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Bac/Idea of progress

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Bac/Idea of progress
Message de ophe702 posté le 16-04-2016 à 12:08:10 (S | E | F)
je viens de finir mon premier exposé concernant le Bac d'anglais. Il porte sur l'idée de progrè Je souhaiterais avoir votre avis sur ce que j'ai produit.
Merci d'avance.

Idea of progress
The idea of progress may be defined by a change in society. That is to say, technological progress, or development of a country. We can speak of the idea of progress to designate the socials advances, technicals or scientifics. For these improvements, we try to make the world better. So, we can look at a question : “Should we be afraid of progress ?”
To response to this issue, I will present three documents who dealing with the idea of progress. I chose these three papers Because, in my opinion, they reflect the good and bad sides of scientific and social progress.

Artificial Limbs : This is a video on artificials limbs. In this paper, we show the athletes who practice different sports while have a disability. To practice their sport, they will ask to the carpenters to create artificial limbs. This is a great technological advance that will allow athletes to be successful and continue to play sports normally. The prostheses are becoming more sophisticated over time which allows athletes to be ever more efficient. In this document we are shown the good side of medical and technical progress, since it allows people with disabilities to live almost normal way.

-Today's India are documents that talk us of social progress which are present in India.
Indeed, we saw that India is a country where you find a strong tradition as well as an intense modernity. We studied a photo which showed that men were dressed like european men, which demonstrated their social progress. We could see in the bottom of this picture, the buildings which showed the emergence of India to the rest of the world. India became independent in 50 years. In 50 years, the country has continued to increase and has created a place in the world. The rights of women is an important topic in India. Today it's a woman who is the president of Indiais called Pratibha Patil. We can therefore conclude that progress has been beneficial in India since it allows the emancipation of women and increasing their social rights. Ye0,t even if India became a democracymost inequalities persist within the country between urban and farmers.

The document "designer baby" says that now, parents could choose the sex of their childrens. This would, indeed, a good thing for parents who have only boys and wishing a girl. But It raises an ethical problem in the sense that a parents should'nthave to choose the gender of her child since he must love her in any case. We want to now help parents have the "perfect baby" to them. But many debates still persist in our society because medical progress pushes too far discoveries and risks turning families.

To conclude, we can say that technical progress, scientific or social can be beneficial to a country or a class of persons. However, the progress should'nt be much looking after because it could pose disturbing issues for the world, such as growing inequalities or ethicals problems.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-04-2016 14:50
Aucun jugement de valeur n'est admis sur le site.

Réponse: Bac/Idea of progress de laure95, postée le 17-04-2016 à 10:53:10 (S | E)
- to designate the socials (pas de s à un adjectif) advances, technicals (idem)or scientifics (idem).
- To response to: to answer.
- I will present three documents who dealing (ce n'est pas un temps)with the idea of progress.

- This is a video on artificials (pas de s)limbs.
-In this paper: ?,
- we show the athletes who practice different sports while have(while + gerondif) a disability.
- This is a great technological advance that will allow (conjugaison)athletes to be successful
- to live almost normal way: to have an ordinary life.

-Today's India are documents that talk (des documents ne parlent pas us of social progress
- The rights of women is (pluriel) an important topic (plurielm)in India.
- Today it's a woman: mal dit.
- Indiais: ?
- The document "designer baby" says (un document ne dit pas)that now, parents could choose the sex of their childrens (children est déjà un mot pluriel)
-. This would, indeed, a good thing: ou est le verbe?
- a parents should'nthave
- We want to now help: ?
- parents have the "perfect baby" to them: ?

- THowever, the progress should'nt be much looking after: mal construit.
- because it could pose disturbing issues, such as growing inequalities or ethicals (pas de s)problems.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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