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Oral/Idée de Progrès

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Oral/Idée de Progrès
Message de opheliescdlr posté le 20-06-2016 à 15:11:56 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !
Je suis actuellement en terminales L et je viens de terminer ma notion IDEA OF PROGRESS avec pour thème l'INDE pour mon oral.J'aimerais donc savoir s'il y a des erreurs de grammaire,conjugaison etc.
Merci d'avance!

I am going to talk about the notion « Idea of progress ».
The idea of progess can be defined as an improvement - a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. Progress implies changes, some evolution from an old order to a new order. If we talk about India, we can say it is a land of contrast, being a traditional land but also a modern country. India is a country in South Asia, it the seventh largest country by area and the second most populous country with over 1.2 billion people.
That's is why it is interesting to wonder to what extent India can be called a country on the march ?
We'll see on one hand how India is still attached to traditions and on an other hand how this country is more and more developped and important in the mondialisation.


TEXT : The Red Carpet
This text is about arranged marriages in India, and the tradionnal culture. We can see a 30 y-o man, talking with his mother about finding a wife. Indeed, she wants for him an indian and traditionnal woman, from a good family, who never had boyfriend, and who know how to cook and take care about her family. Ramu's arguments are that he can take care of himself, he's able to cook for himself too. He wants a modern girl. But Ma thinks that modern girls don't know how to take care about their families.
We can really see there the traditionnal aspect of India, arranged marriages, the parents living with their son and his wife.. All of this in unbelievable in developped countries, nowadays. But in India, this is usual and still happening.

VIDEO : Gendercide : sex-selective abortions killing India's future
We saw a video about gendercide. It shows that parents expecting for a baby girl abort because a girl will only bring money problems to the family. Meanwhile a boy, will perpetuate the family name, and working hard to take care about his family.
This shows that India is still a male dominative country, and that the gender gap is still real. Proof that India is a underdeveloped country.

SERIE : Outsourced
This serie is about an american manager which is send to India in order to manage employees in a centercall. The team is only indians people and they have to sale americans products so it's a bit complicated because they don't even understand what they're saling. There's a scene where an employee is using indians references so the customer gets upset because he was expecting american people on the phone.
This serie deals with Todd trying to learn indian culture on one hand, and learning american culture to his employees on a other hand. We can really see the differences between the 2 cultures.
This serie shows that India is a country with a lot of traditions (the cow is sacred, arranged marriages..) and meanwhile it's a very developped country in terms of economy, it's a great part of the mondialisation. It represents modern economy and globalisation because sales aren't made in home country.

TEXT : The indian food delivery service is the envy of FedEx
A dabbawala is a person in India, who is part of a delivery system that collects hot food in lunch boxes from the residences of workers in the late morning, delivers the lunches to the workplace, predominantly using bicycles and the railway trains, and returns the empty boxes to the worker's residence that afternoon. In Mumbai, most office workers prefer to eat home-cooked food in their workplace rather than eat outside at a food stand or at a local restaurant, usually for reasons of taste and hygiene, hence the concept. A number of work-from-home women also supply such home-cooked meals, delivering through the dabbawala network.

In a nutchell, India is still very attached to his traditions (the cast system etc) but trying to get more and more importance in the globalisation/mondialisation, and the mondial economy. I can say that India is today a modern country, but there are still poor areas in India. Furthermore, the dowry tradition contributes to stress the gendercide. I think in the future it can become a modern and powerful country.

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-06-2016 21:51

Réponse : Oral/Idée de Progrès de laure95, postée le 20-06-2016 à 18:11:53 (S | E)

- it (verbe) the seventh largest country by area and the second most populous country with over 1.2 billion people.
-That's is why it is interesting to wonder to what extent India can be called a country on the march ?: enlever le point d'interrogation car c'est une question indirecte.
-We'll see on (article)one hand how India is still attached to traditions and on an other hand how this country is more and more developped and important in the (enlever THE)mondialisation (globalization).

TEXT : The Red Carpet
- Indeed, she wants for him an indian (majuscule)and traditionnal woman, from a good family, who never had (present perfect, il manque un article)boyfriend, and who know (faute de conjugaison)how to cook
- Ramu's arguments are that he can take care of himself, he's able to cook for himself too. He wants a modern girl. But Ma thinks that modern girls don't know how to take care (répétition) about their families.

VIDEO : Gendercide : sex-selective abortions killing India's future
(article) Proof that India is a (A + CONSONNE) underdeveloped country.

SERIE : Outsourced
-This serie is about an american (majuscule) manager which is send (participe passé) to India
- The team is only indians people: ?
- and they have to sale americans (pas de "s" et majuscule)products
- There's a scene where an employee is using indians (pas de "s", majuscule)references
- american (majuscule) people on the phone.
- indian (majuscule)culture on (article)one hand, and learning american culture to his employees on a ( A+ CONSONNE)other hand.
- sales aren't made in (article)home country.

TEXT : The indian food delivery service is the envy of Fedex
- rather than eat: rather than + gérondif.

In a nutchell, India is still very attached to his (pas le bon possessif)traditions


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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