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Oral/Myths and Heroes

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Oral/Myths and Heroes
Message de alizeze posté le 16-05-2016 à 11:41:36 (S | E | F)
Je poste mon texte écrit pour mon oral d'anglais du Bac sur la notion Myths and Heroes. J’espère que quelqu'un m'aidera pour corriger mes fautes sachant que je n'ai pas un bon niveau d'anglais.
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses!

I'm going to talk about the notion of “Myths and Heroes”. First of all, a myth is a popular belief or tradition embodying the ideals and institutions of a society. Then, a hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero… Each society creates stories in relation with the culture: legendary heroes rubbed shoulders with gods in antique mythology as the basis of religions. The last century, mentalities have changed and new type of myths and heroes appeared. In what extent our society produces a new kind of myths and heroes? Firstly, I will represent the myth of the American dream. Then, I will show the impact, as heroes, of pirate radios during the 60s.

Firstly, the document “The Louisville Flood” is a black and white photo taken in 1937 by Margaret Bourke-White. The foreground and the background are opposed. Indeed, in the foreground African-Americans queuing up, carrying bags, waiting patiently to be given some food after the 1937 flood in Kentucky after, moreover, the Great Depression at 30s. They must have lost everything and must live below the poverty line. In the background, there is a billboard that promotes the American way of life typical WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant= the archetype of the white American descendant of Protestant immigrants) middle-class family: to be happy, to have a high standard of living (car,…). So, we note a cutting contrast between the rich and the poor. Furthermore, on the billboard a possible ironic slogan emphasize the contrast between the ideals of the nation and the grim reality. Between dream and reality, this population was disenchanting opposite at the dream extolled in the myth on the life in the United-States.
The USA is, in the myth, a land of success stories, of freedom, achievement, entertainment; is also a superpower. This country is a unity of a dream represented in the American Dream. In reality only some people can realise his dream. The immigrants came to America to flee oppressions and poverty, for freedom and success. But this view of the USA is idealized. A segregation is taking place against colored people.
To my mind, the United-States create the myth of the American dream to affirm her global power. In a period when slavery was abolished, religions and poverty dominates. Thus, none other country offered the opportunity to build a better life, with an open political to all differences. The American dream becomes a source of hope but where disillusionment is common.

Secondly, the text “The real story behind Britain’s rock'n'roll” is an article of NPR published in 2009 talking about the rejection by British pirates of the government's oppression. In the early 60s, most the radio and TV stations in Great Britain were owned by the BBC which broadcast not more than 6 hours of pop music a week. The only means to fight against this domination was to set up offshore radio stations formed by activists, disc jockeys, who by passed the law to broadcast mostly British music. Thus the DJs widely contributed to the music revolution of the 60s since they enable British people to discover rock'n'roll which was flourishing in America but was banned in Great Britain. In the end, a pop station was created by the BBC which hired many of the DJs who had worker for pirates radios.
In the sixties, the social and political establishment is traditional dictated by lows, rigour and order. In opposition, the young generation do a counter-culture with permissiveness and enthusiasm extol the moral liberation.
The pirates can be heroes because they brave enough to challenge the authorities, they fight against censorship of the Establishment. The pirates make rock accessible to youths. Te pirates radios extol the freedom, the rebellion hippy anti-establishmentarianism.

To conclude, our society, of the last century, is testament to an evolution of mentalities. At the beginning of the XIXe, people believed in the America way of life for to hope to have opportunities. However, this vision is distorted, this vision is only a myth. In the 60s, the Great Britain pass from traditional to moral liberation with the young generation. This passage is encouraged and facilitated by pirates radios. The pirates become heroes for the freedom. But, our modern society, does not agree to gives the hero designation easily? as with sportsman?

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-05-2016 13:48

Réponse: Oral/Myths and Heroes de laure95, postée le 17-05-2016 à 15:52:38 (S | E)
- (préposition)The last century, mentalities have changed (prétérit)and new type (pluriel) of myths and heroes appeared.
- In what extent our society produces a new kind of myths and heroes?: revoir construction d'une question.
- Firstly, I will represent (present) the myth of the American dream.

- Indeed, in the foreground African-Americans (are)queuing up,
- the Great Depression (pas la bonne préposition)at 30s.
- (article) typical WASP
- Furthermore, on the billboard a possible ironic slogan emphasize (faute de conjugaison)the contrast
- this population was disenchanting opposite at (to) the dream extolled in the myth on the life in the United-States.
- (sujet) is also a superpower.
- This country is a unity ( A + CONSONNE)of a dream represented in the American Dream.
- In reality only some people can realise his (his ?)dream.
- To my mind, the United-States create the myth of the American dream to affirm her (pas le bon possessif)global power.
- In (at) a (the)period when slavery was abolished, religions and poverty dominates (faute de conjugaison)
-an open political: ?

- who by passed (pas la bonne forme du verbe)the law
- since they enable (passé)British people to discover rock'n'roll
- who had worker
- In the sixties, the social and political establishment is (passé)traditional dictated by lows, rigour and order.
- In opposition, the young generation do (passé)a counter-culture with permissiveness and enthusiasm extol (gérondif) the moral liberation.
- The pirates can be heroes because they (are)brave enough to challenge the authorities (singulier)

- To conclude, our society, of the last century, is testament to an evolution of mentalities: ?
- At the beginning of the XIXe, people believed in the America (adjectif)way of life for (pas de for)to hope to have opportunities. -
- In the 60s, the Great Britain pass (passé) from traditional to moral liberation with the young generation.
- This passage is (passé)encouraged and facilitated by pirates radios. The pirates become (passé)heroes for the freedom.
- to gives: TO + INFINITIF.
- the hero designation easily?: ?
- as with sportsman (pluriel)?

Réponse: Oral/Myths and Heroes de alizeze, postée le 20-05-2016 à 12:29:13 (S | E)
Merci de votre correction


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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