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Oral/Places & Power

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral/Places & Power
Message de llainnaroh posté le 29-04-2016 à 17:21:47 (S | E | F)
je passe mon oral d'anglais d'ici quelques jours et j'aimerais bien que l'on me dise si ce que j'ai préparé est complet, si ce n'est pas trop long et si on pouvait me le corriger,
Je vous remercie pour vos futures réponses

I am going to deal with the notion places and form of power. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion: Power is the ability to influence the behaviour of people. In order to live together members of a community accepts rules and laws. This helps create social cohesion but can lead to tension and conflict between the person that have the power and the person that don't. We could questions ourselves about the question of the form of power in the world ?

I will begin to speak about Segregation. First of all, Segregation is a power that white people exercised about coloured people. This took place mainly in the U.S.A. One of the most important things in Segregation was surely the Jim Crow Etiquettes and laws. They are about the many things that coloured people haven't the right to do. For example some Jim Crow Etiquette prescribe that Blacks were introduced to Whites and never Whites to Blacks. Whites don't use courtesy title of respect when referring to Blacks, but Blacks have to use courtesy title for referring to Whites. A Black male could not offer his hand or any other part of his body to a white woman, because he risked being accused of rape.

Some Jim Crow laws are: No coloured barber shall serve s a barber to white girls or woman. The school for white children and the school for back children shall be conducted separately. All persons licensed to conduct the business of selling beer or wine, shall serve either white people exclusively or coloured people exclusively and shall not sell to the 2 race within the same room at any time.

One the 1st December 1955, a black woman named Rosa Park refused to let a white man sit on a bus. She objected that simply because she was sick of giving in. At that time, Blacks people could only sit at the back of the buses, but whenever there were no more seats available in the "white section" of a bus, they had to stand up so that white people could sit. Her act of refusal cause the Montgomery Bus Boycott. It begin a few day after Rosa Park's arrest and end on the 20th December 1956. These Boycott allowed that the Segregation of buses was ruled unlawful.

Now, we can speak about film named "Animal Farm". In this film, we see that men and human being are enemies that cause the miserable, laborious and short lives of the animal. Indeed, human being steal from the animals and cause hunger and overwork. Major accuses men of being lazy and useless because they not share things, he keeps for himself. There's a felling of injustice. Indeed according to Major, nature is fertile and rich. There's enough food for all the animals on the farm. At the end of his speech, Major suggest the animals make a revolution in order to be independent and free, in order to have food back to them.

This is a caricature of the Russian Revolution and the Soviet regime.The pig named Napoleon is associated to Stalin, while the others represent the Bolsheviks. The pigeons are those which broadcast the communist values. While the farm owner represent Nicolas 2.

To conclude, we can say that in the world the power is not equally. Some people have and still are suffered such as coloured people. While others Possess all the powers and sometimes pushes the people to revolt.
We can also relate these articles to the notion of Myths and Heroes. Indeed Rosa Parks and ML King are considered as heroes to many people: Before the Civil Rights Movement, when whites were thought to be better than all other races, they decided it was time for change.
This could even be linked to the "idea of progress" because the actions of Rosa Parks and ML King contributed to a change in rights for Black people in the USA. A lot of progress has been made since they stood up for the rights of black Americans, there is no more segregation and even the American President is black. This can be considered as great progress for human rights.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-04-2016 22:47

Réponse: Oral/Places & Power de llainnaroh, postée le 30-04-2016 à 21:55:50 (S | E)
s'il vous plait ?

Réponse: Oral/Places & Power de laure95, postée le 01-05-2016 à 19:27:51 (S | E)
- In order to live together members of a community accepts (faute de conjugaison)rules and laws.
- This helps (to)create social cohesion but can lead to tension and conflict (pluriel) between the person that have (faute de conjugaison) the power and the person that don't (idem).
- We could questions (could + infinitif)ourselves about the question of the form of power in the world ?: ?

- a power that white people exercised about (pas la bonne préposition)coloured people.
- They are about the many things : mal dit.
- For example some Jim Crow Etiquette prescribe (temps)
- Whites don't use (passé)courtesy title of respect (mal dit)
- but Blacks have (passé)to use courtesy title for (enlever FOR) referring to Whites.
-Some Jim Crow laws are (passé)
-One (pas le bon mot)the (pas de the à l'écrit) 1st December 1955,
- At that time, Blacks (pas de "s")people could only sit at the back of the buses,
- Her act of refusal cause (passé) the Montgomery Bus Boycott. It begin (passé)
- a few day after Rosa Park's arrest and end (passé)on the (pas de THE)20th December 1956. These Boycott allowed that the Segregation of buses was (pluriel) ruled unlawful.

Désolée, mais je n'ai pas le temps de regarder la suite maintenant.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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