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The missing vowels/171

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The missing vowels/171
Message de marit64 posté le 12-05-2016 à 00:20:25 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, the number of vowels is given in 3 out of 10 answers.

1- A loud harsh cry made by an excited or angry birds. ..... (wqks) 2
2- The result of cutting, styling etc a person's hair. ..... (thslr)
3- A person who purposely and pointlessly damages or destroys public buildings or other property. ..... (dvln) 2
4- The group of people who work or operate a ship, aeroplane, bus etc. ..... (rwc)
5- To wait for someone or something. ..... (pcxt)
6- The international distress signal sent out by ships and aircraft. ..... (dm)
7- To swing gently backwards and forwards or from side to side. ..... (krc)
8- A bowl for washing oneself in. ..... (sbn)
9- A feeling of uncertainty about whether one is doing right. ..... (lmq) 2
10- The opposite of "perfect". ..... (ptmfrc)

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/171 de flowermusic, postée le 12-05-2016 à 00:46:54 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

1- A loud harsh cry made by an excited or angry birds. ..... (wqks) 2 squawk
2- The result of cutting, styling etc a person's hair. ..... (thslr) hairstyle
3- A person who purposely and pointlessly damages or destroys public buildings or other property. ..... (dvln) 2 vandal
4- The group of people who work or operate a ship, aeroplane, bus etc. ..... (rwc) crew
5- To wait for someone or something. ..... (pcxt) expect
6- The international distress signal sent out by ships and aircraft. ..... (dm) mayday
7- To swing gently backwards and forwards or from side to side. ..... (krc) rock
8- A bowl for washing oneself in. ..... (sbn) basin
9- A feeling of uncertainty about whether one is doing right. ..... (lmq) 2 qualm
10- The opposite of "perfect". ..... (ptmfrc) imperfect

Have a sweet sweet week

Réponse : The missing vowels/171 de , postée le 12-05-2016 à 18:49:19 (S | E)
Hi my dear Marit

Hi chocolatcitron, hi flowermusic, hi everybody.

This is my try. Have a nice week.

1- A loud harsh cry made by an excited or angry birds. ..... (wqks) 2.- Squawk.- Cri strident.
2- The result of cutting, styling etc a person's hair. ..... (thslr). - Hairstyle.- Coupe de cheveux.
3- A person who purposely and pointlessly damages or destroys public buildings or other property... (dvln) 2.- Vandal. - Vandale.
4- The group of people who work or operate a ship, aeroplane, bus etc. ..... (rwc) .- Crew.- Équipage.
5- To wait for someone or something. ..... (pcxt) . - Expect.- Attendre.
6- The international distress signal sent out by ships and aircraft. ..... (dm) . - Mayday.- S.O.S.
7- To swing gently backwards and forwards or from side to side. ..... (krc) . - Rock-Rack.- Osciller- balancer.
8- A bowl for washing oneself in. ..... (sbn) . - Basin .- Baignoire.
9- A feeling of uncertainty about whether one is doing right. ..... (lmq) 2 .- Qualm.- Scrupule.
10- The opposite of "perfect". ..... (ptmfrc). - Imperfect.- Non parfait.

Modifié par afarodj le 12-05-2016 18:50

Réponse : The missing vowels/171 de hebiga, postée le 17-05-2016 à 23:00:45 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit !
hi everybody!

Here is my try:
1- A loud harsh cry made by an excited or angry birds. ..... (wqks) 2 squawk
2- The result of cutting, styling etc a person's hair. ..... (thslr)hairstyle
3- A person who purposely and pointlessly damages or destroys public buildings or other property. ..... (dvln) 2vandal
4- The group of people who work or operate a ship, aeroplane, bus etc. ..... (rwc)crew
5- To wait for someone or something. ..... (pcxt)expect
6- The international distress signal sent out by ships and aircraft. ..... (dm)mayday
7- To swing gently backwards and forwards or from side to side. ..... (krc)rock
8- A bowl for washing oneself in. ..... (sbn)basin
9- A feeling of uncertainty about whether one is doing right. ..... (lmq) 2 qualm
10- The opposite of "perfect". ..... (ptmfrc)imperfect

Thank you Marit
See you soon.


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