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Oral/Bac TES

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral/Bac TES
Message de paco55 posté le 27-05-2016 à 22:30:15 (S | E | F)
je passe mon oral du Bac dans 10 jours et j'ai besoin de quelqu'un pour me corriger mes fautes, ce serait très gentil.
Merci énormément pour votre aide !
le sujet est idée de progrès, et j'aborde le sujet en parlant des mouvements sociaux:

Despite the willingness of states to give more equality and more freedom to their people, some minority groups remain disadvantaged. To remedy this, many social movements evolved in order to defend the rights or denounce the situation of certain person. Thereby, social movements have an important role in social progress.
we might ask, how nowadays social movements can advance our societies ?
To answer this question we will see the social movements manifesting for sexual minorities
in a second time those fighting for gender equality
and in a third time movements protesting against racial segregation
The main manifestation movement for sexual minorities is called "LGBT social movements" in other words: movement lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. This association advocate the egalitarian acceptance of LGBT persons in the society. It begins in the 1860's in Germany, and gaining momentum in the 1960's with the sexual revolution. The protesters wanted to defend themselves against homophobia and reform the articles from the penal code which imposes discriminatory provisions. In France, the famous "gay pride" began in 1981, where LGBT persons manifest for there rights. Recently, the "marriage for all" show us how our society progresses about laws and in the minds of the population.
Although feminist movements existed for a long time, we will discuss the most recent. Thus, we can define it as the social movement established in order to achieve the equality between woman and man in political, economic and personal rights. Protestants want society to establishes equal opportunities for both sexes for example in education or employment. One of the most famous feminist movement is called "les suffragettes", that claimed the woman's suffrage, and won because today in France or in the United States women vote freely. Recently, feminists have fought for the right to contraception and to abortion, subject still relevant.
Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X: they all have a common point, they fought against racial segregation. Despite the differences in everyone's opinions, the famous action such as refusing to give up her seat to a white person on the bus with Rosa Parks or the peaceful protests of Martin Luther King make the US society progress. The law evolve in favor of black people because the racial segregation decreased until today when we had the election of a Black president, Mr. Barack Obama. Moreover, these movements have spread to South Africa, where President Nelson Mandela took advantage of the World Cup of Rugby to unify his country.

By way of conclusion, we have seen that social progress is mainly by protest movements. They allow to assert his rights of minorities, and gives them more freedom and equality within society. Nevertheless, in some countries mostly from North Africa women and homosexuals are still oppressed and repressed.

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-05-2016 23:49

Réponse: Oral/Bac TES de laure95, postée le 29-05-2016 à 11:25:57 (S | E)
- To remedy this, many social movements (have) evolved in order to defend the rights or denounce the situation of certain person (pluriel).
- we might ask, how nowadays social movements can advance our societies ? :enlever ? car c'est une question indirecte.

- The main manifestation (pas le bon mot) movement for sexual minorities is called "LGBT social movements"
- movement lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender: ordre des mots.
- This association advocate (faute de conjugaison) the egalitarian acceptance of LGBT persons (people) in the society.
- It begins (passé)in the 1860's in Germany,
- In France, the famous "gay pride" began in 1981, where LGBT persons (people)manifest (passé)for there rights.
- Recently, the "marriage for all" show (faute de conjugaison)us
- Although feminist movements (have) existed for a long time,
- the equality between woman (pluriel)and man (pluriel)in political, economic and personal rights.
- Protestants want society to establishes (to + infinitif) equal opportunities
- subject (pluriel)still relevant.
- The law evolve (present perfect)in favor of black people because the (enlever the)racial segregation (has)decreased until today

- social progress is mainly by (mal dit)protest movements.
- They allow to assert his (his ?) rights of minorities, and gives (infinitif) them more freedom and equality within society.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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