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Message de manonvct posté le 07-05-2016 à 17:01:11 (S | E | F)
Pour mes études, je suis actuellement en train de rédiger un article à propos de l'apartheid, malheureusement, j'ai un peu de mal avec l'anglais et aurais besoin de quelques correction ( pas forcément tout, car c'est un peu long)
Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

Article about apartheid
Apartheid is an Afrikaans word which mean : « separation ». It's a politic system organised from a racial discrimination. The apartheid organise a territorial separation between the different ethnic group. It wants to create a white domination with a new politic, based on an white an africaans demography.

Before apartheid :
South Africa was been colonized by Dutsh during the 17e. After, the country was been colonized by English and the Africaaners must to submit to English. The population was majoritary black. In 1910 the black and metis people constitu more than two thirds of this population and we can note 4 group hierachically separated :
The white : Its 21% of the population, they are descandants of the europeans immigrants who from 1652 . Among them, 60% of Afrikaneers and 40% of english
The Indians : Represented 3% of this populations
Tthe coloured : 9% of the south Africa
The black people : More than 60% of the South Africa's population before the apartheid

Even though the black people covers more than half territory, some space are them attributed to do a difference with the whites. This land whiwh are created in 1951 are the real traduction of the apartheid, etablished to welcome the differente population in South Africa.. All in all, its 13% of the territory which are occupied by this new terrritory ( the bantoustans), the other land wad reserved to the with people. Between 1960 and 1980, more than 1 millions peoples have been deported and lost his south africa's citizenship. They are now considerated like a foreigner in their own country.
First measure of segregation are taken and some many law are imposed against the black. What's more the Africaans begin progressively the official language in south Africa

Begining of the Apartheid/
The apartheid have began after the elections of 1948 where the national part of Afrikaners has taken the pwer with Daniel. F Malan. In this new regim, all the people who are not white, are considerated like person of second category. So this system was created to provide the white superiority.
Many mouvment have tried to fight against the Apartheid, the political parties become more radical and the police repression has grown stronger and stronger. The violence became the keys of this new war. Despite this, congress like the ANC (africans national congress) are based on the Ghandi's experience, the manifestation without violence.
But on the contrary, the manifestations against apartheid became extremely violent . In March of 1960, some black people militated against the internal passeport. The police repression did 79 deaths and 178 casualties.

Therafter, At Soweto, borough of Johannesbourg the 27 august of 1976 students have really reacted against the new law about the education. Tthe instructions of the leaders have been to bring order and no matter the way. So this day, 20 peoples died and 200 casualties.
It's only on 1980 that the political regime are moderated, the law against the black population are delete and we begin to heard about Nelson Mandela, an activist against apartheid.
In 1991, he was elected the president of the ANC and it thanks to this election that he was able to negociate the peace and the end of the apartheid with the president Klerc. This two mens got the nobil peace prize in 1993 . Finally he was elected the first black president of south Africa from 1994 to 1999.

So I find important to discover you this period of the History, especially when we know the the apartheid have still a consequences today because the population didn't find completely these rights. What's more I find the evolution of this segregation really interesting and generating a real challenged.

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-05-2016 17:54


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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