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Aide/ autisme

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Aide/ autisme
Message de kasimashi posté le 08-05-2016 à 22:02:37 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous !
Comme vous le savez je parle un tout à fait correct ... ou pas ...Me voici devant un exercice d'anglais d'expression écrite ...
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Merci d'avance !

"Beautiful minds, Wasted"
Nowadays the rate of people affected by the autism (a complex disorders of brain development) increase exponentially, this can be due to our everyday life. Maybe it can be that the food and the pollution not favorites not this fact. In all the case the figures presented by this article entitled “Beautiful minds, wasted”, and subheading “How no to squander the potential of autistic people” and published in The Economist, April 2016 can’t lie.
Indeed it would seem that the number of child affected by the autism passed from 0.007 % in 1970 in USA to 1.4 % nowadays in occidental countries.
Autism is a behavioural syndrome caused by a specific biological development disorder which becomes apparent in the first three years of a child's life and affects an increasing number of citizens and families. A screening of the autism has to be made at the youngest age. It is difficult to detect the autism at a child. For that a particular observation of the abnormal behavior of the child is essential. Because a fast screening can allow the doctors to intervene to limit the disease. In particular by means of a speech therapist. It is necessary to help in particular these children in their schooling but a debate returns in account, if it is necessary to join these children into a classic school or into a specialized school. Because one more time, these children do not have to put aside. But according to testimonies professors does not feel ready to welcome these pupils in their classroom. (Around 60%)
It is important to note that just as autism spectrum disorder affects individuals, in a vast array of ways, although the autistic present behavior disorders that this seems not less intelligent. That is why the journalist wants to denounce this point of view, the autistic are very too often put aside just because those this are too much expensive to the state. (Around of 2% of GDP were quoting)
These person are frail but for the columnist they should not be left out of employment opportunities. According with the columnist, a lot of autistic does not manage to find a jobs. It was a mess. It would seem that these people present other qualities which the others do not have. They are rigorous in the analysis of an eventual error. For example they can spot an error in a Database, “stocking shelves, organizing libraries, or tinkering with broken cars.”
They are used to repeating movements and they like that the work is done well what returns them effective. It is thus for it that many company could prefer to recruit an autistic person rather than any person. Too little autistic person seems to have found a work nowadays while these people have a big potential. And why not as the journalist suggests, present aptitude tests to achieve the tasks rather than a job interviews.
Inevitably the autistic are put aside. What seems to be unbearable for the journalist.
In addition, they may have to provide additional resources to help this people. The scientific research moves forward only too slowly. And the state have forgotten them. That’s why there is necessary an extremely large range of support that is necessary for people affected by autism.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2016 22:38


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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