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Exposé/ crise financière

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Exposé/ crise financière
Message de floriandx posté le 29-04-2016 à 08:17:42 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !
Je passe bientôt pour un exposé d'anglais et j'ai préparé mon texte qui est sur la crise des subprimes. J'aimerais cependant avoir une correction ou des avis sur mon texte qui est sûrement loin d'être parfait. En effet, je sais que j'ai quelques difficultés dans la langue mais j'aimerais tout de même y gagner un bon résultat.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide!

Today, I want to talk about the recent financial crisis. In my presentation I will try to answer this question: what is the financial crisis and what are the consequences of this crisis? My presentation is divided into two parts; first I will do a description of this crisis, and second I will talk about the consequences.

I- The description
First, I’m going to do a description of the crisis. The financial crisis of the year 2007 continues nowadays. This crisis was mark by a crisis of the bank market and the fall of the funds award for people.
A- The crisis of subprimes
The beginning was in July 2007 when the American bank lost a lot of money because of the crisis of subprimes. The subprimes are mortgage funds accord to poor people. A fund is a sum of money that the bank can lend to the people (for example when you need money you go to the bank and the bank lend you money, with some conditions of course). But the particularity of these subprimes credits is that if you can't pay back the bank, your house for example can be sells to pay back the bank. The crisis of the subprimes begins on the second semester of the year 2006 with the decrease of property funds in the United States of America,because with that the people can’t pay back.
In 2006 the rate of interest of subprimes credits in the USA begins to increase a lot to around 16% in 2008. The poor people can’t pay back the money because this rate is too high so they sell their house to pay back. A lot of people do this operation, the number of houses for sale increase a lot and the price decrease and these houses were not sell and the poor can’t pay back the bank.
B- The crisis of the financial market
The second stage of the financial crisis was on the 14 of September 2008 when American financial bank knew difficult situation. During this period 3 solutions are possible, first the bank was saved by the American Federal Reserve (in other words the central banking system of the United States) like the company of assurance A.I.G., the second possibility was the purchase by another bank, and the third was the liquidation like the famous bank Leman Brother. This crisis of the financial sector touched all the country in the world and more the European countries. In Europe when a financial bank knew difficulties, this bank was save by the European Central Bank.

II- Consequences
This crisis is the biggest crisis of the century behind the crisis of the year 1929. There are many different consequences in two different sectors (the social consequences and the financial consequences).
A- The social consequences
First, I will talk about the social consequences. So people who want to sell their house can’t do that because a lot of them are in the same situation, they can’t pay back the bank. So the bank takes the house of these people and consequently they haven’t place to live, and the number of homeless people increase during the year 2008.
Second the crisis touch the job market, 20 million of jobs are lost in the world during the year 2009, more precisely in the automobile sector, and the financial sector (for example a lot of traders are unemployed) and in the building market.
Thirdly, people travel less, because for example 30% of the people say they reduce their business and personal travel because of the crisis.
B- The financial consequences
Now, I will talk about the financial consequences. The crisis has three main consequences in the financial market.
A lot of small bank were purchase by others big banks (for example in September 2008 the bank BNP Paribas takes control of the bank Fortis in Belgium. At the same time,
Belgium became the first shareholder of BNP.The states help the banks by gift in money so they became the first shareholder of a lot of banks.
Laws are taken to reduce the risk of a new financial crisis, and especially laws about the traders and the stock exchanges.

To conclude, I can say that this crisis takes her origin in the financial market, but this crisis touch a lot of people and some of them are even become homeless people.
Today, the banks are again susceptible to stop to award funds and it’s difficult to have a fund.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-04-2016 08:38
Mise en forme standard.

Réponse: Exposé/ crise financière de gerondif, postée le 29-04-2016 à 12:52:00 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert:
On dit subprime crisis, il y en a des pleines pages sous google.
N'étant pas économiste , il y a des termes que je ne connais pas funds awards par exemple mais quand je les tape en titre sous google, je vois s'ils existent ou pas. C'est une façon rapide de voir "comment ça se dit".

Today, I want to talk about the recent financial crisis. In my presentation I will try to answer this question: what is the financial crisis and what are the consequences of this crisis? My presentation is divided into two parts; first I will do(maladroit) a description of this crisis, and second I will talk about the consequences.

I- The description
First, I’m going to do a description of the crisis. The financial crisis of the year 2007 continues nowadays. This crisis was marked by a crisis of the bank market and the fall of the funds awards for people.
A- The crisis of subprimes
The beginning was in July 2007 when the American bank lost a lot of money because of the crisis of subprimes. The subprimes are mortgage funds accord(mettez le verbe grant au participe passé) to poor people. A fund is a sum of money that the bank can lend to the people (for example when you need money you go to the bank and the bank lends you money, with (sous)some conditions of course). But the particularity of these subprimes credits is that if you can't pay back the bank, your house for example can be sells(participe passé) to pay back the bank. The crisis of the subprimes begins on the second semester of the year 2006 with the decrease of property funds in the United States of America,because with that the people can’t (prétérit)pay back.
In 2006 the rate of interest of subprimes credits in the USA begins (prétérit) to increase a lot to around 16% in 2008. The poor people can’t (prétérit)pay back the money because this rate is too high so they sell(prétérit) their house to pay back. A lot of people do(prétérit) this operation, the number of houses for sale increase(prétérit) a lot and the price decrease(prétérit) and these houses were not sell(participe passé) and the poor can’t(prétérit) pay back the bank.
B- The crisis of the financial market
The second stage of the financial crisis was on the 14th of September 2008 when the American financial banks knew a difficult situation. During this period 3 solutions are(prétérit) possible, first the bank was saved by the American Federal Reserve (in other words the central banking system of the United States) like the company of assurance A.I.G., the second possibility was the purchase by another bank, and the third was the liquidation like the famous bank Leman Brother. This crisis of the financial sector touched all the country(pluriel) in the world and more the European countries. In Europe whenever a financial bank knew difficulties, this bank was saved by the European Central Bank.

II- Consequences
This crisis is(prétérit) the biggest crisis of the century behind the crisis of the year 1929. There are(prétérit) many different consequences in two different sectors (the social consequences and the financial consequences).
A- The social consequences
First, I will talk about the social consequences. So people who want(prétérit) to sell their house can’t(prétérit) do that because a lot of them are(prétérit) in the same situation, they can’t(prétérit) pay back the bank. So the bank takes(prétérit) the house of these people and consequently they haven’t(prétérit)a place to live, and the number of homeless people increase(prétérit) during the year 2008.
Second the crisis touch(prétérit) the job market, 20 million of jobs are(prétérit) lost in the world during the year 2009, more precisely in the automobile sector, and the financial sector (for example a lot of traders are(prétérit) unemployed) and in the building market.
Thirdly, people travel(prétérit) less, because for example 30% of the people say(prétérit) they reduce(prétérit) their business and personal travel because of the crisis.
B- The financial consequences
Now, I will talk about the financial consequences. The crisis has(prétérit) three main consequences in the financial market.
A lot of small banks were purchased by others big banks (for example in September 2008 the bank BNP Paribas takes(prétérit) control of the bank Fortis in Belgium. At the same time,
Belgium became the first shareholder of BNP.The states help(prétérit) the banks by gift ingiving them money so they became the first shareholders of a lot of banks.
Laws are(prétérit) taken to reduce the risk of a new financial crisis, and especially laws about the traders and the stock exchanges.

To conclude, I can say that this crisis takes her origin in the financial market, but this crisis touch(prétérit) a lot of people and some of them are even become(prétérit) homeless people.
Today, the banks are again susceptible to stop (+ ing)to award funds and it’s difficult to have a fund (a loan?).

Réponse: Exposé/ crise financière de floriandx, postée le 01-05-2016 à 07:43:00 (S | E)
Bonjour, tout d'abord merci beaucoup de m'avoir corrigé, et voici ma version corrigée. Pouvez-vous me dire si je n'est ai point omis de faute cette fois-ci sil vous plaît?

Today, I want to talk about the recent financial crisis. In my presentation I will try to answer this question: what is the financial crisis and what are the consequences of this crisis? My presentation is divided into two parts; first I'm going to describe this crisis, and second I will talk about the consequences.
I- The description
First, I'm going to describe the crisis.
The financial crisis of the year 2007 continues nowadays. This crisis was marked by a crisis of the bank market and the fall of the fund awards for people.
A- The subprime crisis
The beginning was in July 2007 when the American bank lost a lot of money because of the subprime crisis. The subprimes are mortgage funds granted to poor people. A fund is a sum of money that the bank can lend to people (for example when you need money you go to the bank and the bank lends you money, under some conditions of course). But the particularity of these subprimes credits is that if you can't pay back the bank, your house for example can be sold to pay back the bank. The subprime crisis begins on the second semester of the year 2006 with the decrease of property funds in the United States of America, because with that the people could not pay back.
In 2006 the rate of interest of subprime credits in the USA began to increase a lot to around 16% in 2008. The poor people could not pay back the money because this rate is too high so they sold their house to pay back. A lot of people did this operation, the number of houses for sale increased a lot and the price decreased and these houses were not sold and the poor could not pay back the bank.
B- The crisis of the financial market
The second stage of the financial crisis was on the fourteenth of September 2008 when the American financial banks knew a difficult situation. During this period 3 solutions were possible, first the bank was saved by the American Federal Reserve (in other words the central banking system of the United States) like the company of assurance A.I.G., the second possibility was the purchase by another bank, and the third was the liquidation like the famous bank Leman Brother. This crisis of the financial sector touched all the countries in the world and more the European countries. In Europe whenever a financial bank knew difficulties, this bank was saved by the European Central Bank.
II- Consequences
This crisis is the biggest crisis of the century behind the crisis of the year 1929.
There was many different consequences in two different sectors (the social consequences and the financial consequences).
A- The social consequences
First, I will talk about the social consequences. So people who wanted to sell their house could not do that because a lot of them were in the same situation, they could not pay back the bank. So the bank took the house of these people and consequently they had not a place to live, and the number of homeless people increased during the year 2008.
Second the crisis touched the job market, 20 million jobs were lost in the world during the year 2009, more precisely in the automobile sector, and the financial sector (for example a lot of traders were unemployed) and in the building market.
Thirdly, people traveled less, because for example 30% of the people said they reduced their business and personal travel because of the crisis.
B- The financial consequences
Now, I will talk about the financial consequences. The crisis had three main consequences in the financial market.
A lot of small banks were purchased by others big banks (for example in September 2008 the bank BNP Paribas took control of the bank Fortis in Belgium. At the same time, Belgium became the first shareholder of BNP.
The states helped the banks by giving them money so they became the first shareholder of a lot of banks.
Laws were taken to reduce the risk of a new financial crisis, and especially laws about the traders and the stock exchanges.
To conclude, I can say that this crisis takes it origin in the financial market, but this crisis touched a lot of people and some of them even became homeless people.
Today, the banks are again susceptible to stoping awarded funds and it’s difficult to have a loan.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2016 08:37

Réponse: Exposé/ crise financière de floriandx, postée le 01-05-2016 à 07:53:33 (S | E)
Par contre il y a juste une chose que je n'est ai pas compris dans la correction c'est lorsque que j'ai dit "this is the biggest crisis of the century" vous m'avez dit de remplacer le "is" par "was", mais seulement cela est toujours d'actualité et donc il serait préférable que je laisse "is", non?

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2016 08:38

Réponse: Exposé/ crise financière de lucile83, postée le 01-05-2016 à 08:45:38 (S | E)
This crisis is the biggest crisis of the century behind the crisis of the year 1929.
- je dirais after au lieu de behind
- il me semble qu'en l'an 2000 on a changé de siècle, donc votre phrase est à reformuler entièrement

Réponse: Exposé/ crise financière de gerondif, postée le 01-05-2016 à 10:23:59 (S | E)
Today, I want to talk (causer? ou speak, parler?)about the recent financial crisis. In my presentation I will try to answer this question: what is the financial crisis and what are the consequences of this crisis? My presentation is divided into two parts; first I'm going to describe this crisis, and second I will talk about the consequences.
I- The description
First, I'm going to describe the crisis.
The financial crisis of the year 2007 continues nowadays. This crisis was marked by a crisis of in the bank market and the fall of the fund awards for people.
A- The subprime crisis
The beginning was (It started/began in) in July 2007 when the American banks lost a lot of money because of the subprime crisis. The subprimes are mortgage funds granted to poor people. A fund is a sum of money that the bank can lend to people (for example when you need money you go to the bank and the bank lends you money, under some conditions of course). But the particularity of these subprimes credits is that if you can't pay back the bank, your house for example can be sold to pay back the bank. The subprime crisis begins(prétérit, le présent de narration historique est plus rare en anglais) on the second semester of the year 2006 with the decrease of property funds in the United States of America, because with that (maladroit)the people could not pay back.
In 2006 the rate of interest of subprime credits in the USA began to increase a lot up to around 16% in 2008. The poor people could not pay back the money because this rate isprétérit) too high so they sold their houses to pay back. As A lot of people did this operation (did so), the number of houses for sale increased a lot and the price decreased and these houses were not sold (couldn't be sold) and the poor could not pay back the bank.
B- The crisis of the financial market
The second stage of the financial crisis was on the fourteenth of September 2008 when the American financial banks knew (met) a difficult situation. During this period 3 solutions were possible, first the bank was saved by the American Federal Reserve (in other words the central banking system of the United States) like the company of assurance A.I.G.(the AIG insurance company)he second possibility was the purchase by another bank, and the third was the liquidation like the famous bank Leman Brother. This crisis of the financial sector touched all the countries in the world and more the European countries. In Europe whenever a financial bank knew difficulties, this bank was saved by the European Central Bank.
II- Consequences
This crisis is(prétérit, pour être raccord avec le reste du texte) the biggest crisis of the century behind the 1929 crisis of the year 1929.
There was (pluriel)many different consequences in two different sectors (the social consequences and the financial consequences).
A- The social consequences
First, I will talk about the social consequences (Remarquez, juste après le titre "The social consequences", on s'en doutait un peu). So people who wanted to sell their houses could not do so that because a lot of them were in the same situation, they could not pay back the bank. So the bank took the house of these people (these people's houses) and consequently they had not(conjuguer le verbe avoir avec did, pas l'auxiliaire avoir qui fait hadn't) a place to live, and the number of homeless people increased during the year 2008.
Second, the crisis touched the job market, 20 million jobs were lost in the world during the year 2009, more precisely in the automobile sector, and the financial sector (for example a lot of traders were unemployed) and in the building market.
Thirdly, people traveled less, because for example 30% of the people said they had reduced their business and personal travel because of the crisis.
B- The financial consequences
Now, I will talk about the financial consequences. The crisis had three main consequences in the financial market.
A lot of small banks were purchased by others big banks (for example in September 2008 the BNP Paribas bank took control of the Fortis bank in Belgium. At the same time, Belgium became the first shareholder of BNP.
The states helped the banks by giving them money so they became the first shareholders of a lot of banks.
Laws were taken to reduce the risk of a new financial crisis, and especially laws about the traders and the stock exchanges.
To conclude, I can say that this crisis takes it origin in the financial market, but this crisis touched a lot of people and some of them even became homeless people.
Today, the banks are again susceptible to stoping awarding funds and it’s difficult to have a loan.

Réponse: Exposé/ crise financière de floriandx, postée le 07-05-2016 à 11:57:08 (S | E)
Bonjour, tout d'abord merci beaucoup de m'avoir corrigé, et voici ma nouvelle version corrigée. Pouvez-vous me dire si je n'ai point omis de faute cette fois-ci sil vous plaît?
Today, I want to speak about the recent financial crisis. In my presentation I will try to answer this question: what is the financial crisis and what are the consequences of this crisis? My presentation is divided into two parts; first I'm going to describe this crisis, and second I will talk about the consequences.
I- The description
First, I'm going to describe the crisis.
The financial crisis of the year 2007 continues nowadays. This crisis was marked by a crisis of the bank market and the fall of the fund awards for people.
A- The subprime crisis
It began in July 2007 when the American banks lost a lot of money because of the subprime crisis. The subprimes are mortgage funds granted to poor people. A fund is a sum of money that the bank can lend to people (for example when you need money you go to the bank and the bank lends you money, under some conditions of course). But the particularity of these subprimes credits is that if you can't pay back the bank, your house for example can be sold to pay back the bank. The subprime crisis began on the second semester of the year 2006 with the decrease of property funds in the United States of America, because with this decrease the people could not pay back.
In 2006 the rate of interest of subprime credits in the USA began to increase a lot up to around 16% in 2008. The poor people could not pay back the money because this rate was too high so they sold their houses to pay back. As a lot of people did this operation, the number of houses for sale increased a lot and the price decreased and those houses couldn't be sold and the poor could not pay back the bank.
B- The crisis of the financial market
The second stage of the financial crisis was on the fourteenth of September 2008 when the American financial banks met a difficult situation. During this period 3 solutions were possible, first the bank was saved by the American Federal Reserve (in other words the central banking system of the United States) like the A.I.G. insurance company, the second possibility was the purchase by another bank, and the third was the liquidation like the famous bank Leman Brother. This crisis of the financial sector touched all the countries in the world and more the European countries. In Europe whenever a financial bank knew difficulties, this bank was saved by the European Central Bank.
II- Consequences
This crisis was the biggest crisis after the 1929 crisis.
There were many different consequences in two different sectors (the social consequences and the financial consequences).
A- The social consequences
First, I will talk about the social consequences. So people who wanted to sell their houses could not do so because a lot of them were in the same situation, they could not pay back the bank. So the bank took those people's houses and consequently they did not have a place to live, and the number of homeless people increased during the year 2008.
Second the crisis touched the job market, 20 million jobs were lost in the world during the year 2009, more precisely in the automobile sector, and the financial sector (for example a lot of traders were unemployed) and in the building market.
Thirdly, people traveled less, because for example 30% of the people said they had reduced their business and personal travel because of the crisis.
B- The financial consequences
Now, I will talk about the financial consequences. The crisis had three main consequences in the financial market.
A lot of small banks were purchased by others big banks (for example in September 2008 the B.N.P. Paribas bank took control of the Fortis bank in Belgium. At the same time, Belgium became the first shareholder of B.N.P..
The states helped the banks by giving them money so they became the first shareholders of a lot of banks.
Laws were taken to reduce the risk of a new financial crisis, and especially laws about the traders and the stock exchanges.
To conclude, I can say that this crisis takes it origin in the financial market, but this crisis touched a lot of people and some of them even became homeless people.
Today, the banks are again susceptible to stop awarding funds and it’s difficult to have a loan.


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