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Bac/Mythes et héros

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Bac/Mythes et héros
Message de melflojc posté le 07-05-2016 à 11:33:25 (S | E | F)
Bonjour ,
serait-il possible d'avoir une correction du script ci-dessous que je compte utiliser pour mon expression orale d'anglais en LV1 sur la notion Myths and heroes.
Je vous remercie à l'avance de votre aide et de la lecture.

Hello, I’m going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. First I would like to define what this notion is. A myth is a traditional story concerning the early history of people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon and typically involving super-natural beings or events. A hero is a person who is admired for his bravery or outstanding achievements. So we can wonder why do we need heroes ? First we will see that heroes can save people in danger, then we will focus on the fact that a hero can help people in everyday day life. Finally we will concentrate on the influence of heroes in people’s life.

To begin we can talk about modern heroes. A modern hero can be someone without a particular supernatural power or ability like we can see in the comics. A modern hero can be a person who just have moral qualities like bravery, generosity … which allow him to execute heroic actions.
In a listening a female journalist tells the story of a true heroine since surfer Bethany Hamilton who save her friend’s life during a shark attack in Hawaï. Her friend was so scared that he fell off his board into the water and Bethany felt she had to act. Unfortunately, Bethany’s left arm was torn off by the formidable animal’s second attacks. Notwithstanding that she became disabled yet she continues to surf today.
In my opinion we need heroes like Bethany Hamilton in order to save people in an altruistic way. When she saved her friends she didn’t think about fame or the marvel that people would have after this heroic action. That’s why she is a real hero, her heroic action was initiated without the expectation of material gain. As Ronald Reagan said «We can help everyone, but everyone can help someone. »

Some modern heroes decide to help people in everyday life thanks to philanthropy.
Philanthropy is an unselfish concern for human beings, especially as shown by voluntary service or donations of money.
In a listening called « Giving it away » I heard being talk about several businessmen who used money to help the poorest. For example Jeff Skoll, the co-founder of eBay is a philanthropist who created the Skoll Foundation. This later has a vision of a sustainable world with peace ans prosperity. That’s why he financed Participant Media. Through this fondation Jeff Skoll invests in several social projects which tackle various social problems. The listening mention also the case of Bill Gates who give money to charity and share social messages.
We can talk about Oprah Winfrey too. She is one of the most influential people in America thanks to her talk-show which would reach about 44 millions people each week. She is a philanthropist and she created several associations in order to help people.
So I think that we need this kind of heroes because they contribute to solve social problems. They use their popularity and their money to help others. However we can wonder if they just do that to be more famous and appreciated by people. Indeed we can think that this kind of action can’t be selfless.

Sometimes heroes can become influential people thanks to their incredible process which can inspire others.
We studied an extract from « Fighter Pilot : The Memoirs of Legendary Ace Robin Olds » which focussed on Robin Olds. This later was greatly inspired by his father and his fellow pilots. Many little children are attracted to high-risk jobs and the heroic status they bring about. Robin Olds became a real war hero because he was influenced by an other hero who was his father.
So I think that we need hero to influence people and make new ones. Indeed hero instill moral values in people and sometimes they want to imitate what they do.
We can talk about the story of Vince Papale too. At the beginning of the 70’s, the South Philadelphia native lost his teaching job and his wife left him. He was only happy when he and his friends since childhood was playing their rough-and-tumble version of American football. Like so many, Vince dreamed of playing professional ball but he never had the chance to play at college and as he got older, the dream faded. However, his hometown team brought in a new coach who was impressed by his raw talent, energy and determination. Over time, he has become a great player and now he says : « Everybody has been told they were a loser. Everybody has been told they can't do something. Yet everybody has achieved something great in their life and they have the potential to get to that next level. »
In my opinion this example is a role model for a lot of American football players who dream to become professional. Vince Papale overcome difficulties and finally he has become what he dreamed to be.

To conclude we can say that we need heroes to save people in an altruistic way as in a dangerous situation which can cause death as in everyday life. We need also heroes to create new ones and inspire people to help others.

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-05-2016 14:16


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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