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Correction/ synthèse

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ synthèse
Message de fujitsu4 posté le 20-04-2016 à 19:50:19 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
Dans ma classe d'anglais, nous avons joué fait un jeu de rôle où chacun de nous s'occupait d'un groupe de touristes voulant visiter la Corse. A la fin, on nous a demandé de rédiger une petite synthèse en anglais. Pouvez-vous m'aider svp s'il vous plait à voir s'il y a des erreurs basiques d'anglais (mon anglais n'est pas très bon) et surtout surtout des erreurs de style.
Merci d'avance !

At the beginning of this group exercise, each one presented his group including the expectations of its members. For me (for my part ?), I was managing a Canadian student group that wanted to discover Corsica through extreme activities.

The first step of our reflection was to list all the problems and the difficulties of each tourist group. Consequently, we had to find a compromise between :
- Security : My youth group was seeking for extreme activities but one of the major principles of my travel agency was to ensure security to all its members.
- Satisfaction : We had to find activities that can satisfy as many people as possible knowing that young people and older people have completely different expectations (even contradictory) and that we were instructed to not separate the different groups.
- Gastronomy : some people attached big importance to the discovery of the local gastronomy while others don’t. I noted that our agency was specialized in sport tourism (tourisme sportif?) and was not famous for gastronomy activities. Consequently, we could afford to ignore this aspect and offer simple food.
- Budget : a fax arrived in full meeting(en pleine réunion?) informed us that some groups (such as the group of the Canadian students that I was managing) had a limited budget. Subsequently, we had to find suitable activities for all available budgets.

At the end of this group exercise, we have chosen Kayak as the morning activity. The main advantage of it was to propose a customized menu with optional physical exercises. So, the motivated group (like the Canadian student group) could choose to participate to all the difficult parts of the menu while others (like the retired people) could choose to skip these parts. Then, we choose hiking as the afternoon activity (after a light and brief lunch at noon). This time, the main advantage was to propose a long activity that can help our visitors to enjoy quietly their stay and admire the different landscapes in Corsica.
Regrettably, we have not been able to agree to a third activity.

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-04-2016 22:22


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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