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Protest songs/aide

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Protest songs/aide
Message de bishem91 posté le 31-03-2016 à 18:40:27 (S | E | F)
Pourriez-vous me corriger cet oral d'anglais sur les protest songs, le sujet étant : Choose a protest song and present it to your classmates in three minutes. Explain the meaning of the song and justify your choice. J'ai pris Beds are burning de Midnight oil.

Voici mon travail :
Midnight oil was an Australian rock band which is famous by his lots of protest songs against nuclear and environmental problems. It was composed by eight artists including 2 deaths for many years: Peter Garrett, Jim Moginie, Martin Rotsey, Rob Hirst, Bones Hillman, Peter Gifford, Andrew James, Gary Morris. They began them career in nineteen seventy one in Australia and in two thousand o two, the group was separated: one member left the group for a political career.
Beds are burning is a rock music by Midnight oil which was released in nineteen seventy one when Australia was colonized by the British. It talks about the damage caused by the test explosions in the 50s by the English. The indigenous have been affected by a violent pollution which gave birth to many diseases like cancer or leukemia or many others. In this song, the authors claimed the restitution of them homeland stolen by the British settlers.
It composed of 9 stanzas chorus included. The first one is a description of the catastrophic state of the environment. The second part is what we should do for change this. The third stanza is rhetorical questions and it was repeated many times. The chorus stress important points and he repeat them to make people aware of the danger. I think the song is addressed to all humans who lives in this planet.
The song’s message is valid today maybe more than at the time because the state of our planet now is catastrophic. I agree with it because the planet must be clean forever. The song’s music seems appropriate to the topic. It was the first song I know about this subjects.

Merci d'avance et bonne chance pour la correction.

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-03-2016 18:43

Réponse: Protest songs/aide de gerondif, postée le 02-04-2016 à 19:59:08 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert

Midnight oil was an Australian rock band which is(prétérit) famous by(metttez because of) his(mettez their) lots of(n'est pas un nom: mettez because of their many protest songs against) protest songs against nuclear and environmental problems. It was composed by eight artists including 2 deaths(ben non!incluant deux décès ne veut rien dire; dont deux membres sont déjà morts) for many years: Peter Garrett, Jim Moginie, Martin Rotsey, Rob Hirst, Bones Hillman, Peter Gifford, Andrew James, Gary Morris. They began them(adjectif possessif!!) career in nineteen seventy one(tirets) in Australia and in two thousand o two, the group was separated( ou bien the group split up): one member left the group for a political career.
Beds are burning is a rock music a rock and roll song by Midnight oil which was released in nineteen seventy-one when Australia was colonized by the British. It talks about the damage caused by the test explosions in the 50's(orthographe classique) by the English. The indigenous have been affected by a violent pollution which gave birth to many diseases like cancer or leukemia or many others. In this song, the authors claimed the restitution of them(adj possessif) homeland stolen by the British settlers.

It is composed of 9 stanzas chorus included. The first one is a description of the catastrophic state of the environment. The second part is what we should do for(mauvais choix du mot pour + verbe indiqaunt un but: I am writing this to help you) change this. The third stanza is rhetorical questions and it was repeated many times. The chorus stress(3éme personne présent simple!) important points and he(qui ça ?) repeat(le s du présent simple!) them to make people aware of the danger. I think the song is addressed to all the humans (plutôt all the human beings, ou all the people ) who lives(c'est du pluriel, all the humans) in(ils ne vivent pas dans la planète mais sur la planète) this planet.
The song’s message (song n'est pas un être vivant, donc, construction en of) is valid today maybe more than at the time because the state of our planet now is catastrophic. I agree with it because the planet must(mettez plutôt should) be clean forever. The song’s music seems appropriate to the topic. It was the first song I know(mettez plutôt hear au prétérit) about this subjects(singulier).


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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