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Oral/Idea of Progress

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Oral/Idea of Progress
Message de llainnaroh posté le 26-04-2016 à 21:07:53 (S | E | F)
Coucou Bonjour,
je suis nouvelle sur le site, dans moins d'une semaine je passe mon oral d'anglais. Je me suis dit que ce serait pas mal de voir si ce que j'ai écrit été est un minimum cohérent
Je vous dit déjà merci pour vos futures réponses

I’m going to talk about « Idea of progress ». To begin with, I’d like to state a definition of progress. Progress is the idea that the world and the society can evolve positively in terms of sciences, technology, modernization, living condition, etc. However, the idea of progress is still debate between those who consider that it’s beneficial and those for whom it’s harmful. Progress implies change and evolution and throughout history most of the advances have been positive. However the rhythm of progress seems to have accelerated over the last few decades and the technological breakthroughs and scientific developments are causing some people to question this progress. What effect do these « advances » have on our society ? Do they always have a positive effect on the way we live ?

We could start by compared our current live with the Amish. The Amish community is a group of people that choose to live with primitive conditions. Indeed, we move with cars, trains, buses and they move with a cart drawn by a horse. Amish people are against new technologies, work on a farm and doesn't have electricity or phones at home, but they use kerosene, wood, coal and natural gaz.

But Amish teenager could quit this life. Indeed, they have a "running around" period where they decide if they want to be Amish for the rest of their life or not. (During this period, they can date and discover "new technologies". For the Amish this period have stakes that are so much greater. Leaving is family is an important choice because most of the time the family doesn't accept that their children choose to quit the Amish community. Most of the Amish teenager are taken between two worlds and doesn't know what to do. Je ne suis pas sur de devoir inclure ceci)

We can also speak about the future inventions. Some inventions can became obsolete like books because they use a lot of spaces and lots of natural resources like water and wood. They can be replaced by iPads or some other kind of electronic devices. Desktops computer could become obsolete because they use spaces. They could be replaced by laptops or iPhone because they are more mobile, more small and they give the same access to all the things that are on a desktops computer.

Nowadays, inventors works in teams, whereas in the past inventions could be attributed to one individual, like Thomas Edison that is a freelance inventors who became famous and wealthy. He invented more than 1,000 things in his life, like the phonograph, the dictating machine, but he also improved the light bulb and the telegraph for example. Today's inventions has became really complex. We ca, imagined that in the future, we could have a wearable computer, but the information given by this computer would not be kept secret: everybody could say what we feel or think. This computer could anticipate what we need: they could find a suitable relaxing programme on TV without we have to lift a finger or they could prepare a cup of tea when you come home from work and are very tired.

In medical, plastic surgery is another example of progress. Indeed we could refer to Monique Allen that is one of the most surgically enhanced people on the planet, she had 200 cosmetic procedures, her lips was done 20 times, her breast 9 times, and her hips 8 times for example. She regrets most of the plastic surgery she had because they ruined their life, she was obsessed to her appearance and push it to the limit. But there is one surgery she doesn't regret: she was born as a boy before undergoing gender.

In the field of building, we could speak about the Burj Al Arab that is an hotel that looks like a sailing boat. He's the 15th tallest building in the world, and the 2nd hotel in the world. It's 321 meters high, that is built on a man-made island. Its' symbolize development of Dubai. In Japan there is some Bonsai cabin hotels: it is a small accommodation for sleep. In about 2, 5 meters cubic we can find all we need: a place to sleep, watch TV, listen to some music, ect … In the kit we can find some bottle water, a toothbrush, shampoo, hair conditioner, …

To conclude, we can say that progress changes our life for good and bad. New technologies are causing the disappearance of old. In medical, surgery can changes what we don't like on us but if surgery is extreme we can regret it. In the field of building, new construction requires the destruction of old building and slums.

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-04-2016 23:26

Réponse: Oral/Idea of Progress de flopinette29, postée le 27-04-2016 à 12:38:12 (S | E)
The idea of progress
I’m going to talk about « Idea of progress ».
To begin with, let’s give a definition of progress. Progress is the idea that the world and the society can evolve positively in terms of sciences, technology, modernization, living conditions, and so on… However, the idea of progress is still debatd between those who consider that it’s beneficial and those for whom it’s harmful. Progress implies changes and evolution and throughout history most of the advances have been positive. However the rhythm of progress seems to have accelerated over the last few decades and the technological breakthroughs and scientific developments are causing some people to question this progress. What effect do these « advances » have on our society ? Do they always have a positive effect on the way we live ?

At first, We could start by comparing our current live with the Amish. The Amish community is a group of people that choosed to live with primitive conditions. Indeed, while we travel by cars, trains, buses and so on , they move with carts drawn by horses. Amish people are against new technologies, moreover ,they work on farms and they don’t have electricity or phones at home, but they use kerosene, wood, coal and natural gaz.

But Amish teenagers can’t leave this life when they want.. Indeed, they have a "running around" period where they decide if they want to be Amish for the rest of their life or not. (During this period, they can date and discover "new technologies".) For Amish people this period have stakes that are so much greater. Leaving one’s family is an important choice because most of the time the family doesn't accept that their children choose to quit the Amish community. Most of the Amish teenagers are taken between two worlds and don’t know what to do.

Then , as far as progress is concerned,We can also mention innovative inventions. Some inventions may became obsolete in the future such as the use of books because they use much natural resources like water and wood. They can be replaced by touchpads or some other kind of electronic devices. Desktops computer could become also obsolete because they use spaces. They could be replaced by laptops or touch tone phonbes because they are more mobile, smaller and they give the same access to all the things that are on a desktops computer.

Nowadays, inventors works in teams, whereas in the past, inventions could be attributed to one individual, like Thomas Edison that is a freelance inventors who became famous and wealthy. He invented more than 1,000 things in his life, such as the phonograph, the dictating machine, but he also improved the light bulb and the telegraph for example. Today's inventions have become really complex. We can imagine that in the future, we will have a wearable computer, but the information given by this computer may not be kept secret: everybody may say what we feel or think. Perhaps , this sort of computer will anticipate what we need: for instance, they ‘ll find a suitable, relaxing programme on TV without having to lift a finger or they will prepare a cup of tea when you come home from work and are very tired.

Furthermore, In medical, plastic surgery there can be another example of progress. Indeed we can refer to Monique Allen who is one of the most surgically enhanced people on the planet; she had indeed 200 cosmetic procedures, her lips were reshaped 20 times, her breast 9 times, and her hips 8 times. But now, she regrets most of the plastic surgery she had because they ruined her life. This woman was obsessed by her physical appearance and push it to the limit. But there is one surgery she doesn't regret: she was born as a boy before undergoing gender. (??? Sens)

Concerning innovative buildings, we can mention the Burj Al Arab which is a hotel that looks like a sailing boat. It’'s the 15th highest building in the world, and the 2nd biggest hotel in the world. It's 321 meters high, and it is built on a man-made island. It symbolizes the development of Dubai. In Japan ,there are Bonsai cabin hotels: they are tiny accommodations : In about 2, 5 meters square you can find all you need: a place where you can sleep, watch TV, listen to some music, and so on … In a kit you can find a water botlle, a toothbrush, some shampoo, hair conditioner, …

To conclude, we can say that progress affects and can change our life for good and bad. New technologies are causing the disappearance of old things (??? Sens) In medicine , surgery can change what we don't like on us but if surgery is extreme we can regret it. Concerning the building industry , new construction requires the destruction of old building and slums.

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-04-2016 12:41

Réponse: Oral/Idea of Progress de llainnaroh, postée le 27-04-2016 à 20:45:10 (S | E)
Merci de ta réponse et des modifications que tu as apportés à mon document,

En classe, nous avons vu que "undergoing gender", voulait dire changer de sexe. Dans "New technologies are causing the disappearance of old things", je voulais dire que les nouvelles innovations causent la disparition des anciennes, comme les nouvelles sont plus performantes et améliorer, les anciennes sont alors remplacés par les consommateurs,

J'ai une dernière question, ma conclusion est-elle suffisante ? J'hésite à la faire plus longue car j'ai peur de dépasser les 5 minutes ...


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