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Oral/Espaces et échanges
Message de louu1 posté le 06-05-2016 à 16:05:09 (S | E | F)
je passe mon oral du Bac en anglais dans un peu plus de deux semaines et j'aimerais que quelqu'un corrige les fautes de ma notion espaces et échanges, ce serait super sympa, merci d'avance!

So, I'm going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. To start with, i'd like (je voudrais) to give a definition of the notion. An exchange is the act of giving one thing and receiving another in return. An space may be a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied. To illustrate the notion, i've choice to talk about a gapyear. Some (certains) students take a year off after high school and before university. This experience allows (permet) to open to the world and to discover new horizons. The question of whether (la question est de savoir) what are the pros and cons of the Gap year ? Begin with the pros and let's consider (examinons) the cons.

I- the pros
Firstly, Gap year present advantages. First document is a video advertisement made by Gapforce, an association created in 1989 (one thousand and eighty-nine) and specialized in Gap Years. In the ad, a young man is telling students about 6 gap year projects that can be done with Gapforce. These 6 projets are all built on the discovery of a new country, new activities, a new way of living, so, a new culture. For instance, Greenforce allows to go in South America and with Skiforce we can learn to become a ski instructor in the Alps. Also, Ozforce, enables us to discover Australia. Given that (étant donné que) Gap Years offers several projects, it offers many possibilities to discover new culture in another country. This video makes me feel right, it's a very good idea to live an awesome experience and take a break in our studies. If I had to choose a project among the 6 proposed, I would choose Trekforce. Actually, Trekforce is the perfect choice for me because i am keen on extreme activities, such as trekking (randonnée) in the depths of the jungle or in the heights of the Himalayas. With this project, we can also take a « leadership expedition program », thanks to which we can get a job with Trekforce later.

II- the cons
Nevertheless, Gapyear presents disadvantages. Even if Trekforce project attracts me a lot, i have some reservations. Indeed, take a Gap year are very expensive. However, i don't like the idea of going away from my family and friends and yet (et pourtant) take a year off makes me dream. Furthermore, discover a new culture and new place can be dangerous. Second document allows to understand that idea. This one (celui-ci) is about a movie : The Beach is a 2000 (two thousand) adventure drama film directed by Danny Boyle. The movie starts off with a young man traveling around the world in pursuit for a perfect society. During his journey , he visits Bangkok, Thailand where he meets a unstable and somewhat (quelque peu) insane (fou) man. Throughout (tout au long de) their conversation, the insane man kept referring (fait référence) to an island of paradise. On this island, there are beautiful waterfalls(cascades), crystal clear water, and enormous fields of marijuana. A young man, Richard, interpreted by Leonardo Dicaprio arrives on the island. When a member of their community is hurt, Christo, by a shark attack, Sal, the leader of the community refuses to call a doctor on this island because it wonden't be secret anymore. So, Sal lets Christo die. I recommand this movie to the future gappers because they may be aware (être conscients) of risks a gapper could (pourrait) face during (lors de) his trip. (voyage)

We saw that they are advantages and disadvantages in the gap year. First, take a gap year is an opportunity to travel abroad and get some experience. Moreover, this experience can be an asset (atout) for your studies it can make your CV stand out from the crowd. Nevertheless, gapyear is costly and you could face ordeals (épreuves) and risks during the trip. On the one hand, you may lose yourself in a foreign, unknow country. On the other hand, separation with your family can be difficult. At last, there is a risk of ending up with a community that is not correspond us. Personally, i think who take a gap year allows to live wonderful experience. This experience can make your more open-minded and more connected to the world and also, be more independent.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-05-2016 16:24

Réponse: Oral/Espaces et échanges de laure95, postée le 11-05-2016 à 15:26:08 (S | E)
- i've choice: mal dit.
- The question of whether (la question est de savoir): the question is.
- (let's) Begin with the pros and let's consider (examinons) the cons.

I- the pros
Firstly, (article)Gap year present (faute de conjugaison advantages. (article)First document is
- to go in (pas la bonne préposition)South America
- Also (pas à la bonne place), Ozforce, enables us to discover Australia.
- to discover (article)new culture in another country.

II- the cons
Nevertheless, (article)Gapyear (en 2 mots)presents disadvantages.
- Indeed, take (gérondif)a Gap year are (faute de conjugaison)very expensive.
- take (idem)a year off makes me dream.
- Furthermore, discover (idem) a new culture and (article)new place can be dangerous.
- (article) Second document allows to understand that idea.
- a unstable ( A + CONSONNE)
- it wonden't: ?
- be (article)secret anymore.
- So, Sal lets Christo die (faute de conjugaison).
- I recommand (orthographe)this movie to the future gappers
- because they may be aware (être conscients) of (article)risks a gapper could (pourrait) face during (lors de) his trip. (voyage)

We saw that they are (they are = ils sont)advantages and disadvantages in the gap year. First, take (gérondif)
- Nevertheless, (article)gapyear is costly and you could face ordeals (épreuves) and risks during the trip.
- On the other hand, (article)separation with your family can be difficult.
- that is not correspond us: mal construit.
- Personally, i think who take a gap year: ?
- This experience can make your (pas le bon mot) more open-minded


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