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Bac/Lieux et formes de pouvoir

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Bac/Lieux et formes de pouvoir
Message de benjidelamuerte posté le 11-05-2016 à 22:13:01 (S | E | F)
je suis élève de Terminale S et j'aimerais avoir une correction de votre part pour mon travail effectué sur cette notion, n'hésitez pas à me donner des conseils sur celle-ci si vous voulez et me dire si ce que j'ai fait est bien..
Merci d'avance et bon courage !

I am going to talk about the notion of locations and forms of power. 
For me, power is the ability to control others, events, or ressources ,the ability to make things happen despite obstacles, resistance, or opposition. This of course leads to conflict between those who have power and those who don’t. I’m going to talk about India, which is the second country the most populated in the world. It’s a country which there are many inequalities even if since a few years, it is a country which is in full progress. To threat this notion, we will able to answer this question: Are all citizens on an equal footing in modern India ? We are going to see two documents for answer this question.

First, as we can see in the oral comprehension “ India's girls go missing”, there are many inequalities between men and women. Indeed, in this document, a journalist explains that the Indian families kill the girls at the birth because the latter are not welcome: they are a burden for the parents who have to give a dowry to the groom's family either money or cattle or jewels. It's the dowry tradition. If after the wedding, the girl’s family has not paid the dowry, the woman is subject to torture and sometimes even killed. Boys are source of enrichissement for the family, they perpetuate the family name and allow a better standard of living. He results from it an insufficient representation of the woman in this country with a woman for 2 men. Moreover, to fight the abortion, the government made illegal the ultrasound practice determining the sex of the child .There is a demographic problem and these men are found without partners.

Then, as we can see in the document “Another girl”, womens don't have their say on different matters. Indeed, that's the story of an Indian woman whose name is Kavita. She has just given birth to a baby Unfortunately, that's a baby girl, which means a burden for the family according to the Indian tradition. Kavita can't afford to keep and breed a girl since it's already hard to make ends meet for his family. When she beseeches her husband to have her one night with her baby ,she plans on saving her daughter. She asked the midwife to go and get her sister. The latter must come and take the baby to take care of her. She is going to abandon her daughter because the husband doesn't want to keep her because it's a burden. He wants a boy to help him to work in fields and to earn money. This story shows clearly that the women don't have their say and this is the men who decide everything. Indeed, in rural India, many womans are burned as a punishment because she can't give an heir. Most of the time, the husbands aren't arrested for their crimes because there isn't enough proofs.

To conclude, we can say that everybody isn't on the same equal footing because there are many inequalities in India between the men and women. There is a demographic imbalance due to gendercide despite the government's measures. In this country, the Indian families kill the girls at the birth because they are a burden for the parents who have to give a dowry to the groom's family. Womens don't have their say on marriages or babies in rural India and some women are killed because they can't give an heir. However, since some years, India became a modern country because the mentality of the majority of Indians has changed because you rarely meet an Indian untouched by it.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-05-2016 22:14

Réponse: Bac/Lieux et formes de pouvoir de laure95, postée le 13-05-2016 à 15:53:47 (S | E)
- the second country the most populated: ordre des mots.
- It’s a country which (pas le bon relatif)there are many inequalities even if since a few years, it is (since + present perfect)
- for (to)answer this question.

- He (pas le bon pronom)results from it an insufficient representation
- the government made illegal the ultrasound practice: ordre des mots.

- his (pas le bon possessif)family
- She asked (pr"sent)the midwife to go and get her sister.
- the (pas de THE)women don't have their say
- this is the men who decide everything: mal dit.
- many womans
- because she (pluriel)can't give an heir (pluriel).
- because there isn't (pluriel)enough proofs.

- the (pas de THE)men and women.
- Womens
- However, since some years, India became (present perfect) a modern country

Attention aux répétitons, utiliser des synonymes, des paraphrases.


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