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Lettre ami/BTS

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Lettre ami/BTS
Message de lola744 posté le 24-04-2016 à 01:41:35 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
Je dois écrire une lettre à un ami dans le cadre de mon bts BTS. J'ai essayé de faire de mon mieux mais je reste persuadée qu'il y a de grosses erreurs (infinitif ou ing notamment), pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait?
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.
Voici le contenu de ma lettre :

Dear Luk,
I hope you are all right since last Monday.
You have asked me about my hobbies, so I try to answer it.
I think I’m a person whose like simples things. I don’t like parties with alcohol, music too lood, as most of students. My hobbies are very easy things : spend time with my 2 nephews and my niece (play petanque, goose game or Ludo, do a crossword and sudokus, cook cakes and crepes), read novels or scientific journal, make sports, watching sports or documentary on television, listen to music (mainly French pop music but heterogeneous), stroll with my friend, pick raspberries and blueberries in the Alps to make jam and pies with my mother, take photos, go to the restaurant or cinema with friends, do DIY or do some gardening, understand why and how of things.
I’m very curious, for example, I wanted to make medical studies, not to become a doctor (I don’t like blood!), just to know body function. If I had the time I would learn to play the piano and guitar, draw, paint, stitch, design objects, travel in others countries, slake my curiosity…but time flies!
As you can see, I prefere keep calm. Even so, I complain sometimes when I consider there is an injustice or schocking behavior.I try to stay peaceful because I don’t like conflict but I have a mind to say otherwise.
Now, it’s my turn to ask you what their hobbies you are.
Must go now. I must work on the TOEIC.
With kindest regards,

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-04-2016 08:06

Réponse: Lettre ami/BTS de lola744, postée le 28-04-2016 à 00:27:42 (S | E)
est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider à corriger mes fautes s'il vous plait?
merci d'avance pour votre aide

Réponse: Lettre ami/BTS de mamylistele, postée le 28-04-2016 à 13:43:17 (S | E)

I hope you are all right since last Monday.
You have asked me about my hobbies, so I‘ll try to answer.
I think I’m a person whose like simples things. I don’t like parties with alcohol, music too lood,(place adj.) as most students do. My hobbies are very easy things : spend time with my 2 nephews and my niece (play petanque, goose (board game) or Ludo, do crosswords and sudokus, cook cakes and crepes), read novels or scientific papers, make sports, watching sports or documentary on television, listen to music (mainly French pop music but heterogeneous), stroll with my friend, pick raspberries and blueberries in the Alps to make jam and pies with my mother, take photos, go to the restaurant or cinema with friends, do DIY or do some gardening, understand why and how of things.
I’m very curious, for example, I wanted to make medical studies, not to become a doctor (I don’t like blood!), just to know how the body functions. If I had the time I would learn how to play the piano and the guitar, drawing, painting, stitching, designing objects, travel in other countries, slake my curiosity…but time flies!
As you can see, I prefer to keep calm. Even so, I complain sometimes when I consider there is an injustice or schocking behavior.I try to stay peaceful because I don’t like conflict but I have a mind to say otherwise.
Now, it’s my turn to ask you what their hobbies are.
Must go now. I must work on the TOEIC.
With kind regards,
I hope it helps


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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