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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de marco007 posté le 05-08-2016 à 12:20:28 (S | E | F)
Hello everyone,
Thank you so much in advance for taking the time to read and possibly to answer me.
Here is my try:

I am learning english since few years, not continually but episodically, and when I have a little bit time I often go on "Anglais Facile" because this web side helped me very much at the beginning, when I started learning english online, and also because I always find good exercises in order to improve my grammar. Another good point is the possibility to have a letter corrected in a very short time!
For sure my english is not good but without "Anglais facile" it would have been worse.
I'm not here to sing the praises of "Anglais Facile", I only want to emphasize a fact.
You will ask you why am I writing all of this? The answer is very simple; only because I want to write a letter and see how many mistakes I have done
For this reason it would be very kind of you if you could correct my mistakes in order that I can estimate my current level.
But please don't correct sentences when you mean "it would be better to write differently but the sentence is not wrong". I don't want, and I'll never achieve, to be a perfect english writer or speaker, what I need, especially for my job, is to write emails or letters without big grammar and vocabulary mistakes.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-08-2016 16:24

Réponse : Improvisation/aide de marco007, postée le 07-08-2016 à 17:36:19 (S | E)
It would be nice to receive your comments, thanks.

Réponse : Improvisation/aide de bluestar, postée le 07-08-2016 à 18:48:34 (S | E)
Use a capital letter for proper nouns, so it is 'English' not 'english'
'For sure' is informal - in a formal letter 'certainly' would be better.
Mistakes I have done - it would be more common to write 'made' not 'done'

Réponse : Improvisation/aide de marco007, postée le 07-08-2016 à 21:28:45 (S | E)
Thank you very much Bluestar !

Réponse : Improvisation/aide de gerondif, postée le 08-08-2016 à 00:35:20 (S | E)
There are only two big mistakes.
I have been learning English for a few years, since 2011 ( present perfect + for avec une durée ou since avec une date. )
You will certainly wonder why... au sens de you will ask yourself why..

Réponse : Improvisation/aide de marco007, postée le 08-08-2016 à 09:38:51 (S | E)
Thank you gerondif.
When I read the answers it is always so evident...
Thanks again

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-08-2016 11:12

Réponse : Improvisation/aide de gerondif, postée le 08-08-2016 à 19:51:36 (S | E)
Maintenant que je suis sur un clavier et pas sur un téléphone, je vais pouvoir être plus précis.
Erreurs en bleu, conseils en vert

Avec depuis donc, il faut utiliser le present perfect, comme je le disais.
I have been learning English for a while, for a few years, since 2011.

Ne confondez pas few et a few, little et a little.
I have few friends: j'ai peu d'amis, on s'en plaint.
I have a few friends, j'ai quelques amis, et je suis déjà bien content.
I have little money: j'ai peu d'argent, pas assez, je m'en plains.
I have a little money, j'ai un peu d'argent, ça va aller.

a little au sens de un peu de + nom non-comptable: When I have a little time: quand j'ai un peu de temps. Bit est en trop ou alors au sens de morceau: I have a little bit of metal in my leg. Ou alors a little bit + adjectif: I am a little bit tired (style familier)

On dit thank you very much mais on dira plutôt it helped me a lot

English avec un E majuscule.

Le pronom réfléchi pour: You will ask yourself

La notion de conséquence: it would be very kind of you if you could correct my mistakes so that I can estimate my current level. / in order for me to estimate my current level./ for me to estimate ....

To make a mistake: faire une erreur. On pourrait dire dans un autre contexte: I want to see what I have done wrong.

I am learning english since few years, not continually but episodically, and when I have a little bit time I often go on "Anglais Facile" because this web side helped me very much at the beginning, when I started learning english online, and also because I always find good exercises in order to improve my grammar. Another good point is the possibility to have a letter corrected in a very short time!
For sure my english is not good but without "Anglais facile" it would have been worse.
I'm not here to sing the praises of "Anglais Facile", I only want to emphasize a fact.
You will ask you why am I writing all of this? The answer is very simple; only because I want to write a letter and see how many mistakes I have done
For this reason it would be very kind of you if you could correct my mistakes in order that I can estimate my current level.
But please don't correct sentences when you mean "it would be better to write differently but the sentence is not wrong". I don't want, and I'll never achieve, to be a perfect english writer or speaker, what I need, especially for my job, is to write emails or letters without big grammar and vocabulary mistakes.

Réponse : Improvisation/aide de marco007, postée le 09-08-2016 à 20:24:21 (S | E)
I have been learning English for few years, not continually but episodically, and when I have a little time I often go on "Anglais Facile" because this web side helped me so much at the beginning, when I started learning English online, and also because I always find good exercises in order to improve my grammar. Another good point is the possibility to have a letter corrected in a very short time!
For sure my English is not good but without "Anglais facile" it would have been worse.
I'm not here to sing the praises of "Anglais Facile", I only want to emphasize a fact.
You will ask why am I writing all of this? The answer is very simple; only because I want to write a letter and see how many mistakes I have make.
For this reason it would be very kind of you if you could correct my mistakes so than I can estimate my current level
But please don't correct sentences when you mean "it would be better to write differently but the sentence is not wrong". I don't want, and I'll never achieve, to be a perfect english writer or speaker, what I need, especially for my job, is to write emails or letters without big grammar and vocabulary mistakes.

Merci Gérondif pour m'avoir "ouvert" les yeux. Maintenant ça devrait être mieux, mais est-ce suffisant !?


Réponse : Improvisation/aide de gerondif, postée le 09-08-2016 à 21:53:57 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
I have been learning English for few (peu d'années, few years, ou quelques années, a few years?) years, not continually but episodically, and when I have a little time I often go on "Anglais Facile" because this web side helped me so much at the beginning, when I started learning English online, and also because I always find good exercises in order to improve my grammar. Another good point is the possibility to have a letter corrected in a very short time!
For sure my English is not good but without "Anglais facile" it would have been worse.
I'm not here to sing the praises of "Anglais Facile", I only want to emphasize a fact.
You will ask why am I writing all of this (bon, alors soit vous citez une question au style direct; You will ask: "Why are you writing all of this ? " ou alors vous passez au style indirect: You will ask why I am wrting all of this. sans point d'interrogation) ? The answer is very simple; only because I want to write a letter and see how many mistakes I have make (participe passé).
For this reason it would be very kind of you if you could correct my mistakes so than(ce n'est pas du comparatif) I can estimate my current level
But please don't correct sentences when you mean "it would be better to write differently but the sentence is not wrong". I don't want, and I'll never achieve, to be a perfect english writer or speaker, what I need, especially for my job, is to write emails or letters without big grammar and vocabulary mistakes.

Réponse : Improvisation/aide de marco007, postée le 11-08-2016 à 20:16:56 (S | E)
Merci encore Gérondif d'être aussi attentif.
I have made
so that
c'est de ses erreurs que l'on apprend le plus n'est ce pas ?

Réponse : Improvisation/aide de ethrfld, postée le 13-08-2016 à 21:09:11 (S | E)
J'ai trouvé encore une erreur qui n'a pas été corrigée : on dit website ou web site, c'est exactement comme en français (site web).
Selon mon expérience, pour écrire correctement dans une langue étrangère il est très utile de lire souvent dans cette langue. Même si on n'arrive pas à comprendre tout le vocabulaire, la structure correcte reste dans la mémoire à force de répétition.
Bonne continuation !

Réponse : Improvisation/aide de lucile83, postée le 13-08-2016 à 21:38:59 (S | E)
à mon avis c'est une faute de frappe qui a échappé à tout le monde. Cela arrive souvent et ce n'est pas très grave.
because this web side helped me very much

Réponse : Improvisation/aide de marco007, postée le 14-08-2016 à 20:23:02 (S | E)
Bonsoir à tous,
Oui effectivement, une erreur de frappe dans ce cas...
Mais merci quand même


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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