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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de rayane99 posté le 14-05-2016 à 12:33:43 (S | E | F)
quelqu'un pourrait-il corriger les fautes d'orthographe du texte qui suit, s'il vous plait?

Eminem Discrimination:
Eminem, whose real name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III , was born in the United States October 17, 1972 , in St. Joseph in the state of Missouri.
This is an American. Today , he is still alive, he has 43 years old and he lives in America.
During his childhood , Marshall is the scapegoat of his classmates at school.
He undergoes regular beatings , and various humiliations on the part of young people that frequent because of his skin color and his rather frail constitution. In neighborhoods that Eminem attended , cohabitation between whites and blacks is sometimes difficult. The many moves don't change anything in this situation. Everywhere he goes , he remains a scapegoat because of his skin color. Until the age of sixteen, he suffered the abuse. He had juggled between Kansas City and Detroit , Eminem forges a shell and begins to get excited by the rap at the age of 13 years. Very soon he tries to break into the music world but he faces the hostility of other rappers again because of his skin color. Highly influenced by hip- hop , the boy wrote , at age of 14 years, his first pieces of rap and participates in several rap groups but no one knows the expected success . However, it will not give up and it's going to pay.
It gets worldwide popularity after the release of his second album, The Slim Shady LP in 1999 . This album earned him his first Grammy Award, one of the "best rap album”.
Eminem has been very brave throughout his life. Despite her difficult childhood and obstacles. His efforts were therefore rewarded

pour votre lecture

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-05-2016 14:51

Réponse: Texte/discrimination de laure95, postée le 19-05-2016 à 18:36:35 (S | E)
- This (he)is an (enlever AN)American.
- he has 43 years old: pas le bon verbe pour l'âge!
-During his childhood , Marshall is (passé)the scapegoat of his classmates at school.
- He undergoes (passé)regular beatings , and various humiliations on the part of young people that frequent because
- In (article)neighborhoods that Eminem attended , (article) cohabitation between whites and blacks (pas de "s")is (passé)
-The many moves (mal dit) don't (passé)change anything in this situation.
- Everywhere he goes (passé) , he remains (passé)a scapegoat
- Until the age of sixteen, he suffered (préposition) the (pas de THE)abuse.
- He had juggled (préterit) between Kansas City and Detroit ,
- Eminem forges (passé)a shell and begins (passé)to get excited by the rap at the age of 13 years (enlever years).
- Very soon he tries (passé)to break into the music world but he faces (passé)the hostility of other rappers again
- at (article)age of 14 years (enlever years),
- and participates (passé)in several rap groups but no one knows (passé)the expected success .
- However, it (it: ?)will not give up (passé)
-and it's going to pay: traduction mot à mot.
- It (pas le bon sujet)gets (passé) worldwide popularity
- This album earned him(made him earn) his first Grammy Award
- Despite her (pas le bon possessif)difficult childhood and obstacles.

Réponse: Texte/discrimination de rayane99, postée le 20-05-2016 à 17:36:08 (S | E)
- He's American
- he have 43 years old
-During his childhood , Marshall was the scapegoat of his classmates at school.
- He suffered regular beatings , and various humiliations on the part of young people because
- In his neighborhoods that Eminem attended , the cohabitation between whites and black was
-everywhere he went didn't changed anything in this situation.
- Everywhere he went , he remains a scapegoat
- Until the age of sixteen, he suffered abuse.
- He have juggled between Kansas City and Detroit ,
- Eminem forges himself a shell and began to get excited by the rap at the age of 13.
- Very soon he have tried to break into the music world but he faces the hostility of other rappers again
- at the age of 14,
- and participated in several rap groups but no one knew the expected success .
- However, he didn't give up
-and it's going to pay
- He got a worldwide popularity
- This album made him earn his first Grammy Award
- Despite his difficult childhood and obstacles.

Désolé, en fait je suis capable de faire bien mieux...
Juste, pour dire "il va" par exemple. On dit plutôt "he goes"?

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-05-2016 19:05

Réponse: Texte/discrimination de here4u, postée le 20-05-2016 à 21:15:09 (S | E)
Hello !

Je n'ai pas lu le texte entier mais juste la 2e version ... A few more mistakes !
- He's American
- he have 43 years old
-During his childhood , Marshall was the scapegoat of his classmates(clumsy) at school.
- He suffered regular beatings , and various humiliations on the part of young people because
- In his neighborhoods that Eminem attended , the cohabitation between whites and black was
-everywhere he went didn't changed anything in this situation.
- Everywhere(employer "wherever") he went , he remains a scapegoat
- Until the age of sixteen, he suffered abuse.
- He have juggled between Kansas City and Detroit ,
- Eminem forges himself a shell and began to get excited by the rap at the age of 13.
- Very soon he have tried to break into the music world but he faces the hostility of other rappers again
- at the age of 14,
- and participated in several rap groups but no one= personne; il faut "aucun" knew the expected success .
- However, he didn't give up
-and it's going to pay
- He got a worldwide popularity
- This album made him earn his first Grammy Award (enabled him to win )
- Despite his difficult childhood and obstacles.

Réponse: Texte/discrimination de rayane99, postée le 21-05-2016 à 21:49:58 (S | E)

- He's American
- he has got 43 years old
-During his childhood , Marshall was the scapegoat of his classmates at school.
- He suffered regular beatings , and various humiliations on the part of young people because
- In neighborhoods that Eminem attended , the cohabitation between whites and blacks was
-everywhere he went didn't changed anything in this situation.
- Wherever he went , he stayed a scapegoat
- Until the age of sixteen, he suffered abuse.
- He has juggled between Kansas City and Detroit ,
- Eminem forges himself a shell and began to get excited by rap at the age of 13.
- Very soon he had tried to break into the music world but he faces the hostility of other rappers again
- at the age of 14,
- and participated in several rap groups but nothing knew the expected success .
- However, he didn't give up
-and it's going to pay
- He got worldwide popularity
- This album won his first Grammy Award
- Despite his difficult childhood and obstacles.



Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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