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Oral/Myths and Heroes

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Oral/Myths and Heroes
Message de shanou14 posté le 22-04-2016 à 16:20:43 (S | E | F)
j'aimerais une correction de mon oral d'anglais sur la Notion Myths and heroes et quelques conseils pour l'améliorer si possible, merci d'avance pour votre aide.

I'm going to speak about the notion Myths and Heroes and I'd like to give you a definition of Myths and Heroes, a Myths is a popular believe and a Heroes means someone who is courageous, they help in saving people or society from people, vilains… like superman or Batman. A hero can also be someone who is helpfull, or a source of inspiration for a lot of people like Steve Jobs. In relation to the notion, the subject of my presentation will be the moderns heroes, and which values they embody ?
Then we way wonder to what extent this theme illustrates the notion of Myths and Heroes . So, i'm going to speak about Steve Jobs , Martin Luther King and Then i would show values they embody.

First of all I’m going  to talk about Steve Jobs, he was a famous businessman, he's one of the co founder of Apple. He started to create computers in his garage and he finished his career at the head of the biggest tech firm in the world. We studied a newspaper article written by the Economist. In this article Steve Jobs is presented as an original entrepreneur because he’s not an engineer yet he creates computers a phone very modern, later in the article, it’s written that he is an inspiration for any business person whose career has taken a turn for the worse, finally the journalist compare Steve Jobs’s career to a Hollywood movie because he overcame many obstacles and made that his company the biggest tech firm in the world. So according to the journalist Steve Jobs is a visionary, able to overcome hardships, he’s a model to follow. Steve Jobs has then a role model because he was a source of inspiration, overcames many obstacles and never gave up. Finally he embodies the fact that failure often leads to success if you keep faith.
Now, i'm going to present Martin Luther King, he was a Baptist minister ( religious man ) and he is the Leader of the Black Civil Rights movement, but he was an activist who organize peaceful actions like the boycotts of Bus in Alabama. After he maked his very famous speech I have a Dream in 1963 and received The Peace Nobel Prize in 1964 at the age of 35. In class, we studied his speech «  I have a dream ». In this speech he says that he dreams of a world without segregation, where people live together in harmony. He dreams also of a equality and freedom for all ( As is written in the Declaration of independence.) Speaking of equality and freedom he refers to the Americam Dream which is a American Myths .
In fact, his optimism is based on his faith in God and humanity because he was a religious man
So, Martin Luther King is a Hero and he persuades people by believing in what he is saying, he is sincere and speak with his heart. He was a great orator then, because by using personal pronouns, he addresses the people directly so everybody feels concerned. He embodies to the crowd Faith and tolerance by interacts with her.

In conclusion, I think that Steve Jobs and Martin Luther King can be considered as modern heroes because they brought something new to the society, they are also an example for the younger generations because they have work hard to reach their goal. In general we can say that the heroes and myth whether real or fictional inspire people and sometimes they help them in their lives. We can say that the heroes have a lot of qualities. They are some models, for the population. They are brave, generous... They fight the evil. They realize actions for the humanity. Nevertheless, That can be very dangerous, , they risk their life ( by proclaming their ideas like MLK ) We must imitate them. It’s good, for the children, to have some heroes and to imitate them because, by doing this, they take their qualities and they become better. We can all be a hero for someone. ( Me, my hero is my father, who fight against disease all time and stay despite this smiling and here for me until the end. For me, that is a Hero, he is a model of strength.)

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-04-2016 16:28

Réponse: Oral/Myths and Heroes de laure95, postée le 24-04-2016 à 12:40:38 (S | E)
- a Myths ( A + SINGULIER)is a popular believe (ce n'est pas un nom)and a Heroes (idem)means someone who is courageous, they (met tout au singulier ou tout au pluriel)help
- helpfull: orthographe.

- We studied a newspaper article written by the Economist: un journaliste écrit un article, The Economist est le nom d'un journal.
- a phone very modern: ordre des mots.
- the worse: THE + SUPERLATIF.
( finally the journalist compare (faute de conjugaison)Steve Jobs’s career to a Hollywood movie
- because he overcame many obstacles and made that (enlever THAT)his company the biggest tech firm in the world.
- overcames (faute de conjugaison)many obstacles

- he is (pas le bon temps, il est mort)the Leader of the Black Civil Rights movement,
- but he was an activist who organize (faute de temps) peaceful actions like the boycotts of Bus (mettre au pluriel) in Alabama.
- After he maked (le prétérit de MAKE est irrégulier)his very famous speech
- The Peace Nobel Prize: ordre des mots.
- where people (would live) together in harmony.
- He dreams also of a equality ( A+ MOT COMMENCANT PAR UNE CONSONNE)and freedom for all
- a American Myths: idem.
- So, Martin Luther King is a Hero and he persuades (temps) people by believing (TO BELIEVE) in what he is (temps)saying, he is sincere and speak (faute de conjugaison)with his heart.
- embodies to (enlever TO) the crowd Faith and tolerance by interacts (BY+ VERBE + ING)with her (pas le bon pronom).

- they have work (HAVE + PARTICIPE PASSE)hard to reach their goal (pluriel).
- they take their qualities: mal dit.
- ( (FOR)Me, my hero is my father, who fight (faute de conjugaison) against disease (pluriel) all (the) time and stay (idem)
-despite this smiling and here for me until the end: ?

Prévoir une ouverture.

Réponse: Oral/Myths and Heroes de shanou14, postée le 24-04-2016 à 16:05:25 (S | E)
Bonjour, merci beaucoup pour votre aide, j'ai suivi vos conseils et j'ai corrigé mes fautes

Je vous demanderai une dernière faveur sur ce petit bout que j'ai vraiment eu du mal à formuler :S
For a long time we know the heroes of our livened up drawings such as Batman or Superman, these great heroes with magic powers and capes who puts other people's lives first or help people in need. But in the day of today we have more and more heroes without powers, which are just normal people but which achieved of big things. In a sense, they are all the more heroic as they have no powers.

Réponse: Oral/Myths and Heroes de laure95, postée le 24-04-2016 à 16:21:30 (S | E)
De rien,
For a long time we know (présent perfect)the heroes of our livened up drawings such as Batman or Superman, these great heroes with magic (magical)powers and capes who puts (faute de conjugaison other people's lives first or help people in need. But in the day of today (mettre juste TODAY)we have more and more heroes without powers, which are just normal people but which achieved (présent)of (pas de OF)big things (préciser, donner 1 ou 2 exemples). In a sense, they are all the more heroic as they have no powers (pas de "s").

Réponse: Oral/Myths and Heroes de shanou14, postée le 24-04-2016 à 18:34:02 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup de votre aide


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