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Oral/Myths and Heroes

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Oral/Myths and Heroes
Message de digorie posté le 16-05-2016 à 19:52:52 (S | E | F)
Hello !
Bonjour à tous, je prépare mon oral de BAC qui arrive vous le savez très bientôt.Auriez-vous la gentillesse de regarder ma notion et de me dire les fautes que vous voyez ?
Merci beaucoup d'avance.

Today, I am going to talk about the notion Myths and Heroes. First of all, hero can be defined as a person admired for his or her achievements, noble qualities and great courage. And he or she can become a myth, a character representing an idea. But can everybody be a hero? What’s make a hero? Nowadays, soldiers are sometimes show as heroes. That is why we can wonder: does art reflect soldiers as heroes? In order to answer this question and illustrate the notion, we will focus first on the values of Americans soldiers. Then we will analyse how they are representing as heroes. Finally, we will explain why they can be considered as victims also. We will work on three documents.

The first document I have chosen is the Soldier’s Creed. It’s contents all the values an American soldiers need to have. He made about 10 lines. It is a kind of promise. All US army personnel are encouraged to live according the soldier’s creed. They have to recite it in public, ceremonies and at the conclusion of training. The people who join the army are volunteers and want to pledge allegiance to their country. They are courageous, determined. Most of them are ready to give up their live for someone. On this terms, they can be qualified as heroes. To my mind, a hero is first a normal person, who one day faces a danger or a problem. At this moment he is ready to risk it all to do something exceptional for the others. Then he becomes better, and his life is back to normal. But the art has a nuanced view of the soldiers. Sometimes they are considered as heroes, sometimes myths, or not.

That is why I have chosen the next document: it is a poster from Saving Private Ryan directed by Steven Spielberg in 1998. Paratrooper Ryan was sent to France to prepare for D-day landing. The heroes played by Matt Damon and Tom Hanks have the order to find Ryan and bring him back. On the poster of the movie we can see in the foreground a man in the shadow, probably private Ryan. We can read the tagline “the mission is a man”. Finally, in the background we can see soldiers, looking at the horizon. The angle-shot used is a close-up. They are wearing uniforms and have helmets. The poster shows these soldiers as heroes. Indeed, we understand they are ready to risk their live to save a people they even don’t know. That’s make them brave, and fearless. Their values are according to creed’s ones. They are reliable person ready to do something exceptional for others. But does a soldier can be a hero while killing people?

The last document is a poster from the film “Platoon” directed by Oliver Stone in 1987. It is the story of a young recruit who faces the Vietnam war. This poster is very informative. First we can see the title. The “O” letters are represented by dog tags which are very iconic of combat and casualties. There is only a man in the middle ground, watching the sky, an American soldier. He is dressed up in a dirty uniform, witch show he has been fighting very hard. He seems praying gods and wondering why he is fighting. Indeed, on the background we can see an explosion suggesting a napalm strike. The poster shows a brutal vision of the war. The soldier is not see as a hero. A lots of people thank the Vietnam war was not legitimate, and has led to much debates. The soldiers are seen as a victim of the war, discovering the horror of killing innocent people. This poster confirms that art has a nuanced view of war.

To conclude, we have seen that arts is an effective way to show that not everybody can be a hero. But finally the vision of the war depends of the artist view. For example, Oliver Stone is antimilitarist. The posters show us the vision of the war by the movies directors. Sometimes soldiers are heroes and sometimes victims. But as the last surviving soldier of WWI says, “War is organized murder, nothing less”. I side with him, the war is not the best way to answer problems. Maybe we can wonder if one-day war soldiers will become myth.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-05-2016 20:56

Réponse: Oral/Myths and Heroes de laure95, postée le 18-05-2016 à 18:05:54 (S | E)
- First of all, (article)hero can be defined as a person
- What’s make a hero?: question mal construite.
- Nowadays, soldiers are sometimes show (participe passé)as heroes.
- That is why we can wonder: does art reflect soldiers as heroes?: si tu mets "Wonder", tu dois faire une question indirecte.

- It’s contents: pas 2 verbes!
- all the values an (enlever AN) American soldiers need to have.
- He made about 10 lines: mal dit.
- All US army personnel (mot français) are encouraged to live according (préposition)the soldier’s creed.
- their live (pluriel) for someone.
-On this terms: THIS + SINGULIER.
- But the(pas de THE) art has a nuanced view of the soldiers.

- their live
- to save a (pas de A)people they even (pas à la bonne place) don’t know.
-That’s make: mal construit.
- They are reliable person (pluriel)ready to do something exceptional for others.
- But does a soldier can be a hero while killing people?: mal construit: pas possible d'avoir DOES et CAN dans la même question

- witch (orthographe) show (singulier)
- Indeed, on (pas la bonne préposition)the background
- The soldier is not see (participe passé)as a hero.
- A (enlever A)lots of people thank (think?)the Vietnam war was not legitimate,
-and has led to much debates: much + singulier.
- The soldiers are seen as a victim (pluriel)of the war, d

- To conclude, we have seen that arts (singulier) is an effective way
- the vision of the war depends of (pas la bonne préposition)the artist view.
- For example, Oliver Stone is (article) antimilitarist. The posters show(faute de conjugaison) us the vision of the war
- soldiers will become myth (pluriel).


Réponse: Oral/Myths and Heroes de digorie, postée le 20-05-2016 à 20:49:04 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour vos correction !

Désolé du retard pour poster la nouvelle version, j'irai plus vite a prochaine fois.

Today, I am going to talk about the notion Myths and Heroes. First of all, an hero can be defined as a person admired for his or her achievements, noble qualities and great courage. And he or she can become a myth, a character representing an idea. But can everybody be a hero? What’s make someone a hero? Nowadays, soldiers are sometimes shown as heroes. That is why we can wonder if art reflect soldiers as heroes? In order to answer this question and illustrate the notion, we will focus first on the values of Americans soldiers. Then we will analyse how they are representing as heroes. Finally, we will explain why they can be considered as victims also. We will work on three documents.

The first document I have chosen is the Soldier’s Creed. It contents all the values American soldiers need to have. There are about 10 lines. It is a kind of promise. All US army personnel are encouraged to live according to the soldier’s creed. They have to recite it in public, ceremonies and at the conclusion of training. The people who join the army are volunteers and want to pledge allegiance to their country. They are courageous, determined. Most of them are ready to give up their lives for someone. On this term, they can be qualified as heroes. To my mind, a hero is first a normal person, who one day faces a danger or a problem. At this moment he is ready to risk it all to do something exceptional for the others. Then he becomes better, and his life is back to normal. But the art has a nuanced view of soldiers. Sometimes they are considered as heroes, sometimes myths, or not.

That is why I have chosen the next document: it is a poster from Saving Private Ryan directed by Steven Spielberg in 1998. Paratrooper Ryan was sent to France to prepare for D-day landing. The heroes played by Matt Damon and Tom Hanks have the order to find Ryan and bring him back. On the poster of the movie we can see in the foreground a man in the shadow, probably private Ryan. We can read the tagline “the mission is a man”. Finally, in the background we can see soldiers, looking at the horizon. The angle-shot used is a close-up. They are wearing uniforms and have helmets. The poster shows these soldiers as heroes. Indeed, we understand they are ready to risk their lives to save people they don’t even know. That’s make them brave, and fearless. Their values are according to creed’s ones. They are reliable persons ready to do something exceptional for others. But can soldiers be heroes while killing people?

The last document is a poster from the film “Platoon” directed by Oliver Stone in 1987. It is the story of a young recruit who faces the Vietnam war. This poster is very informative. First we can see the title. The “O” letters are represented by dog tags which are very iconic of combat and casualties. There is only a man in the middle ground, watching the sky, an American soldier. He is dressed up in a dirty uniform, which shows he has been fighting very hard. He seems praying gods and wondering why he is fighting. Indeed, in the background we can see an explosion suggesting a napalm strike. The poster shows a brutal vision of the war. The soldier is not seen as a hero. Lots of people think the Vietnam war was not legitimate, and has led to much debate. The soldiers are seen as victims of the war, discovering the horror of killing innocent people. This poster confirms that art has a nuanced view of war.

To conclude, we have seen that art is an effective way to show that not everybody can be a hero. But finally the vision of the war depends to the artist view. For example, Oliver Stone is a antimilitarist. The poster show us the vision of the war by the movies directors. Sometimes soldiers are heroes and sometimes victims. But as the last surviving soldier of WWI says, “War is organized murder, nothing less”. I side with him; the war is not the best way to answer problems. Maybe we can wonder if one-day war soldiers will become myths.

A bientôt !



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