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Oral/Myths and Heroes

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Oral/Myths and Heroes
Message de cora12 posté le 05-05-2016 à 15:50:06 (S | E | F)
je voudrais savoir si quelqu'un pouvait corriger mon oral s'il vous plait?
Merci pour vos réponses.

I'm going to talk to you about « Myths and Heroes ».
The Myths are legends, short fantastic stories or paranormal. Several Heroes illustrate the myths. They have an honorable behaviours, good values. We can identified ourselves to them.
I'm going to expose the theme of the Myth of Sex, drugs and Rock'n'Roll. In my presentation, I will answer this question « Does the Myth of sex, drugs and Rock'n'Roll always stick the reality ? ». At first , I will define this myth, then I will talk about this Myth in keeping with the reality, and finally that this Myth is not a generality.

Firstly, we studied the Myth of Sex drugs and rock'n'Roll .That myth of sex, drugs and rock and roll evolved out 1960 until today.This myth is defined in his title.We Find in this one, 3 main ideas:
-Firstly, a famous rock star with success
-Secondly ,just have fun all the time
-Finally, be drunkards and addicted to drugs.
We find in this myth several heroes like the beatles, Queen, Elvis Presley, Jimmy Hendrix .
We listened to the song« Sex and drugs and rock and Roll by Ian Dury, 1977 » This song described way of life of Myth of Sex, drugs and Rock and Roll.Its represents working people versus life-enjoyers.The life working people is considered as silly and dull ,in contrary 'wild people' who represents the myth of sex, drugs and rock and roll are freedom. Their lifestyle includes " not depending" , 'sex' , 'drugs and booze'. He is considered as new , and very good Indeed. However this way of life remains dangerous, because it is a source of addiction.

Secondly, we saw heroes of rock and roll that illustrates this myth: Jimmy Hendrix and Amy Winehouse. In the oral 'Jimi Hendrix : a climactic death' we discovers Jimi.Jimi Hendrix was a rock star. He formed "Band of Gypsy" with Cox and Buddy Miles. His life is full between music festival, tour, studio recording. And he died in 1970 due to drug-related complications. Jimi Hendrix's friend say that Jimi was abnormal, so whatever he took just brought him back round to normal.This character abnormal made him a heroes.
In the review of Amy, we understand that Amy is too born due to drugs, booze and bulimia. She was a singer with an exceptionnal talent. Nevertheless, she was addicted.
This 2 Rock star had a sad fate.They represent good this Myth.

Finally, I will deal about Mick Jagger.He is part of the group of Rolling Stones . He is too a Rock Star like Amy Winehouse and has a lot of success.. Nevertheless unlike many , he is no longer addicted to drugs or booze. He escaped his addictions. He prefers led a healthy like. He practices many sport : Running, Swimming, cycling...
So he is not within the rule of myth The Myth of sex, drugs and Rock'n'Roll isn't in keeping with the reality. This is not a generality

To conclude ,This myth seems to be often linked to an unhealthy and liberated lifestyle, and rockers are often drugs and alcohol consumers. However it is not a general rule, and certain rock star have a healthy lifestyle, so it is a myth.
Amy Winehouse and Mick Jagger are heroes of this Myth. They are both ab-normality, they are famous and have a great success. Despite Amy Winehouse consume an excessive quantity of drugs, contrary to Mick Jagger, who is addicted to healthy life.
Nevertheless we can identify ourselve to Mick Jagger as a rôle model, in contrast Amy Winehouse is not a model to reproduce .

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-05-2016 15:53

Réponse: Oral/Myths and Heroes de laure95, postée le 08-05-2016 à 18:20:24 (S | E)
- short fantastic stories or paranormal (stories ou déplacer "paranormal").
- They have an honorable behaviours, good values: AN +SINGULIER.
- We can identified ourselves to them: CAN + INFINITIF.

- That myth of sex, drugs and rock and roll Evolved (present perfect) out (since) 1960 until today.
- This myth is defined in his (pas le bon possessif) title.
- We Find in this one, 3 main ideas:
- This song described (mettre au présent)way of life of Myth of Sex, drugs and Rock and Roll.
- Its (c'est un possessif pas un pronom sujet) represents working people versus life-enjoyers.
-The life (of)working people is considered as silly and dull ,
- in contrary 'wild people' who represents (faute de conjugaison)the myth of sex, drugs and rock and roll are freedom (are freedom ?).
- He (qui est HE?)is considered as new ,

- Secondly, we saw heroes of rock and roll that illustrates (faute de conjugaison)this myth:
- we discovers Jimi: faute de conjugaison.
- His life is (passé)full between music festival (pluriel), tour (idem), studio recording.
- This character abnormal (ordre des mots)made him a heroes ( A + SINGULIER).
- Amy is too born due to drugs, booze and bulimia: ?
-This 2 Rock star (pluriel) had a sad fate.

- Finally, I will deal about (with)Mick Jagger.
- He prefers led (mal construit) a healthy like (life?). He practices many sport (MANY + PLURIEL).

- certain rock star (pluriel) have a healthy lifestyle
- They are both ab-normality: mal construit.
- Despite Amy Winehouse consume (passé)an excessive quantity of drugs, contrary to Mick Jagger, who is addicted to (article)healthy
-ourselve: orthographe.


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