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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de dawn17 posté le 03-05-2016 à 12:19:16 (S | E | F)
Ce lundi je passe mon oral d'anglais, et je voudrais bien s'il vous plait que quelqu'un me corrige mon devoir sur la notion mythes et héros (erreurs de grammaire, de temps ...).
Je vous remercie dès maintenant...

I am going talk about the myths and heroes. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model or an icon.
To answer the question Why does a society create myths and heroes ? I will speak in a first time about the real heroes of life in society and present one document who we have studied in classroom and in a second time I will speak about myths and fictive hero in society.

Firstly, since the beginning of mankind, some people or groups of people have distinguished themselves by their actions, their words or their qualities and are considered heroes in society and in people's minds.
First, in society there are heroes known by everyone like the soldiers. In fact, soldiers realize good and generous action because they help people who are in difficulty and above all, they sacrifice their life for the country. Their roles of rescuer give them the status of hero. In society, they can also be an icon, a model for children, who wants to save people too.

Then, they are also anonymous heroes for exemple on the attack of paris on 13 november 2015, a pregnancy woman was hanging by her hands from the window and she shouted because she will fallen and the people run away because there was terrorists but a very brave man comming help her in spite of terrorists, so this man is an hero and personnelly I was proud of him.
In class we talked about Harold Cottam. And we saw that this young man was a hero because through him we have saved 700 people in the sinking of the Titanic. Indeed, Harold Cottam was the radio operator of the boat Carpathia who was 93 km from the Titanic during its flow. He receives the RMS Titanic distress call and warns his captain who then launched the rescue of the wrecked ship.

Finally, there is also many person who are an object of extreme admiration and devotion. They are icon. For example, a lot of girl want to look like mannequin as Claudia Schiffer or Cindy Crawford. Boy wants also to look like famous sportsman who breaks records or are icon in their sport like Zinedine Zidane, Alain Bernard, etc... All of them have an impact and modify our lives. They change or have changed the course of History and the present society.
Before to finish with this first part I would like to say that in my opinion anyone can become an hero anywhere for exemple an ordinary person who save the life of an old woman who going run over by a train then the man becomes an hero.

Now, I will speak about the myths ans fictives heroes in society and history. The myths are different depending on different cultures.The heroes allows to dream by the myths they represent. For exemple, the story of Peter Pan embodies the dream of everyone to eternel youth and our fear of old age and death. Then, Romeo and Juliet represent the myth of eternal love. In society, many fictious hero, superhero in comics, cinema are invented as Superman, Batman. They symbolize the civism, the strength, courage, etc. They have many qualities and become a model, an ideal for kids who wants look like them and do what heroes do. In one sens, this incites children to be a good man or girl, with values, civism and so to be a good citizen. He is a role model.

In conclusion, I think that the concept of myths and heroes have an amportant place in the society.
The society creates myths and heroes to make us dream (pour nous faire rêver) and make us want to become like them. They serve as models to follow in the way we should behave. Furthermore, a fictional hero as real must be courageous, honest, just, that is to say have qualities to serve as a good example.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-05-2016 14:23

Réponse: Oral/mythe-héros de laure95, postée le 04-05-2016 à 11:55:16 (S | E)
- the (pas de THE)myths and heroes.
- one document who (enlever WHO) we have studied in classroom and in a second time I will speak about myths and fictive hero (pluriel) in (article) society.

- are considered (as)heroes in (article)society and in people's minds.
- First, in (idem)society there are heroes known by everyone like the (enlever THE) soldiers.
- In fact, soldiers realize (pas le bon mot ici)good and generous action (pluriel)
- because they help people who are in difficulty (pluriel)
- Their roles of rescuer (pluriel) give them the status of hero (pluriel).
- In society, they can also be an icon (pluriel), a model (idem) for children, who wants (faute de conjugaison)to save people too.

-Then, they are also anonymous heroes (they are = ils sont)for exemple (orthographe)on the attack of paris (majuscule)
- she will fallen: ça n'existe pas.
- and the (pas de THE) people run (passé)away because there was terrorists (there was + singulier)but a very brave man comming (temps )
- an hero (AN + MOT COMMENCANT PAR UNE VOYELLE)and personnelly (orthographe)
- through him: ,
-we (qui est WE?)have saved 700 people in the sinking of the Titanic.
- He receives (passé)the RMS Titanic distress call and warns (passé)his captain
- Finally, there is (pluriel) also many person (pluriel)who are an object (pluriel) of extreme admiration and devotion.
-They are icon (pluriel).
- For example, a lot of girl (pluriel) want to look like mannequin (mot français)
- Boy wants (faute de conjugaison)also to look like famous sportsman (pluriel who breaks(faute de conjugaison) records or are icon (pluriel)in their sport (pluriel)
- Before to (pas 2 prépositions à la suite)
- exemple (orthographe)an ordinary person who save (faute de conjugaison)the life of an old woman
- who going run: mal construit)
- an hero.

- For exemple
-many fictious hero (pluriel), superhero (pluriel)in comics,
- the civism, the strength: pas de THE.
- They have many qualities and become a model, an ideal for kids who wants (faute de conjugaison + TO)look like them
- sens: orthographe.
- this incites children to be a good man or girl (pluriel), with values, civism and so to be a good Citizen (pluriel)
-He is a role model: qui est HE?

- In conclusion, I think that the concept of myths and heroes have (faute de conjugaison)an amportant place in the society.
- and make (faute de conjugaison)us want to become like them.

Réponse: Oral/mythe-héros de dawn17, postée le 05-05-2016 à 17:29:09 (S | E)

Je vous remercie, vous avez corrigé mon devoir encore une fois ...

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-05-2016 18:21


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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