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Oral/Mythes et héros

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral/Mythes et héros
Message de galactose posté le 01-04-2016 à 18:06:08 (S | E | F)
je me présente, je suis actuellement en Terminale scientifique, je passe mon oral pour le baccalauréat très prochainement dans moins de deux semaines à vrai dire et étant mauvais en anglais j'aurais aimé que quelqu'un me vienne en aide, car je crains de faire d'énormes fautes qui risquent de faire rire ma prof et non moi vu ma note...
De ce fait je souhaite améliorer ma prestation orale qui passe évidemment par le contenu du devoir en lui-même, ainsi je remercie d'avance la personne qui me viendra en aide:MERCI.
Voilà le fruit de mon labeur qui j’espère ne sera pas trop bourré de fautes:

I am going to talk about the notion of myth and heroes. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion. A hero is a person admired for his achievements, noble qualities and grat courage. They can be fictionnal like Superman ,Batman or real like footballer for young boys. But a hero can be also an anti-hero, like some presidents of the USA. For illustrate the notion, I am going to answer the next problematic:Who are the idols respected and appreciated by the peaople and who are those who are less ?
First, I will present a superhero very famous,
Second ,I will speak of a hero and model,
and Third ,I will recall this president contrasted.

For lot of people, superheroes are the incarnation of good, this is the case of Hulk, the strongest superhero marvel and one of most adorated by children .Indeed Hulk is very destructive and sometimes a bit stupid because of his transformation which transformed the doctor Bruce Banner in this huge beast considerated like a power of nature. Though Hulk is not evil, he can be hazardous
because sometimes,he can't control itself, it is what shows to what extent Hulk is a character who suffers of his evolution and who give him the appearnace tortured, because if is not aware of what he is trying to do, he can kill people. Moreover, Hulk owns a great capacity to regenrate itself and despite of his massive body is very fast. We can notice Hulk is liked by the children as well as adults because, nowadays lot of fans choose to disguize themelves on Hulk, who stays an idol for lot of Americans. But the myths can be too real and clever like the founder of the firm Apple.

Steve Jobs who is borned on february the 24, 1955 in Francisco and dead in 2011. Steve Jobs studied at the Stanford University where he met Steve Wozniak the other founder of Apple and one of his best friends. Jobs whose the father was Afghan and the mother american started his life with difficulty. In fact he was separated of his mother and adopted by illiterate parents. But it was not an obstacle for the young and inventive Jobs, who created the first personal computer in 1984, the macintosh. Furthermore, Jobs was very popular among the people that explain why is death was a national mourning . We can add Steve Jobs was hardworking, smart and convinced to bring a better world with his inventions which had marked the history for ever, like Thomas Edison and Leonardo Da Vinci. He was also a pioneer for his works which change our lives and he was different from the common man. Thereby with passion, imagination all is possible for one who wants to defy convention ,we known that, thanks to the Mister Job's life.

However, some heroes can become anti-heroes, we can quote the example of Bill Clinton the 42nd
president of the USA, who was a very good president and a very bad lier, who cheat on his wife two times and who lied under the oath. We can notice that the president lied to the Press, to the Americans, to whole world and his integrity and morality were put into question. Moreover it's because of this scandal, that a Repunlican, George Bush was elected.

Finally, the people considers the superheroes and the heroes like models or ,idols , who represents the perfection and the antiheroes, who would have been heroes wheteher they weren't so human. I, think the superheroes even if allow us to dream they are unrealistic while, some men like Mister Jobs have really existed and have let behind them a better world. To finish, we can wonder ourselves how the world would be if the heroes or myths doesn't exist.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-04-2016 23:17

Réponse: Oral/Mythes et héros de gerondif, postée le 03-04-2016 à 16:11:52 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert

I am going to talk about the notion of myth and heroes. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion. A hero is a person admired for his or her achievements, noble qualities and great courage. They can be fictionnal like Superman ,Batman or real like a footballer for young boys. But a hero can be also an anti-hero, like some presidents of the USA. For illustrate the notion, I am going to answer the next problematic:Who are the idols respected and appreciated by the peaople and who are those who are less appreciated ?
First, I will present a superhero very famous,(à mettre devant le nom)
Second ,I will speak of a hero and model,
and Third ,I will recall this president contrasted.(adjectif à mettre devant le nom. je comprendrais controversial mais contrasted ? par rapport à quoi?)

For a lot of people, superheroes are the incarnation of good, this is the case ofplutôt with) Hulk, the strongest superhero marvel(pluriel) and one of most adorated bof, français traduit)by children .Indeed Hulk is very destructive and sometimes a bit stupid because of his transformation which transformed the doctor Bruce Banner into this huge beast considerated like a power of nature. Though Hulk is not evil, he can be hazardous.(cet adjectif sonne bizarrement ici. sens de dangereux je suppose)because sometimes,he can't control itself (si vous mettez he comme sujet, accordez), it is what shows to what extent Hulk is a character who suffers of his evolution and who give(changez de relatif: ce qui lui donne ? et accordez le verbe) him the appearnace tortured (adj devant le nom), because if (sujet)is not aware of what he is trying to do, he can kill people. Moreover, Hulk owns a great capacity to regenrate itself (objet ou humain ?) and despite of his massive body , (sujet)is very fast. We can notice Hulk is liked by the children as well as adults because, nowadays lots of fans choose to disguize themelves on Hulk, who stays an idol for lots of Americans. But the myths can also be too real and clever like the founder of the firm Apple.

Steve Jobs who( ne sert à rien vu qu'il n'y a pas de principale après cette relative) is borned(à conjuguer correctement au prétérit) on february the 24th, 1955 in Francisco and dead(dead est un adjectif, pas le verbe d'action mourir (to die) ) in 2011. Steve Jobs studied at the Stanford University where he met Steve Wozniak the other founder of Apple and one of his best friends. Jobs whose the father was Afghan and the (remettez whose) mother was American , started his life with difficulty. In fact he was separated of his mother and adopted by illiterate parents. But it was not an obstacle for the young and inventive Jobs, who created the first personal computer in 1984, the macintosh. Furthermore, Jobs was very popular among the people, (virgule) that explain(mauvais choix de relatif pour dire ce qui et accordez le verbe au présent 3ème personne) why is death was a national mourning (ne convient pas) . We can add Steve Jobs was hardworking, smart and convinced to bring a better world (il le rend meilleur, il ne l'apporte pas meilleur) with his inventions which had marked the history for ever, like Thomas Edison and Leonardo Da Vinci. He was also a pioneer for his works which change(prétérit) our lives and he was different from the common man. Thereby with passion, imagination all (plutôt everything) is possible for one who wants to defy convention ,we known that, thanks to the Mister Job's life.

However, some heroes can become anti-heroes, we can quote (verbe à changer) the example of Bill Clinton the 42nd
president of the USA, who was a very good president and a very bad lier, who cheat(prétérit) on his wife two times (plutot twice) and who lied under the oath. We can notice that the president lied to the Press, to the Americans, to whole world and his integrity and morality were put into question. Moreover it's because of this scandal, that a Repunlican, George Bush was elected.

Finally, the people considers the superheroes and the heroes like models or,idols , who represents the perfection and the antiheroes, who would have been heroes wheteher they weren't so human. I, think that the superheroes are unrealistic even if they allow us to dream while,(pourquoi toutes ces virgules mal placées, à supprimer) some men like Mister Jobs have really existed and have let(mauvais verbe laisser) behind them a better world. To finish, we can wonder ourselves how the world would be if the heroes or myths doesn't exist (prétérit).


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