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Bac/Idea of progress

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Bac/Idea of progress
Message de floriandx posté le 22-05-2016 à 00:44:21 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir !
Je passe mardi mon oral Bac d'anglais et j'ai préparé mon texte sur la troisième notion, qui est Idea of progress.
J'aimerais cependant avoir une correction ou des avis sur mon texte qui est sûrement loin d'être parfait. En effet, je sais que j'ai quelques difficultés dans la langue mais j'aimerais tout de même y gagner un bon résultat pour mon Bac.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide!

I'm going to discuss the notion of "Idea of progress", to begin with I'd like to give a definition of this notion. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change – a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. In this notion, I will talk about a social progress with the family. In my presentation I will try to answer this question : what evolution have knew the family structure with time? For that, we will see the evolution of the American family structure and the evolution of the view that the people have of the family in different times.

During the first part of the twentieth century, there is a specific view of the ideal family which dominates and that we can call the "traditional family". The traditional family is a family compose by greats parents, a father, a mother and the children. For example, a painting by Norman Rockwell show the image of this traditionnal American family. In this painting, the different members of the family are gathering around the table to celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November. They are joyful, happy to share the traditional turkey.
The Second World War have generated importants changes, including in the family structure. Because after all the atrocities and the difficulties engendered by the war, the people want to find a solid family structure. So, as we can see in a text document named "American family life", at the end of the nineteen fourtys, the divorce rate suddenly dropped. Women started getting married at the younger age and having more children than before. And, from another part, as a consequence women's role changed and their lives became almost exclusively family-centred as they were told that their function was to be wives and mothers. For a woman, having a career was seen as improper in the nineteen fiftys. And the average family was essentially nuclear. A nuclear family is a unit composed of a couple and their children only. In fact, at this period, young, newly married couples were encouraged to sever their family ties and put all their emotional and financial eggs in the small basket of the immediate nuclear family. The nuclear family was headed by a male breadwinner was the desired norm.

Today, family profiles, and by the way the situation of women, have greatly evolved. They have many marriages now and up in divorces and single parent family have become commonplace. Women have more rights than before and no longer depend on a male breadwinner. Today, an ideal family can be describe as one with a parent who is supportive and play an active part of the child's life. These parents should be able to provide for there family and teach their children values for that there family could be happy and grow both mentally and physically. In fact, we can see this evolution of the family with the new family structures that have appeared. For example, in a humoristic cartoon that we have seen in class, we can see a man who has just been awarded a prize and who is thanking his family. And his family seems to be rather unusual since he has a surrogate mother and a biological mother, and two fathers to thank. So this cartoon shows that nowadays a family is not merely composed of a father and a mother.
From another part, the views of an ideal family are portrayed in various television shows (like The Simpsons, Malcolm, The Modern Family), and in movies (like Little Big Sunshine) and also in advertissements. These views of an ideal family can be very differents. Because, although traditionnals families are still used in these representations (for example by greater part of marketing campagns that are targeting families), in the U.S. T.V. series named The Modern Family we can see a gay couple.
To conclude, we can say that the family structure have knew an evolution with time and that the view that the people have of the family have evolved too. Indeed, today, there are different types of family that are not the "ideal" family anymore has they use to be in the past forty or fifty years with the traditionnal family. Nowadays, there are interracial couples, mixed couples, single parent families, or gay couple parents. We can see that these new types of families are more and more represented in the society, and especially at the T.V. like for example in the T.V. series. In my opinion, this evolution of the family is a good thing in general, because this evolution shows that the mentalities have evolved and that is a social progress, and I am for the progress in general. I think that the Men should not stay stucked on the convictions that they have established. But, from another part, we can wonder if the new types of families can have a negative impact on the people, and for example, on the children of these families?

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-05-2016 07:48

Réponse: Bac/Idea of progress de laure95, postée le 22-05-2016 à 10:37:59 (S | E)
- I will talk about a (pas de A) social progress with the family.
- what evolution have knew the family structure with time?: mal construit.
-in different times: at different periods.

- During the first part of the twentieth century, there is (passé)a specific view of the ideal family which dominates (passé)
- The traditional family is a family compose (participe passé) by greats parents,
- For example, a painting by Norman Rockwell show (faute de conjugaison) the image
- In (on)this painting,
- The Second World War have (faute de conjugaison) generated importants (pas de s)changes,
- the (pas de the) people want (passé)to find a solid family structure.
- fourtys: orthographe.
- at the (a)younger age
- fiftys.
- single parent family (pluriel)have become commonplace.
- Today, an ideal family can be describe (participe passé) as one with a parent
- who is supportive and play (faute de conjugaison)an active part of (in) the (possessif) child's life.
-there (possessif)family (pluriel)
- and teach their children('s) values for (so)that there (possessif)
- advertissements: orthogrpahe.
- These views of an ideal family can be very différents (pas de "s")
-campagns: orthographe.

- To conclude, we can say that the family structure have knew (singulier + participe passé)an evolution
- Indeed, today, there are different types of family (pluriel)
-that are not the "ideal" family anymore has (as)they use (passé) to be in the past forty or fifty years with the traditionnal family.

- especially at the T.V: on TV

Réponse: Bac/Idea of progress de floriandx, postée le 22-05-2016 à 17:03:07 (S | E)
Bonjour, merci de m'avoir corrigé. Voici ma nouvelle version corrigée (par contre je ne suis pas bien sûr pour la question car j'ai toujours du mal à les formulées) :
I'm going to discuss the notion of "Idea of progress", to begin with I'd like to give a definition of this notion. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change – a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. In this notion, I will talk about social progress with the family. In my presentation I will try to answer this question : what evolution the family structure have knew with time ? For that, we will see the evolution of the American family structure and the evolution of the view that the people have of the family at different periods.

During the first part of the twentieth century, there was a specific view of the ideal family which dominated and that we can call the "traditional family". The traditional family is a family composed by grandparents, a father, a mother and the children. For example, a painting by Norman Rockwell shows the image of this traditionnal American family. On this painting, the different members of the family are gathering around the table to celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November. They are joyful, happy to share the traditional turkey.
The Second World War haves generated important changes, including in the family structure. Because after all the atrocities and the difficulties engendered by the war, people wanted to find a solid family structure. So, as we can see in a text document named "American family life", at the end of the nineteen forties, the divorce rate suddenly dropped. Women started getting married at a younger age and having more children than before. And, from another part, as a consequence women's role changed and their lives became almost exclusively family-centred as they were told that their function was to be wives and mothers. For a woman, having a career was seen as improper in the nineteen fifties. And the average family was essentially nuclear. A nuclear family is a unit composed of a couple and their children only. In fact, at this period, young, newly married couples were encouraged to sever their family ties and put all their emotional and financial eggs in the small basket of the immediate nuclear family. The nuclear family was headed by a male breadwinner was the desired norm.

Today, family profiles, and by the way the situation of women, have greatly evolved. They have many marriages now and up in divorces and single parent families have become commonplace. Women have more rights than before and no longer depend on a male breadwinner. Today, an ideal family can be described as one with a parent who is supportive and plays an active part in their child's life. These parents should be able to provide for their families and teach at their children values so that their family could be happy and grow both mentally and physically. In fact, we can see this evolution of the family with the new family structures that have appeared. For example, in a humoristic cartoon that we have seen in class, we can see a man who has just been awarded a prize and who is thanking his family. And his family seems to be rather unusual since he has a surrogate mother and a biological mother, and two fathers to thank. So this cartoon shows that nowadays a family is not merely composed of a father and a mother.
From another part, the views of an ideal family are portrayed in various television shows (like The Simpsons, Malcolm, The Modern Family), and in movies (like Little Big Sunshine) and also in advertisements. These views of an ideal family can be very different. Because, although traditionnals families are still used in these representations (for example by greater part of marketing campaigns that are targeting families), in the U.S. T.V. series named The Modern Family we can see a gay couple.
To conclude, we can say that the family structure have known an evolution with time and that the view that the people have of the family have evolved too. Indeed, today, there are different types of families that are not the "ideal" family anymore as they used to be in the past forty or fifty years with the traditionnal family. Nowadays, there are interracial couples, mixed couples, single parent families, or gay couple parents. We can see that these new types of families are more and more represented in the society, and especially on T.V. like for example in the T.V. series. In my opinion, this evolution of the family is a good thing in general, because this evolution shows that the mentalities have evolved and that is a social progress, and I am for the progress in general. I think that the Men should not stay stucked on the convictions that they have established. But, from another part, we can wonder if the new types of families can have a negative impact on the people, and for example, on the children of these families ?

Réponse: Bac/Idea of progress de laure95, postée le 22-05-2016 à 19:05:23 (S | E)
- what evolution the family structure have knew with time ?: what eveolution + auxiliaire have + sujet + verbe au participe passé.

- The Second World War haves (ce n'est pas le singulier de HAVE)generated important changes,
- including in (enlever in)the family structure.

- They have many marriages now: mal dit.
- These parents should be able to provide for their families and teach at (enlever at)their children values (ordre des mots)
- traditionnals (pas au pluriel) families

- To conclude, we can say that the family structure have (faute de conjugaison) known an evolution with time
- and that the view (pluriel)that the people have of the family have evolved too.
- I think that the (pas de the) Men

Réponse: Bac/Idea of progress de floriandx, postée le 22-05-2016 à 20:07:45 (S | E)
Bonsoir, merci de m'avoir corrigé. Voici ma nouvelle version corrigée:
I'm going to discuss the notion of "Idea of progress", to begin with I'd like to give a definition of this notion. The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change – a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. In this notion, I will talk about social progress with the family. In my presentation I will try to answer this question : what evolution have the family structure known with time ? For that, we will see the evolution of the American family structure and the evolution of the view that the people have of the family at different periods.

During the first part of the twentieth century, there was a specific view of the ideal family which dominated and that we can call the "traditional family". The traditional family is a family composed by grandparents, a father, a mother and the children. For example, a painting by Norman Rockwell shows the image of this traditionnal American family. On this painting, the different members of the family are gathering around the table to celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November. They are joyful, happy to share the traditional turkey.
The Second World War has generated important changes, including the family structure. Because after all the atrocities and the difficulties engendered by the war, people wanted to find a solid family structure. So, as we can see in a text document named "American family life", at the end of the nineteen forties, the divorce rate suddenly dropped. Women started getting married at a younger age and having more children than before. And, from another part, as a consequence women's role changed and their lives became almost exclusively family-centred as they were told that their function was to be wives and mothers. For a woman, having a career was seen as improper in the nineteen fifties. And the average family was essentially nuclear. A nuclear family is a unit composed of a couple and their children only. In fact, at this period, young, newly married couples were encouraged to sever their family ties and put all their emotional and financial eggs in the small basket of the immediate nuclear family. The nuclear family was headed by a male breadwinner was the desired norm.

Today, family profiles, and by the way the situation of women, have greatly evolved. There are many marriages now and up in divorces and single parent families have become commonplace. Women have more rights than before and no longer depend on a male breadwinner. Today, an ideal family can be described as one with a parent who is supportive and plays an active part in their child's life. These parents should be able to provide for their families and teach values to their children so that their family could be happy and grow both mentally and physically. In fact, we can see this evolution of the family with the new family structures that have appeared. For example, in a humoristic cartoon that we have seen in class, we can see a man who has just been awarded a prize and who is thanking his family. And his family seems to be rather unusual since he has a surrogate mother and a biological mother, and two fathers to thank. So this cartoon shows that nowadays a family is not merely composed of a father and a mother.
From another part, the views of an ideal family are portrayed in various television shows (like The Simpsons, Malcolm, The Modern Family), and in movies (like Little Big Sunshine) and also in advertisements. These views of an ideal family can be very different. Because, although traditionnal families are still used in these representations (for example by greater part of marketing campaigns that are targeting families), in the U.S. T.V. series named The Modern Family we can see a gay couple.
To conclude, we can say that the family structure has known an evolution with time and that the views that the people have of the family have evolved too. Indeed, today, there are different types of families that are not the "ideal" family anymore as they used to be in the past forty or fifty years with the traditionnal family. Nowadays, there are interracial couples, mixed couples, single parent families, or gay couple parents. We can see that these new types of families are more and more represented in the society, and especially on T.V. like for example in the T.V. series. In my opinion, this evolution of the family is a good thing in general, because this evolution shows that the mentalities have evolved and that is a social progress, and I am for the progress in general. I think that Men should not stay stucked on the convictions that they have established. But, from another part, we can wonder if the new types of families can have a negative impact on the people, and for example, on the children of these families ?


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