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Oral/Espaces et échanges

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Oral/Espaces et échanges
Message de lolaaaaz posté le 08-05-2016 à 12:01:54 (S | E | F)
Bonjour ,
je passe mon oral du Bac mardi et je ne suis pas très forte en anglais , pourriez-vous corriger mes erreurs s'il vous plait ?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Espace et échanges
This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world.
What are different types of changes in space ?
to illustrate this notion I ‘ve chosen three documents
two first documents illustratate two different aspects of immigration :

The first document is a cartoonist painted by Kal published in 2008, he represents Uncle Sam the immigration symbol of the unites states doing this pampered by twelve Mexican immigrants they are considered as menials and they held unskilled jobs than the american , there migrants are represent smaller than Uncle Sam . this document represent the involuntary immigration .

The second document is Jonathan Levine’s article Whiche handles the voluntary immigration for works the article entitled “ Go est young man “, He tells the history of a young man , who did not have a good professional future in the United States, and who went in China to teach the language and the American culture, this new start does a world of good for him, and he who was intended for a little interesting job, finds himself at the other end of the world with a job which he adores .

The third document is the cartoon “Feed the world” by Banksy, we can see a couple of obese and wealthy Westernersdragged by a skinny black child. They may be on holidays in a poor emerging country : this picture alludes to mass tourism and especially to “slum tourism”. The rich couple is drawn with colors whereas the child and the cart are in grey, so we feel like the cartoonist wants to show that the couple isn’t in the right environment and that they are riches in a poor land.

The author’s point of view wanted to denounce that the USA pulls all the profits from immigration and power thus rests on these people without whom it would not have such power. So, Kal criticizes the American society using Uncle Sam's because the uncle sam is the symbol of the immigration in States - united, however the United States do not accept the immigrants, they build a wall between two borders, companies hire no Mexican even if he is more qualified than another American candidate, immigrants are thus restricted to have a job which often is not up to their qualifications. The American racism can harm them, and often they forget that they are immigrated themselves

The bransky’s point of view is : wants to show that the couple isn’t in the right environment and that they are riches in a poor land. He points to the double-edged problems of this tourism : it is beneficial for the economy but
it favors child labor . I’m agree with brains’s point of view because tourism in underdeveloped country Favor it child labor, because these countries do not respect the Charter of Human Rights, the most shocking are that the tourists accept that . and this document is allusion connection with the notion places and form of power with the power of money

I totally agree with the idea of Kal because The Americans do not want to work with the immigrants because they consider them as nobodies Thus even if the immigrants are qualified enough to have a good post they will not be hired. They are thus intended to make very badly paid casual job and be at the lowest in the upward social mobility , The American dream is thus destroyed
and I also agree with This document is also inith the notion myth and a heroes because they represent a myth of America .

I’m totally agree with jonathan’s point of view because he thinks that each has his place in the world of the work here or somewhere else .
The third document I’m agree with brains’s point of view because tourism in underdeveloped country Favor it child labor, because these countries do not respect the Charter of Human Rights, the most shocking are that the tourists accept that . and this document is allusion connection with the notion places and form of power with the power of money .

In conclusion Three major aspects of the exchanges in the space are immigrations , exist two different form ,involuntary immigration illustrate by the first document , the volontary immigration illustrate by the second document and the tourism illustrate by the third document .

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2016 12:19


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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