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Oral/lieux et formes de pouvoir

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Oral/lieux et formes de pouvoir
Message de lolaaaaz posté le 08-05-2016 à 12:00:13 (S | E | F)
Bonjour ,
je passe mon oral du Bac mardi et je ne suis pas très forte en anglais , pourriez-vous corriger mes erreurs s'il vous plait ?
Merci pour vos réponses.

lieux et forme de pouvoir :
In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence people's behaviour. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it.
What are different forme of Power ?
for illustrate this notion i’ve chosen two documents :
the first document is the cartoon “Feed the world” by Banksy, we can see a couple of obese and wealthy Westernersdragged by a skinny black child. They may be on holidays in a poor emerging country : this picture alludes to mass tourism and especially to “slum tourism”. The rich couple is drawn with colors whereas the child and the cart are in grey, so we feel like the cartoonist wants to show that the couple isn’t in the right environment and that they are riches in a poor land . This documents illustrate one aspects pf power , the economy of power and the second document a personnage A symbolic character of the United States she is Afro-American woman who became an iconic figure of the wrestling against the racial segregation in the United States this peoples is Rosa Parks , her story deals with two aspects of the notion :inequalities between blacks and withes people and the civil rights movements .

The third document is a poster for the end of the death penalty representing a rope in which the characters wait on death row and at the end of this rope of the characters fall they to represent the deaths .And with these documents there deals with the power of media .
The bransky’s point of view is : wants to show that the couple isn’t in the right environment and that they are riches in a poor land. He points to the double-edged problems of this tourism : it is beneficial for the economy but
it favors child labor .

Now I am going to speak to you about Rosa Park ,She became famous , in Montgomery by refusing to give its place to a white passenger in the bus . Stopped by the police, A young black minister 26-year-old unknown, Martin Luther King, throws then a campaign of protest and boycott against the company of buses . The people Blacks represent three quarters of the users, have to sit down in the back. They can nevertheless use the central zone, until Whites need it; they owe then, that is to give their place and to go towards the bottom, Rosa Parks was the first person to rape this regulation. She is arrested , judged and charged with public disorder as well as with violation of the local laws further to that of numerous appearances took place, in particular the boycott of the company of buses the representing black people 3/4 of the income of the company of buses, this one was grateful to abdicate and to arrest the disparities between white people and black people.
This document aims at denouncing the death penalty, and at making sensitive the American population in this cruel act which kills numerous people every year and among which of the

These two documents illustrate the notion of the power of the media because the tag of Bransky is now recognized all over the world, and he is used by numerous media to denounce the disparities of the world. And Rosa's history is a part of the power of the media because it was very mediatized further to the immense sway in the crowd which that engendered
Documents have a common they illustrate both disparity between the people blacks and the white people . And The poster for the abolition of the death penaltyThat it is the international day against the death penalty, thus a very mediatized day .

Story of Rosa Park and the international day for abolish the death penalty have a common ,they represent the power of civil rights because the two events Have and always group thousands of people
I’m agree with bransky’s point of view because tourism in underdeveloped country Favor it child labor, because these countries do not respect the Charter of Human Rights, the most shocking are that the tourists accept that . and this document is allusion connection with the notion places and form of power with the power of money.
Unintentionally Rosa Parks became a heroine of the United States and a representative of the population black. I support totally her fight and it is partially thanks to her that the segregation was abolished . with this moment we can make a link wit an other notion myth and hero .

I support totally the international day against the death penalty because it is inadmissible to kill people because they committed a crime, that has no interest, especially as often numerous innocents are killed

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2016 12:10


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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