glamorize vision show love and also, the war. The soldiers are anxious for their families and a lot of scenes are shown with them. Concerning the letters, they represent the feelings of soldiers during war. Some of them are very hopeful for the future but other soldiers are desesperate and scary. The second case represents the anti-hero because he has no heroic attributes but he fight. That why he is an hero.

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-03-2016 17:26

Réponse: Myths and Heroes/Bac EO de laure95, postée le 19-03-2016 à 14:30:01 (S | E)
- On (article) one hand, there are the fictional ones who can be mythological heroes like Ulysses, superheroes or heroes of a story. - - How can be shown the hero during war?: ? : que veux-tu dire?
- To answer the question, we will focus on the war heroes in films and letter (pluriel)of American soldiers.

- To begin with the war heroes: mal dit.
- People who are heroes go beyond what is expected of them, risking (mettre un possessif) life and limb to benefit (préposition)others.
- On the boat, the soldiers are very brotherhood (c'est un nom, pas un adjectif)and scary.
- Only one of them seems so anguished that he vomited: présent.
- But when they reach the coast, the ramp is getting down and a lot of them, particularly those in front, were died (TO DIE = mourir, pas tuer) by (article) ballets (orthographe) of (article)enemy.
- the soldiers remaining continued: mal construit.
- This scene was (mettre un verbe plus précis) at the D-Day.
- When the soldiers were underwater, there is no music: passé.
- we can feel the feeling of the soldiers: répétition.
- We saw in class that the producer no wanted: revoir construction forme négative du passé!
- Thereby, during the trailer we discovered a dad who kiss his son: passé.
- His son said to his dad: dire quelque chose à quelqu'un: TO TELL SOMEBODY SOMETHING.
- that he his proud of him and love him: conjugaison de LOVE.
- his wife is bravery: c'est un nom, pas un adjectif.

- Secondly, the letters from American’s (AMERICANS')soldiers show different feelings according to writing dates.
- He is wrong for this family: ?
- All the same, other letters aren’t with so much hope: mal dit.
- Effectively, Carl Schluter’s letter is wrote: temps + construction du verbe.
- He lived (temps)in dangerous conditions because of the artillery; he is scary, appalling and dreadful.

- The realistic vision, which show (conjugaison)the horror of (article)war with with fire guns,
- In contrast, the glamorize vision show (conjguaison) love and also, the war.
- a lot of scenes are shown with them: ne pas mettre au passif.
- desesperate: orthographe.

Good!But your second part is too short, compared with your first part.
Fin de la conclusion: prévoir une ouverture.

Réponse: Myths and Heroes/Bac EO de psychori, postée le 19-03-2016 à 18:41:16 (S | E)
J'ai mis en rose les corrections que j'ai faites :
Today I am going to speak about the notion Myths and heroes.

First of all, a hero is a person who is admired because he has done something outstanding, saves people and it’s somebody who has extraordinary skills like strength and bravery. Furthermore, a hero has done something special and risked his own life to change our world. He can be a source of inspiration for others. Two types of heroes are possible. On the one hand, there are the fictional ones who can be mythological heroes like Ulysses, superheroes or heroes of a story. (Il y en a qui sont issues de fiction comme ceux de la mythologie avec Ulysse, les super heros ou les héros d'histoires). On the other hand, there are the real heroes who can be historical heroes, modern heroes like the veterans of the Second World War or D Day heroes. How can be shown the hero during war?

To answer the question, we will focus on the war heroes in films and letters of American soldiers.

First of all, we can say that acts of heroism are different from acts of bravery. People who are heroes go beyond what is expected of them, risking their life and limb to benefit to others. There is an altruistic aspect to heroism. All acts of heroism require bravery, but many acts of bravery are not acts of heroism. In fact, in the film we studied about war heroes, we had seen that the soldiers had the feelings that they had to save their brothers when they are wounded or dead like in « Saving private Ryan ». On the boat, the soldiers are very close knit and scary. Only one of them seems so anguish that he vomited. The commander boosts the troop’s moral during the crossing. But when they reach the coast, the ramp is getting down and a lot of them, particularly those in front, were killed by of bullets of enemy. Instead of turning back, the soldiers continued to attack the enemy for , I think, to honor those dead before. This scene was during the beginning of the D-Day. When the soldiers were underwater, there was no music. So during this passage, we can see the feeling of the soldiers. They acted entirely with perseverance and valor for their country. This film shows a realistic vision of the war. But other films show a glamorize vision. Particularly in « we were soldiers » during the Vietnam War. We saw in class that the producer didn't want to show only scenes of war, but also of love about his family. Thereby, during the trailer we discovered a dad who kissed his son, loved his wife. His son told to his dad that he his proud of him and loved him, the bravery of his wife is important. During this scene, the producer put a soft music called « first last together ». And later, we saw him in soldier. He is the most decorated and he acted with selflessness but he finally died. Hollywood making the trailer sad to glamorize it.

Secondly, the letters from Americans' soldiers show different feelings according to writing dates. Again, the letter of a soldier named Paul after D-Day and the truce, in France show a soldier confused. For instance, he wrote « Honey, I just don’t know what to say », he is shocked by the situation but very hopeful because he used the present in his letter. He is bad for this family particularly his wife, Loa, with « So don’t worry about how to treat me ». All the same, other letters aren’t with so much hope.(Je ne vois pas comment dire autrement) Effectively, Carl Schluter’s letter was written after D-Day in Belgium. He lived (Je ne vois pas quel temps il faut mettre) in dangerous conditions because of the artillery; he is scary, appalling and dreadful. He is scared to death for instance « I never was too scared of the stuff until then ». And he is focused on the past, because he is too shocking to think of the present or the future.

To conclude, in films, there are two main visions of the war hero. The realistic vision, which shows the horror of the war with with fire guns, especially heavy artillery, death and fighting. The soldiers are brave, but sometimes fear for their fate. They act for their countries, for the liberty. The war dehumanizes soldiers. In contrast, the glamorize vision shows love and also, the war. The soldiers are anxious for their families and a lot of scenes are show with them. Concerning the letters, they represent the feelings of soldiers during war. Some of them are very hopeful for the future but other soldiers are despairing and scary. The second case represents the anti-hero because he has no heroic attributes but he fight. That why he is a hero.

Merci pour votre correction, je vais travailler sur la 2sd

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-03-2016 21:16
Pas de rouge sur les forums, merci !!

Réponse: Myths and Heroes/Bac EO de laure95, postée le 19-03-2016 à 19:01:57 (S | E)
- it’s (he's) somebody who has extraordinary skills like strength and bravery.
- How can be shown the hero during war?: MOT INTERROGATIF + CAN + SUJET + VERBE A L'INFINITIF

- their life (pluriel)and limb to benefit to (pas la bonne préposition)others.
- we had seen (présent perfect)
- when they are (passé) wounded or dead ( died)like in « Saving private Ryan ».
- On the boat, the soldiers are very close knit (knit ?) and scary.
- Only one of them seems so anguish that he vomited: mettre ce dernier verbe au présent)
- tparticularly those in front, were (présent) killed by of (enlever OF)bullets of (article)enemy.
- those dead: mal formulé.
- This scene was (chercher la traduction de "se passer)during (pas la bonne préposition) the beginning of the D-Day.
- But other films show a glamorize (participe passé)vision.
- His son told to (enlever TO)his dad that he his (his ?)proud of him
- the bravery of his wife is (passé) important.
- Hollywood making (pas la bonne forme du verbe)the trailer sad to glamorize it.

- Secondly, the letters from Americans' (pas de "s à un adjectif) soldiers show different feelings according to writing (participe passé) dates.
- He is bad for this family: ?
- All the same, other letters aren’t with so much hope: utiliser le verbe donner

- a lot of scenes are show with them: ARE + PARTICIPE PASSE.
-other soldiers are despairing (mettre l'adjectif) and scary.
-he fight: conjugaison
-That (il manque BE conjugué) why he is a hero.

ATTENTION au jonglage entre les temps: quand tu résumes un film, une histoire, choisis entre le présent et le passé!

Réponse: Myths and Heroes/Bac EO de psychori, postée le 26-03-2016 à 10:52:05 (S | E)
Voici :
Today I am going to speak about the notion Myths and heroes.

First of all, a hero is a person who is admired because he has done something outstanding, saves people and he’s somebody who has extraordinary skills like strength and bravery. Furthermore, a hero has done something special and risked his own life to change our world. He can be a source of inspiration for others. Two types of heroes are possible. On the one hand, there are the fictional ones who can be mythological heroes like Ulysses, superheroes or heroes of a story. On the other hand, there are the real heroes who can be historical heroes, modern heroes like the veterans of the Second World War or D Day heroes. How can the hero be show during war?

To answer the question, we will focus on the war heroes in films and letters of American soldiers.

First of all, we can say that acts of heroism are different from acts of bravery. People who are heroes go beyond what is expected of them, risking their lives and limb to benefit on others. There is an altruistic aspect to heroism. All acts of heroism require bravery, but many acts of bravery are not acts of heroism. In fact, in the film we studied about war heroes, we had saw that the soldiers had the feelings that they had to save their brothers when they were wounded or died like in « Saving private Ryan ». On the boat, the soldiers are very close and scary. Only one of them seems so anguish that he vomit. The commander boosts the troop’s moral during the crossing. But when they reach the coast, the ramp is getting down and a lot of them, particularly those in front, is killed by bullets of the enemy. Instead of turning back, the soldiers continued to attack the enemy for , I think, to honor the soldiers who died before. This scene happens on the beginning of the D-Day. When the soldiers were underwater, there was no music. So during this passage, we can see the feeling of the soldiers. They acted entirely with perseverance and valor for their country. This film shows a realistic vision of the war. But other films shown a glamorize vision. Particularly in « we were soldiers » during the Vietnam War. We saw in class that the producer didn't want to show only scenes of war, but also of love about his family. Thereby, during the trailer we discovered a dad who kissed his son, loved his wife. His son told his dad that he is proud of him and loved him, the bravery of his wife was important. During this scene, the producer put a soft music called « first last together ». And later, we saw him in soldier. He is the most decorated and he acted with selflessness but he finally died. Hollywood wanted the trailer sad to glamorize it.

Secondly, the letters from American soldiers show different feelings according written dates. Again, the letter of a soldier named Paul after D-Day and the truce, in France show a soldier confused. For instance, he wrote « Honey, I just don’t know what to say », he is shocked by the situation but very hopeful because he used the present in his letter. He is sad for this family particularly his wife, Loa, with « So don’t worry about how to treat me ». All the same, other letters don't give with so much hope. Effectively, Carl Schluter’s letter was written after D-Day in Belgium. He lived in dangerous conditions because of the artillery; he is scary, appalling and dreadful. He is scared to death for instance « I never was too scared of the stuff until then ». And he is focused on the past, because he is too shocking to think of the present or the future.

To conclude, in films, there are two main visions of the war hero. The realistic vision, which shows the horror of the war with with fire guns, especially heavy artillery, death and fighting. The soldiers are brave, but sometimes fear for their fate. They act for their countries, for the liberty. The war dehumanizes soldiers. In contrast, the glamorize vision shows love and also, the war. The soldiers are anxious for their families and a lot of scenes are shown with them. Concerning the letters, they represent the feelings of soldiers during war. Some of them are very hopeful for the future but other soldiers are desperate and scary. The second case represents the anti-hero because he has no heroic attributes but he fought. That is why he is a hero.

Réponse: Myths and Heroes/Bac EO de psychori, postée le 27-03-2016 à 23:09:53 (S | E)
Pouvez-vous me dire si il y a encore des fautes s'il vous plaît, je passe jeudi...
Merci !

Réponse: Myths and Heroes/Bac EO de laure95, postée le 29-03-2016 à 15:29:47 (S | E)
- How can the hero be show during war?: je me suis trompé dans ma précédente correction: verbe au participe passé.
-letters of (from)American soldiers.

- to benefit on (from)others.
-we had saw: mettre au present perfect: HAVE AU PRESENT + PARTICIPE PASSE
- Only one of them seems so anguish (participe passé)that he vomit (conjugaison).
-the ramp is getting down: présent simple.
- and a lot of them, particularly those in front, is (pluriel)killed by bullets of the enemy.
- Instead of turning back, the soldiers continued (présent)to attack the enemy for (enlever FOR),
-This scene happens on (at) the beginning of the D-Day.
- But other films shown (mettre au présent) a glamorize (glamorous)vision.
- His son told his dad that he is (passé)proud of him and loved him,
- He is (passé)the most decorated.

- Again, the letter of (from)a soldier named Paul after D-Day and the truce, in France show a soldier confused (ordre des mots).
- For instance, he wrote « Honey, I just don’t know what to say », he is (passé)shocked by the situation
- he is (passé)scary (scared), appalling and dreadful. He is (passé) scared to death for instance « I never was too scared of the stuff until then ». And he is (passé) focused on the past, because he is (passé)too shocking (participe passé)to think

- with with
- the glamorize (glamorous) vision shows love and also, the war.
- a lot of scenes are shown with them: présent voix active pas passive.


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