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Bac/Idea of progress

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Bac/Idea of progress
Message de zako83 posté le 06-05-2016 à 14:44:17 (S | E | F)
J'ai terminé la présentation de ma première notion, xxx si quelqu'un pouvait me donner son avis s'il vous plait...
Merci pour vos réponses.

The notion I am going to deal with is the idea of progress, The idea of progress can be defined as the forward movement or advance of human kind. The progress can be social, technical or scientific.
There is a question we could ask ourselves is: should ethical concerns and considerations limit progress in medecine?
In order to illustrate this notion and answer this question, I have chosen to present 3 documents; 3 extract from 3 different articles.
In a first part, I am going to show why the progress in medecine has to be supported, and then, in a second part, I'll show why the progress in medecine should be limited

One of the document we studied is an extract of an article from USA Today. It deals with PGD, wich means pre implantaion genetic diagnosis. This technology is used by scientist and doctors to prevent ceratin genetic disease in embryos. The document tells the story of Molly Nash, who was cured from a rare illness thanks to PGD. After reading this article, we understand that the author approves PGD. The document illustrate quite well the notion, by showing how medecine progress can save lives and should be supported. I totally agree with the idea of using PGD to cure diseases.

But in the other hand, medecine progress can hazardous.
We studied an extract from an article of CHS Globe online. Here again, it deals with PGD. But this article warns us against the drawback of this technique. Some scientist make a cosmetic use of PGD. Thanks to it, they can modify the physical aspect of the future babies, for exemple the eyes or hair color, and soon even the IQ. The author compare this potential use of PGD with fast food ordering and says that, for some people, creating improved babies would make normal become become second class citizens. The author end by saying : "what was once science fiction will become science fact"

After reading this article, we understand that the author approves of the use of PGD for medical purposes, like preventing genetic diseases, but warns us against the cosmetic use of PGD.
It's an interesting illustration of the notion idea of progress, because it shows of scientific and medical progress can be distorted, and so become hazardous.

We studied an other extract from an other article, of Mian Ridge, wich shows and focuses on a similar problem: The rise of abortion of girls in India. The document shows that ultrasound technology allows parents to abort unwanted baby girls. The direct consequence is the rise of gender selection, because the parents often prefer to have a boy for economical and social reasons. The author take for exemple Babulal Yadav, a 50 years old farmer who can't find a wife. Mian Ridge draws our attention to the fact that the female-male ration in India is 933 to 1000, and in some richs areas of Punjab, it can go to 300 to 1000.
By reading this article, we realize the harmful use of ultrasound technology.

This document, kind of like the other document, illustrate well the notion, because it shows the bad and harmful use we can make of new technologies.
In conclusion, I agree with the fact that medecine progress is extremely useful, even necessary, but the two other documents justify, to me, that ethical concerns and considerations should limit progress in medecine. Or at least that we should watch over the downward slides of this progress.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-05-2016 15:59

Réponse: Bac/Idea of progress de laure95, postée le 10-05-2016 à 22:29:14 (S | E)
- There is a question we could ask ourselves (se demander: to Wonder) is: should ethical concerns and considerations limit progress in medecine (ortohographe)?
- 3 extract (pluriel)from 3 different articles.

- This technology is used by scientist (pluriel)and doctors to prevent ceratin genetic disease (pluriel)in embryos.
- The document tells (pas le bon verbe ici)the story of Molly Nash,
- The document illustrate (faute de conjugaison)quite well the notion

- But in (pas la bonne préposition)the other hand, medecine progress can (verbe)hazardous.
- But this article warns us against the drawback (pluriel)of this technique.
-Some scientist (plurielà make a cosmetic use of PGD.
- for exemple (orthographe)
- The author compare (faute de conjugaison) this potential use of PGD with fast food ordering
- creating improved babies would make normal become become second class citizens: mal dit.
-The author end (faute de conjugaison)by saying

- because it shows of (how)scientific and medical progress can be distorted

- wich (orthographe)shows and focuses on a similar problem:
- The author take (faute de conjugaison)for exemple (orthographe) Babulal Yadav, a 50 years old farmer (50-year-old farmer)
- and in some richs (pas de 's')areas of Punjab
- kind of like the other document illustrate (faute de conjugaison)well the notion,


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