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Bac/Idea of progress

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Bac/Idea of progress
Message de auroresud posté le 22-04-2016 à 11:42:12 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !
Je suis en Terminale S et je passerai les oraux dans deux semaines..
Mes notions sont terminées, mais n'ayant pas un bon niveau de langue, j'ai voulu prendre un peu d'avance sur quelques questions potentielles que mon professeur pourrait me poser sur mes documents et la notion en générale..
Je recherche alors une âme charitable afin de m'aider dans la correction.
Si vous avez d'autres idées de questions à me soumettre afin que je les prépare, je suis preneuse !
Ma première notion est donc "Idée de progrès"
Merci d'avance !

Doc 1) Mona Lisa Smile
1er Doc : - Pourquoi le rôle du professeur est il si important ?.
I think the professor is a model for his students. He gives them advice for their growing minds, and helps them to ask themselves the right questions and take place in some controversial subjects.
This document is a good example of that. Thanks to her, the students can realize the danger of the advertisements, the place of women, especially, in those advertisements. They have a great confidence in their professor, and the fact that she’s so angry; make them realize the importance of this subject.

2eme Doc: - Quel est le point de vue de l’auteur, et pourquoi ?
The author is very enthusiastic about this project; she really invites us to join the movement, she says the discrimination touch all form of person, not only women, and she says it’s a really good project.
I think too, because only women fight for the gender equalities. Include men on this fight can could make a great evolution of mentalities.

3eme Doc:- Pourquoi l’humour est un bon moyen de transmettre un message ?
The humor forwards a message through the laugh, it’s not violent, it’s never wicked, it’s only sympathetic, and make us realize the bad sides of our current society. For me, it’s the best way to criticize something.

Concl:- Comment évolueront les mentalités dans le future ?
I can’t take part on this subject.. It’s a very sensible subject.. Especially now, with the Paris’ attacks, the racism is very important.. Normally, the minds could become more open than now, but there are a lot of recent events wich make me hesitate..

:-As tu aimé travailler sur cette notion ? Laquelle as-tu préféré ?
Yes, it was interresting to work on this notion, because when i thought about progress, I thought about technologies first, and the evolution of mentalities was often put aside. But work especially on the progress on mentalities makes me realise that it was as important as technologies.

I preferred work on the notion myths and heroes, because it’s a lighter topic, more funny and original than the exchanges and the progress of our current society wich is, for me, so controvertial for I can take part in those subjects.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-04-2016 16:59

Réponse: Bac/Idea of progress de auroresud, postée le 25-04-2016 à 10:46:28 (S | E)
Mon oral serait-il si parfait pour qu'il n'y ait pas besoin de le corriger ?
Pardon, mon humour est peut-être déplacé..
Seulement, j'ai bossé sur ces entretiens, et j'aurais vraiment besoin d'une correction. S'il vous plait, ça ne devrait pas être très long..
Merci d'avance

Réponse: Bac/Idea of progress de bluestar, postée le 25-04-2016 à 16:48:20 (S | E)
(erreurs en bleu, suggestions en vert)

1er Doc : - Pourquoi le rôle du professeur est il si important ?.
I think the professor is a model for his students. He gives them advice for their growing minds, and helps them to ask themselves the right questions and take place (pas le mot juste)in some controversial subjects.
This document is a good example of that. Thanks to her, the students can realize(pas le mot juste) the danger of the advertisements, the place of women, especially, in those advertisements. They have a great confidence in their professor, and the fact that she’s so angry; make them realize the importance of this subject.

2eme Doc: - Quel est le point de vue de l’auteur, et pourquoi ?
The author is very enthusiastic about this project; she really invites us to join the movement, she says the discrimination touch all form of person, not only women, and she(vous aurez à décider si le prof est un homme ou une femme! vous écrivez 'he' ci-dessus et 'she' ici) says it’s a really good project.
I think too, because only women fight for the gender equalities. Include (il faut le participe present verbe - ing) men on this fight can could make a great evolution of mentalities. (maladroite - a reformuler)
3eme Doc:- Pourquoi l’humour est un bon moyen de transmettre un message ?
The humor forwards a message through the laugh (utiliser le participe present pas le nom), it’s not violent, it’s never wicked, it’s only sympathetic, and make us realize the bad sides of our current society. For me, it’s the best way to criticize something.

Concl:- Comment évolueront les mentalités dans le future ?
I can’t take part (discuss est mieux) on this subject.. It’s a very sensible (pas le mot juste, vous confondez sensible et sensitive) subject.. Especially now, with the Paris’ attacks, the racism is very important.. Normally, the minds could become more open than now, but there are a lot of recent events wich (orth.)make me hesitate..

:-As tu aimé travailler sur cette notion ? Laquelle as-tu préféré ?
Yes, it was interresting(orth.) to work on this notion, because when i(majuscule) thought about progress, I thought about technologies first, and the evolution of mentalities was often put aside. But work especially on the progress on mentalities makes me realise that it was as important as technologies. ('attitudes' serait mieux que 'mentalities')

I preferred to work on the notion myths and heroes, because it’s a lighter topic, more funny and original than the exchanges and the progress of our current society wich is, for me, so controvertial for I can take part in those subjects.

Réponse: Bac/Idea of progress de auroresud, postée le 26-04-2016 à 15:46:29 (S | E)
Bonjours !
alors avant toute chose, merci dix mille fois pour votre réponse, je commençais sincèrement a désespérer de voir se pointer le bout d'une correction et vous m'avez été d'une très grande aide.
J'ai donc corrigé les fautes que vous m'aviez indiquez, je me permet alors de le re-poster une dernière fois pour une re-lecture potentielle,
Grace a vous, j'irais beaucoup plus sereinement passer l'entretient qui aurait pu se révéler catastrophique, donc:
Encore merci.

Ps: Le deuxième document et le premier ne sont pas liés, il n'est question d'un professeur que dans le premier, et en effet, c'est une femme ! j'ai corrigé cette erreur, désolé pour la confusion !

Doc 1) Mona Lisa Smile
1er Doc : -Pourquoi le rôle du professeur est il si important ?.

I think the professor is a model for his students. She gives them advice for their growing minds, and helps them to ask themselves the right questions and take position in some controversial subjects.
This document is a good example of that. Thanks to her, the students can achieve the danger of the advertisements, the place of women, especially, in those advertisements. They have a great confidence in their professor, and the fact that she’s so angry; make them realize the importance of this subject.

2eme Doc: -Quel est le point de vue de l’auteur, et pourquoi ?

The author is very enthusiastic about this project; she really invites us to join the movement, she says the discrimination touch all form of person, not only women, and she says it’s a really good project.
I think too, because only women fight for gender equalities. Including men in this fight could do so much evolve attitudes.

3eme Docourquoi l’humour est un bon moyen de transmettre un message ?

Humor forwards a message through the laughing, it’s not violent, it’s never wicked, it’s only sympathetic, and make us realize the bad sides of our current society. For me, it’s the best way to criticize something.

Concl:-Comment évolueront les mentalités dans le future ?

I can’t discuss in this subject.. It’s a very sensitive subject.. Especially now, with the Paris’ attacks, racism is very important.. Normally, minds could become more open than now, but there are a lot of recent events which make me hesitate..

:-As tu aimé travailler sur cette notion ? Laquelle as-tu préféré ?

Yes, it was interesting to work on this notion, because when I thought about progress, I thought about technologies first, and the evolution of mentalities was often put aside. But work especially on the progress on attitudes makes me realise that it was as important as technologies.
I preferred to work on the notion myths and heroes, because it’s a lighter topic, more funny and original than the exchanges and the progress of our current society which is, for me, so controversial for I can take part in those subjects.

Encore merci d'avoir pris le temps de me relire une nouvelle fois

Réponse: Bac/Idea of progress de bluestar, postée le 26-04-2016 à 17:10:01 (S | E)

Doc 1) Mona Lisa Smile
1er Doc : -Pourquoi le rôle du professeur est il si important ?.

I think the professor is a model for his students. She gives them advice for their growing minds, and helps them to ask themselves the right questions and take positions in(une autre preposition ici) some controversial subjects.
This document is a good example of that. Thanks to her, the students can achieve(le mauvais verbe) the danger of the advertisements, the place of women, especially, in those advertisements. They have a great confidence in their professor, and the fact that she’s so angry;(point-virgule a supprimer) make (conjugaison)them realize the importance of this subject.

2eme Doc: -Quel est le point de vue de l’auteur, et pourquoi ?

The author is very enthusiastic about this project; she really invites us to join the movement, she says the discrimination touch(conjugaison) all form(pluriel apres 'all') ) of person, not only women, and she says it’s a really good project.
I think too, because only women fight for gender equalities(singulier). Including men in this fight could do so much evolve(utiliser l'infinitif)attitudes. (to change attitudes)

3eme Docourquoi l’humour est un bon moyen de transmettre un message ?

Humor forwards sends a message through the laughing, it’s not violent, it’s never wicked, it’s only sympathetic, and make(conjugaison) us realize the bad sides of our current society. For me, it’s the best way to criticize something.

Concl:-Comment évolueront les mentalités dans le future ?

I can’t discuss in this subject.. It’s a very sensitive subject.. Especially now, with the Paris attacks, racism is very important.. Normally, minds could become more open than now, but there are a lot of recent events which make me hesitate..

:-As tu aimé travailler sur cette notion ? Laquelle as-tu préféré ?

Yes, it was interesting to work on this notion, because when I thought about progress, I thought about technologies first, and the evolution of mentalities was often put aside. But work especially on the progress on attitudes makes me realise that it was as important as technologies.
I preferred to work on the notion myths and heroes, because it’s a lighter topic, more funny and original than the exchanges and the progress of our current society which is, for me, so controversial for I can take part in those subjects.(je trouve le libellé ici un peu déroutant. Que est-ce que vous pouvez prendre part à?)

Réponse: Bac/Idea of progress de auroresud, postée le 27-04-2016 à 10:54:34 (S | E)
Bonjours !
Une fois de plus, merci 1000 fois pour vos précieuses réponses.
Après correction, je vous reposte mon texte, en espèrant que les correction à faire soient désormais minimales

Doc 1) Mona Lisa Smile
1er Doc : -Pourquoi le rôle du professeur est il si important ?.
I think the professor is a model for her students. She gives them advice for their growing minds, and helps them to ask themselves the right questions and take position on some controversial subjects.
This document is a good example of that. Thanks to her, the students can realize the danger of the advertisements, the place of women, especially, in those advertisements. They have a great confidence in their professor, and the fact that she’s so angry; makes them realize the importance of this subject.

2e Doc: -Quel est le point de vue de l’auteur, et pourquoi ?
The author is very enthusiastic about this project; she really invites us to join the movement, she says discrimination touches all forms of person, not only women, and she says it’s a really good project.
I think too, because only women fight for gender equalitie. Including men in this fight could do so much to change attitudes.

3e Doc: Pourquoi l’humour est un bon moyen de transmettre un message ?
Humor sends a message through laughing, it’s not violent, it’s never wicked, it’s only sympathetic, and makes us realize the bad sides of our current society. For me, it’s the best way to criticize something.

Concl:-Comment évolueront les mentalités dans le future ?
I can’t discuss this subject.. It’s a very sensitive subject.. Especially now, with the Paris’ attacks, racism is very important.. Normally, minds could become more open than now, but there are a lot of recent events which make me hesitate..

:-As tu aimé travailler sur cette notion ? Laquelle as-tu préféré ?
Yes, it was interesting to work on this notion, because when I thought about progress, I thought about technologies first, and the evolution of mentalities was often put aside. But work especially on the progress on attitudes makes me realise that it was as important as technologies.
I preferred to work on the notion myths and heroes, because it’s a lighter topic, more funny and original than the exchanges and the progress of our current society which is, for me, so controversial for I can take part in those subjects.

En effet, la fin est confuse.. L'idée que je voulais exprimer ici était que ces sujets étaient trop importants, trop controversables pour que je puisse me déblayer un avis dessus a défendre dans un oral d'anglais.. C'est pourquoi j'ai eu du mal à travailler dessus.. Ces notions sont trop larges et englobent trop de choses, qui touchent chacune a des sujets relativement sensibles.. a l'inverse la notion "Mythe et héro" est plus claire, plus concise.. Plus simple a travailler. La problématique est simple à trouver et c'est sympa aà bosser car il n'y a aucun enjeu derrière.
J'avais tenté de résumer ça en "Ils sont, pour moi, trop controversés pour que je puisse prendre part a ces sujets"
Mais en effet ma phrase est à peine française donc ça ne risque pas d'être anglais..
En restant dans mon niveau de langue, je pourrais peut-être transformer ça en:
...which are, for me, so sensitive and controversial for I can have an opinion, and defend it in an English oral. There are a lot of issues. Because of that, I had difficulties to work on it.
Mais j'admets ne pas être sûre de ma phrase du tout..

Voila, merci encore de m'avoir relue et corrigée, votre aide m'est extrêmement bénéfique.
Une bonne journée à vous,

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-04-2016 12:34

Réponse: Bac/Idea of progress de auroresud, postée le 29-04-2016 à 10:29:06 (S | E)
Je vous remercie tout d'abord pour les corrections précédentes et l'attention que vous avez porté a mon texte.
J'aurais seulement besoin d'une dernière relecture, en vue du nombre minime de fautes lors de la dernière correction
Bien cordialement


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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